Is there Saiyans in this universe ?!

Near the Empire of Asgarr;

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The sun was shining in the Elves' forest, which was named after a legend, which claimed to have some of the living elves, even though most of them died in the Wars of the Empires, thousands of years ago.

In the forest, near a huge tree, he had an elderly man, he had a serious look on his face as he looked at a young, muscular man lying in the middle of some branches, with some bandages and ribbons on his body.

This was Isaac or Broly, however, he preferred. While he was fainting, his expressions ranged from fear to anger, indignation to disgust, and other expressions.

After what appeared to be a few hours, Isaac finally stirred a few fingers of his right hand and then opened his eyes, which were calm.

"Hmm, was that just a dream?" Isaac inquired as he looked around, still lying down.

"What dream are you talking about ?!" the Elder Man asked as he closed his eyes and relaxed.

Isaac then stood up and stood in battle position as he looked at the old man with a serious expression.

"Who are you?" Isaac asked seriously.

[Name: Gold]

[Cultivation: ???]

[Informations: ???]

Isaac's eyes flashed with a strange light, that kind of information, only appeared in people or beasts much stronger, this was common knowledge in games and novels.

"If I were you, I would not stand with my body like that," Gold said calmly.

Isaac then fell to the ground as he felt a very strong pain, whether in the back, belly or head.

"D-Damn, what did you do to me ?!" Isaac asked as he tried to get up.

"Nothing, that's a negative effect of the fight," Gold replied as he got up and looked at Isaac with a serious expression.

'What is this expression? 'Isaac inquired as he felt a lingering fear within him.

"Who are you? How is a Saiyan on this little planet?" Gold asked, looking at Isaac with a serious expression.

"Saiyan ?!" Isaac asked, surprised.

"You do not know, about the Saiyan ?!" Gold asked, surprised.

But what Gold did not realize, was that Isaac knew about the Saiyan, his expression of surprise, it was because someone managed to identify him as a Saiyan, even if this world is cultivated, it means that there may be other Saiyans out there.

"Okay, I'll tell you about the Saiyan," said the Elder Man with a serious expression.

Isaac resolved not to interrupt the man, he wanted more information about the Saiyans or at least the world he was in. It was not long before Man released more information.

"The Saiyans, one of the strongest and oldest races in the world of Immortals, having as their king, the Saiyan Vetage, one of the only ones who can control his form of Oozaru. He is a very proud and brave man, since he faced an army of millions so that his companions could flee. "Gold spoke as he took a few breaths, then he continued;

"But, Sadly Vetage suffered a very serious injury, and was forced to retire, leaving the King's post to his son, Zaiko, who is unfortunately very incompetent, with that, the Saiyans began to decay, forming many internal factions." Gold spoke with a sad expression.

"I-That ..." Isaac stammered, with a strange expression, though he did not belong to this Universe, nor the Saiyan race of this Immortal world, he had a complex feeling in his heart.

"So I ask you to help me raise the Clan of the Saiyan again," Gold said, bending toward Isaac.

"Why do you think I can help you ?!" Isaac asked, confused.

"I saw with my own eyes, your potential is huge, you broke a Realm and five sub-levels while fighting, and you fit the fight every moment." Gold spoke with a serious expression.

"That I can not disagree, my potential is enormous, but what would I gain if I helped you ?!" asked Isaac, who unknowingly, a new feeling was growing in his heart, pride.

"This ... what do you want ?!" Gold asked curiously.

"I want knowledge, strong support and an adversary to fight," Isaac spoke with a serious expression.

"Hmm, okay, I have the knowledge, I am one of the strongest in this world and I know some strong beasts, for you to fight." Gold replied, letting out a sigh of relief, seeing that Isaac did not want anything too big.

'System, what do you have in store to recover ?! "Isaac asked, in his thoughts as he looked at his bruises.

[Senzu Bean = 500 S Cells]

[Cure Potion = 100 S Cells]

[Healing Pill = 200 S Cells]

'What's the difference between the three ?! 'Isaac inquired.

[Senzu Bean = Heals all internal or external injuries immediately]

[Cure Potion = Heals all internal or external injuries, but it will take 3 days]

[Healing Pill = Heals all internal or external injuries, but will leave sequel]

'Buy a bean senzu, and tell all my S Cells. 'Commanded Isaac as he closed his left hand.

[Buy made successfully ... S Cells: 7.630]

Isaac then opened his left hand and saw a small green bean, placing it in his mouth, he swallowed and then felt his body fully recovered, as well as his recovered energy.

"I feel stronger ..." Isaac whispered as he got up and removed all his bandages and tapes. His body was fully recovered and without any injuries.

"Oh, I see you've recovered," Gold said, with no expression at all, it was a very common occurrence in the immortal world.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Isaac asked, confused.

"Get ready, the Red Cloud Seer will come to the Asgarr Empire in a month, I'll train you by that time, as well as pass on some knowledge and techniques," Gold spoke as he looked pensive.

"But I thought our priority was to go to the Immortals?" Isaac asked, confused.

"Yes, that is our main goal, but you are very weak at this time. I can train you, but you will quickly reach its limit, to reach new heights, you have to know the world, I am also an Elder in that sect. "Gold spoke as he had a quiet smile.

"Right ..." Isaac said, while his expression was one of determination.




Dragon Ball Universe;

Planet of Zeno;


Gathered in Zeno's palace where all the angels of the 12 universes, Daishinkan and the Zeno of the future and present.

"So tell us Whis, what exactly happened ?!" Daishinkai asked, looking at Whis.

"Yes, it looks like one of my brothers has returned, and he's much stronger," whispered Whis as he looked at Daishinkan with a serious expression.

"Impossible, they were totally destroyed, unless." Vados spoke, as he wore a serious expression on his face.

"Yes, the request of number 17, he caused all universes to be restored, that ended up including the six universes, which have long been destroyed," Daishinkan said as he moved forward.

"If that's true, I just have to ... destroy them," Zeno remarked from the present, with a serious expression. While all the angels frowned, the last time Zeno made that expression, six universes were erased.

Zeno then raised his hands, making a white light appear on them ... While his serious eyes, soon they were calm.

"It's impossible," Zeno commented as he smiled.

"Yes, yes, it's impossible," said Zeno of the Future, with a smile.

"Hello, Brothers and Daddy." There was a shadow, appearing in the corner of the room.

"You ..." Daishinkan said as he looked serious.

"No use trying to destroy my universe, since I am a Supreme God, just like Zeno." The Shadow spoke in a majestic voice.

"D-God supreme ?!" Daishinkan asked, surprised.

"Yes, I am the merger of all my brothers and sisters, so I ended up merging all six universes and made a single, completely remodeled and perfect multiverse, where many beings have the potential to attain the strength of a God. "Said the Shadow, smiling.

"I see, you will then absorb all these people, including Broly, who you kidnapped." Whis spoke with a serious expression.

"Absorb it ?! No, I have other plans for that Saiyan." He spoke to the Shadow, remembering the colored Soul and the potential of that Body.

The Shadow then totally disappeared from this universe, as if it had never existed. The angels and Daishinkan looked serious, while Zeno had a funny expression.

"He got a lot stronger, huh?" Zeno asked, looking at Zeno of the Future.

"Ne," replied Zeno of the Future, smiling.


