Moonrose triggers evolution!

The sun was as if body of Mother Sun.

It could be said that Xue Ren and Mother Sun are similar as both of them have their own worlds! Everyone can enter those and now, Xue Ren and his ladies were looking at the golden world within the sun.

That's just heaven for those who are practicing the sun energy.

But Xue Ren was looking at the throne that didn't appear too mighty at all. Of course there was some might to it, but the real throne in front of Xue Ren didn't really possess much stunning aura. It was just common throne.

Then, Xue Ren probe more into the throne of time and found out two souls within it.

"It's a couple."

Sun Shuria explained after feeling his eyes.

The divine couple was within the endless sea of time! Those were God Of Time and his counterpart that had put themselves as a raw power into the throne. They also had sent their consciousness into countless timeline to meet again and again.

Kinda sweet.