A Suprise Exam

—March, 3, Monday—

I took my breakfast and listened to the TV as I waited for the weather forecast to come out.

"The weather today is looking good but in the next three days, there's a probability of 80% raining. Please make sure that you bring an umbrella at the following days:



I immediately turned the TV off after hearing the news, bought my bag, and proceeded to leave my home for my new school.

I have no kith nor kin in this area after I leave my old school. It seems that I can now enjoy my life to the fullest, but I can't, after all this is reality.

I'm just a normal person you can find on every school. I'm a man of silence, I'm a man of no talent.

Reality is always cruel.

On the train station, I can see that mostly 70% of the passengers on there are mostly student, How did i know?, Because they're wearing the same uniform as mine.

Mostly all of the seats are all ready taken by the students and passengers, some of them are chattering about the school that just opened after construction.

With no seat to secure, I decided that I shall stand still until I reach my next stop.

"We're now departing" A low pitch voice came out from the speaker.

The train doors closed then the train began to start and run.

At some point in time, I noticed that I made a big mistake on taking on on this train

"This is bad" I muttered.

Thinking that I should retreat from this place full with girls, I can't. One wrong move and I could earn the spotlight in here.


"Hey boy, what do you think you are doing" A big muscular, bald man with his black shade suddenly spoke to a boy.

It seems that he's a bodyguard.

"It's now happening" I thought.

"Eh? N-Nothing" He stuttered out of his fear and his eyes quivered.

"Is that so?" He questioned the boy again.

"There's nothing to worry about Sam. You should lower your guard" The girl said, giving a sweet fake smile to her bodyguard—Sam.

"But Milady, I saw him-"

"Remember that we must not create a trouble in a public place, Okay?" She explained sweetly.

"Uh! I apologize my rudeness, Milady" he contritely apologize.

That boy is lucky for letting him off.


"We're approaching our next stop in 5 minutes. Please don't forget to bring your own things and leave that is not yours" The man in control of the train spoke from speaker.

That's a good thing to know.


"Hey, Do you see that?" Passengers began to chatter and pointing at the window.

I look at where they are pointing—the outside seeing this blue wide ocean.

It's so bright that I don't want to look on it.

Did I took the wrong train?

Was the pamphlet I read about the school did write anything about the school being close to the ocean?

"Yes!, Yes! We're in the ocean! I'm soo lucky that I enrolled on this school" Students began cheering up, and enjoying the scene.

"Folks, We have reached our destination. The train will momentarily stop for those who want to depart" The driver spoke again from the speaker and the doors began to open.

As soon as the doors opened, The students scampered like soo many rats away the exits.

Exiting right now is a bad idea, It's so tight on here, so I waited for them to finish moving.


"Sigh...Finally—some peace." I muttered from this exhaustion i caught from crowdness.

On my side, there's that two person standing; They are that Sam, and his companion.

The sweet look on her face disappeared and replaced with disgust when mostly all of the student departed out of the train.

Suprisingly she didn't mind me looking at her for long.

With that being said, I let a long sigh of relief and exit the train too.

Suzuki City Private High School Huh? I wonder if there's a reason on why this school is sitting on side of the blue ocean.


—After Entrance Ceremony—

Surely, the pain in the butt just subside from the entrance ceremony after prolong continue of standing.

Entering the room, I can see that there's only one empty chair left for me next to a wall.

I secured a seat then a man like-teacher came in.

"Good morning Class D. Welcome to Suzuki City Private High School. As you already know, this school does not use numbers as a grade."

An abrupt of chatter surround the class.

"Grades? What does he mean?"

I'm a bit shock hearing that this school doesn't use numbers as a grade. Did I forgot to read some page at the pamphlet?

"Excuse me sir? What do you mean by Grades?," A girl stands up and asks. "How are we gonna be-" The girl continued, suddenly, the teacher interrupted.

"More info is written at this pamphlet." He said, holding it.

Another pamphlet huh?

The teacher distributed it on one by one at our desk but it would be easy for him if he could just ask the front student to pass it at the back.

Looking far from pamphlet, I could see that it's just an ordinary one, but if I re-examine it and look closely, there's some message hidden on it, kinda like a base64 encoded text put to a QR code? and a teeny bumpy braille code that everyone might mistaken for a scratch.

"The exam should start right now" The teacher in front said.


"Huh!? What exam!?" The words came in sync with students.

"You have 15 minutes to find the question and answer it. You all can share your answer with your classmate or either take it with yourself, but beware that all of you must past this exam. You can only use your phone or calculator during this." Said the teacher. "Failure to this exam will result in all of you in suspension" He continued, giving each and everyone of us an acrimonious look with an intense feeling that I found very similar in my very own past.