Sun Shuria - The Throne Of Time Possessor.

Sun Hura gasped, then his hands unconsciously took the pack of chips.

He even shoved his hand in and took one only to enjoy its taste later on. The young man didn't know why, but it felt somehow too peaceful around Xue Ren. The other disciple he was fighting with also calmed down and got his own share of the chips a little later.

The situation was so nice as if on picnic.

"So why are you fighting?"

"We are fighting to join the ranks of my sister... I am one of the youngest, so I have to compete in other worlds."

"And what is the reason for Sun Goddess to search for the strongest disciples?"

The rumors says that Sun Goddess had gone to a lot of strongholds, then even caused some ruckus by utilizing her divine powers. The reason for that was unknown, but Xue Ren hoped to learn something new here.