Entrance Exam - Part 1

South of the Asgarr Empire;


It had been almost four weeks since Gold had been training Isaac. At first, Isaac did not lower his guard near Gold, but as the days went on, Isaac saw that Gold was not a bad person, he helped him with all he can, trying to pass as much information as possible.

Isaac had discovered that this world he was was a lower World, possessing more than 200 Billion people, 7 continents and Many Empires. Where he was now, it was the Continent of the Sacred Sword, which did not have this name only of ornament, since each Continent had the name of one of the 7 Sacred Treasures, being the Sacred Sword the strongest room. And the Empire of Asgarr, was empire stronger, and also ruled by Empress Lucy.

In this world, as in all other lower worlds, cultivation was divided into seven Realm, being: Houtian, Xiantian, Disaster Realm, Nirvana Realm, Sky Realm, King Realm, and Emperor Realm. Each one was harder to pass than the other, only 1 of 200,000 people moved from the Xiantian to the Disaster Realm, the latter being much more difficult.




A few hundred miles from the Asgarr empire was Isaac and Gold. Isaac stood in front of a wild and brown bear, while Gold was far away watching this battle.

"Haaaaaaaaaaa!" Cried Isaac, as he cast out the green aura of his body, Isaac then set out upon the wild Bear.

[Name: Wild Bear]

[Cultivation: 1st level of Nirvana Realm]

[Information: He's very tough, and has control over Earth]

Isaac then appeared in front of the bear and tried to hit him with a punch, but the bear invoked a wall of earth, which prevented Isaac's fist.

"Do you think you can stop me?" Isaac asked, his expression proud.

* Booom *

Isaac then made a little force and knocked down the earthen wall into a thousand pieces, thus traversing it and hitting the fist on the bear's face, which was sent flying until it collided with a tree.

The Bear got up, he had a confused expression while he was dizzy. After shaking his head and looking lucid, he glared at Isaac and summoned dozens of earthy spines beneath Isaac, who quietly swerved from everyone.

'Even if your body is very large, it is very fast. 'Gold thought, looking at Isaac, who was deflecting from all the thorns.

"Haaaa!" Isaac shouted, kicking the ground, breaking it in the process and climbing several thorns. Seeing these thorns, Isaac had an idea when he appeared in front of the thorns and kicked them toward the bear, who was shocked and surprised.

* Puft * * Puft * * Puft *

"Gwwwwaaaaa!" Cried the Bear in pain, when many thorns pierced his whole body.

"I'll finish this once and for all," whispered Isaac, still floating, pointing his right hand toward the bear.

"Big Bang Attack!" Isaac shouted as he carried a large ball of green energy in his right hand, sending it toward the wild Bear, who was shocked.


With a thunderous noise, the ground broke in hundreds of pieces, just as some trees fell off the ground and were sent flying. The Bear was far from being seen, probably was decimated at its very core.

'Wh-What ?! even if its cultivation is low, this ball of energy, has colossal damage. Gold thought with a shocked expression.

'System, give me my status. 'Isaac asked as he looked happy. It was his first time using this attack, and he was not disappointed.


- Name: Isaac (Broly)

- Lineage: Saiyan

- Battle power: 542,500 (5th level of Nirvana Realm)

- Estimated lifespan: 600 Years

- Body State: Healthy

- S cells: 10.932 (Soul getting used to the body)

- Talent: 1st level of Sky Body


'I'm much stronger than a month ago. Isaac thought as he looked down at his fists.

"Come on, Isaac, the tests will start." Gold spoke as he looked north, as if he could see all that was happening in the Asgarr empire.

"Okay, I hope you have a lot of strong people," Isaac said with a lively expression.




Asgarr Empire;


Today was a special day in the capital of the Asgarr Empire, one of the strongest and most famous sects, would take the entrance test, this counted on the participation of many important and famous figures. Including the Elder of the Red Cloud Sect, Empress Lucy and the Holy of Sword, Lehman.

In the middle of the Capital of the Empire, there was a huge square with thousands of people, the Seita Exam was an important event and attracted people from nearby towns and villages.

Most of the spectators were standing, with only a few prominent figures sitting around a large stage.

"Empress Lucy, beautiful as ever." The Holy One spoke with the sword as he sat down next to the Empress.

The Saint of the sword had the appearance of a middle-aged man, medium-sized and somewhat muscular, his black eyes scanning every curve of the Empress, while his blond hair swayed in the wind. He was 7th level of Emperor Realm and had almost perfect mastery of the sword.

The Empress just ignored him, sitting cross-legged and cold-eyed.

The Empress was a beautiful woman, with her light blue eyes, long blond hair, she had a cold expression and a very majestic aura. She was 5th level of Emperor Realm and controlled the element of ice.

"Huh, if it's not the Empress and the Saint of the Sword," an old man said, sitting down beside them, he had white hair, a large beard, and green eyes. He was the Elder of the Red Cloud Seer and an Emperor Realm practicing, 8th level.

Sitting behind the Elder, was his disciple, Dalia Phoenix, who had an arrogant expression while waiting for the examinations to begin, she was a Nirvana Realm practitioner, 10th Level. And he was also part of the inner disciples of the Red Cloud sect.

The Elder of the sect then stood up and began to speak: "Pleased to meet you, I am the Elder of the Seita, all who want to take the test, please take the stage, remembering that only those who have above the Xiantian Realm. "

About a hundred young people quickly took to the stage, the youngest being fourteen years old and the youngest their thirties.

"I hope we're not wasting our time," said Dalia Phoenix as her expression grew bored.

"I noticed some interesting people. "Whispered the Elder, looking at three people.

Dalia took her gaze to the figure her master spoke and saw a young man and a woman of eighteen.

"I feel something strange from them," Dalia whispered, confused.

"That's their lineage," the Elder said, to Dalia's surprise.

It was necessary to know that bloodline was very rare, even in this continent, it had only about a thousand people with bloodlines, and Dalia Phoenix was one of them, owning the lineage of the Phoenix of Fire.

"Okay, since everyone's here, we're going to start the first exam." The Elder spoke, holding out his hand, making a huge crystal come out of the ring of his hand.

"This crystal will measure the level of cultivation, your talent and lineage if you have one," said the Elder, looking at the three young men who seemed to be serious.

The three requirements for the forehead were very important, but what defined whether someone was going to pass was the talent. As there were not many people with lineage or cultivation could have advanced by evil or impure methods. The talent was the only way to see if anyone really had the crop they deserved.

"Are they all here now?" "If we will not start the test, and I will not let anyone else in." The Elder spoke, remembering his friend Gold and the disciple he had spoken so much about.

Not listening to anyone manifest or enter the stage, the Elder would begin to speak, when everyone felt a very strong aura, looking up at the sky, they were shocked to see a golden ray, which soon fell near the stage, strangely did not make any bang or destruction, as was expected by almost everyone.

"Sorry for the delay ..." A loud, majestic voice spoke from within the golden ray.

The Lightning then disappeared, when everyone could see two people standing in the place of lightning. One was old and carried a very strong aura, another had a youthful appearance, was very muscular and tall, with a scar on the right side of his face, and wore a black vest with black trousers.

'Exaggerated as always, huh. 'The Elder thought, looking at his friend Gold.

"Go Broly, get it ... and use it only in case of emergency," Gold spoke as he whispered the last part.

"Right ..." Broly said, walking to the stage, everyone's eyes glued to him.

[New mission]

[Description: You are very proud Saiyan, and your power cannot be weak]

[Purpose: Make everyone impressed with your power and win all the exams in the first place]

[Reward: 2nd level of Sky Body + 5,000 S Cells + 3 Senzu Bean]

[Failure: Do not pass the exam]