Darkness Silent Divine

"Where is the divine blacksmith?"

Xue Ren asked this question as soon as both him and Di Xun appeared in random medium world. They had to rest and just take things a little easier for now. Naturally, 28th pillar was with them as Xue Ren wasn't planning on letting him go just yet.

"She should be in one of the alliances that had accepted the split up forces of the former divine weapons alliance. If I am correct, then it should be the Divine Knife that had joined up the forces of the darkness silent divine."

"I get it. You are free."

"Lord! May I know when do you plan of coming back to the hell world?"

"Once I deal with my matters."

Xander nodded, then his body slowly disappeared out from the medium world. He answered honestly, but Xue Ren was ready to use that demon ruler bloodline. As the 28th pillar spitted out everything without holding back, Xue Ren eased and sent him away.

The Hell World...