Sleep Well

With the towers taken out by arrows the group of goblins swarmed the front gate, Kobolds were trying to use his and run tactics to take down the numbers but my original group of goblins were rather used to this. Grabbing the kobolds when they attacked they used their large mouths to bite into the necks of the kobolds.

For the original group their weapons were now rather useless compared to their teeth, and claws, both of them could cause more damage than the dull weapons. I could have made their weapons better, but their bloodthirsty attacks seemed to make them fall into a rage making them more bestial.

Using my bow I actually helped out this time since there seemed to be some mages in the group. The weird thing was is that they seemed to be stalling for time as they constantly retreated and fought in waves, the thought dawned on me that they might have a few healers and were trying to tire out the troops.

Several minutes have past and it was hitting the end of the first hour, the goblins looked to be more enraged as their numbers decreased. Weapons broke and flames started to consume the village only to reveal stones under the skins of animals. This encampment was much stronger than they had originally shown and the encampment would be much stronger than thought.

With that I sent my stranglers into the shadows to go to the back line to fish out a healer if they could find one. After a few minutes the group came up empty searching for anyone healing the injured ones and just picked off who they could without getting caught. This made my heart tighten as I felt like this village itself was a trap set specifically for us.

This was far too quick unless they already realized my plans after only attacking two Kobold villages, or the plot had changed drastically due to not following my script. This was within my calculations should the Kobolds and the Ratfolk not take this too far. They still had to worry about attacks on from more than just myself, so I hoped that wasn't the case.

Having Morningstar break off from the group, I sent him to scout the area to check for any abnormalities. As the minutes passed it became stranger that they were still stalling as I hadn't been warned of anything coming to their rescue. With the rules of this world still a mystery to me I could see see the clues in their eyes as they didn't look like they were defeated.

With a frown on my face I suddenly felt that the ground had shifted a little under my feet, a new sound was in the distance. "Shit shit shit this is too soon."

Morningstar saw the enemy approaching with a cloud of black following them into the air, the glint of metal could be vaguely seen coming from both the north and south sides of battle trying to both encircle and entrap their army.

They weren't taking this new threat lightly, they were planning on eliminating the weaker force quickly so they could focus their resources elsewhere. As the weaker force this didn't bode well for my troops of for myself, and there was only one way of stopping the incoming doom that would happen.

Turning back to William I yelled at him, "The Walkers have come! Get ready to fight, I will need you during this battle."

William threw away his cup of tea and pulled out a magic rod from his robes, his eyes were serious as he knew I was making sure not to involve him too much or lower my own ranking at the end of this. When the smoke cleared the hills and could be seen he understood why, and prepared to cast spells.

With my hands raised in the air, the stranglers all came back to me their eyes serious as Morningstar couched beside me. "Enrage Morningstar and myself, we will be the ones to take it on. They will find out that you don't come to a creation wizard's battlefield, it is by far the stupidest move you can do."

Bags of metals fell to the ground, black stones and several orbs the a glow of green. The last of the objects were things that were specifically prepared for this event, the crystallized form of raw magical power. It was easy to make and each of them held an hour's worth of my contained mana.

These things were highly dangerous and violent, many of them were used to power magical contraptions for years, but those crystals would be much bigger. These ones were just enough to make things interesting, these would make this battle my own.

Mana spread over the materials around me, before sinking into the ground, the soft glow of creation magic at work in ground beneath us. Mana depleted from my veins with only the bare minimum to maintain my weapons, and armor. I would need every ounce of power if what I'm thinking is coming for us.

As the shining pieces of metal come into sight my frown deepened as I gathered up strength in my bow.

Hulking mixtures of pipes and armor spread across a humanoid figure ten feet in height and half that in width. Black smoke roared out of its backside as it rushed forward a small group of ratfolk at each of its sides. I knew a crew of three ratfolk were inside of the machine both powering it and controlling it as a single mage would find it hard to do either.

Their armored shells would be hard to penetrate, and their deadly fire weapons could cause chaos on the battlefield. Both in speed, and defense these monstrosities were reapers on the battlefield their only fault being that they could only fight for two hours max before over heating themselves and killing the passengers.

Turning around there was two more at my back with a group of twenty two ratfolk ready to attack, they paused when they saw only two humans were prepared to attack them. They weren't quite sure who they were, and they were weary of those who still had confidence after seeing their creations.

"Let me welcome you to hell my brothers, may you sleep well!" I yelled out.