I'm Kentaro

This is really really bad.

"Anything that could go wrong will go wrong." Murphy's law said.

Concerto No. 2 in G minor by Vivaldi, will clearly describe this situation.

Chairs and Desk begans to clatter like thousands of rats from the continues moving of it. In this current situation of mine, some of my mate formed a group, some formed partners with someone they know and some just don't really fucking care; like me.

There's three separated section here at the pamphlet. One is 'About Section' of this school, next section is the pictures of this school and the other one is where the code is. At the back, there's that several black painted braille code with letters written on its side kinda like an instruction on how to decrypt it.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back to my chair like a noodle—enjoying the music that's playing in my head that automatically happens when I feel danger.

"Oh, do you hear that? It's the bird chirping from the outside". As soon as the Presto part came in, which is my favorite, someone broke my thread of reverie.

"Hey! You boy!" Slapping my back, almost choking me. "I'm Keiji Canmore, nice to meet you" He said, continuesly wringing my unresponsive hand. "You can call me 'Keiji' and you?" He continued.

Fuck, I don't know what should I do, I'm never good at socializing.

Then a conclusion came to my mind.

There's only four possible question I can give to him to deepen my relationship with him and that is:

"What is it?"

"When is it?"

"Where is it?"

and finally

"How is it?"

But if he has a question, then good 'cause I know how to answer to.

I must say that this man has ball of steels. His courage to approach my dead eyes is implausible to do. I should answer his question for the sake of my school life.

"Ehh...Umm... Kentaro Knowknow- I mean Knowles. Nice to meet you too" I gave him a little smile of mine. "You can call me 'Kentaro' if you want" I continued, letting my hand off from his.

"Okay Kentaroro-san, do you have an idea where the question is, from what the teacher says?" He questioned.

I ignored how he said my name and pretended that he pronounced it correctly.

This guy just came to me to find if I know something. Well, what were you expecting Kentaro?

"Of course no." Said I, reluctantly and thinking, "Don't be hasty Hayato, stay out of trouble!"

Both at the same time, I'm thinking that I could use him for myself as a proxy.

As soon as he turned back, I created an exlamation enough to be heard by him.

"A-Ah!" Unfortunately, a crack occured at my voice, but I did caught his attention.

"What? Did you find something?" He queried, after he immediately turned to me.

"Look at the section 3. Do you see something?" I ask

"Yes, A QR code." He answered.

"Did you scan it?"

"Yup, and everyone's working on decrypting it using the instruction at the back"

"May be we should look at this section closely and could find something."

He look at it, examining every single little box of the QR but didn't noticed the braille code because it isn't painted and it's just a teeny bump.

Maybe I should give him a clue.

I flip my pamphlet to section 3, torn a scratch of paper from my textbook and put it in top of my pamphlet.

I then ask him to shade it using his own pencil and by jove! he noticed it—THE BRAILLE CODE!

The braille code from the pamphlet cause to darken on the torn paper when he shaded it because of the bump.

"Everyone! I found it! I found the last code!" He exclaimed running on the front.

Now, I should also be finishing my answer.

The braille code gave us the password to the the encrypted base64. The decrypted code gave us the question to be answer, as well as the instruction on how to pass our answer to the teacher which is connecting to a WIFI named "Apollo".

After passing our answer, we all are congratulated with a wristwatch given to us by our teacher. Looking at it, It has a color of ginger hair, Has a square-shape screen and almost look like a modern touch-screen watch.

Seriously, What kind of school did I enrolled in??

I glanced at my pamphlet again to read what this school is about.

"Welcome to Suzuki City Private High School!" The greeting said. "Our mission is letting the student educate themself." Wait a second... Is that a even a mission?

"With the student ability in logic to pass this school, begin by educating yourself and it would lead you to your success" Okay ok, this is quite normal to me, but how about to them?

"Students will spend a year on this school educating theirself. We officials decided that only one—the best should be allowed to graduate from this school and not the followers. During this one year period, you all are allowed to do anything that you want except violence (physical or verbal) and harrasment. Because this school is a whole city, we have covered the rent of your house, your living expenses, and school expenses. Failure to passing this school will lead you to suspension for 3 years and you will be blacklisted by all school for transferring."

Dang, looking at the whole paragraph, I realize that there's so much to read, so I summarized it, Thus here's my summarization. "The system of this school is quite simple. If you lose, you lose and if you win, you win."

If I use my reasoning on why a school with this system exist, It is probably because that person exist, or it's just for social experiment.

The next section contains the picture and map of this school. I estimated that the area of this school is almost like a city.

A system like this should be implemented by every high school;

By letting the student educate themself, teachers will clearly see who the winner is.

A school that doesn't base their student using grades huh? Let's see how far this system can take us to suffer.