Chapter 19 :The realms above Heaven shattering realm

After arriving at the domain lightening was raining like it was raining water drops but due to Raven being at Earthly realm the lightning was nothing against him. After Raven activated his eyes he had seen what beast lies infront of him like two headed eagle, pack of lightening wolf, lightening bull, and many more each was able to threaten Raven's life but due to his eye abilities he was and his mask he was able to avoid them. After searching for almost two hours Raven got no where he was not able to find anything thing after some times he started to doubt.

After searching for two days Raven killed many beast and finnaly got the lightening body ability this could help Raven to absorb lightening to tamper his body. After three days Raven had the physical body of Earthly 5th realm. After searching he got tired and went to a cave the cave like normal cave to Raven so he didn't payed attention to it. After roasting some beast Raven talked to himself "where the hell is this treasury of Godly Immortal puppet sect if it weren't for the map containing the chaos qi giving a proof of existent I would have long abandon it" when Raven was eating he noticed something was glowing in the spatial ring and when he observed it the Map was glowing which showed Raven a hope. After traveling inside the cave he still couldn't find anything. "This damn sect where the hell could have they hide it??"

Raven was furious he still couldn't find it. After Raven activate his Eye of Divine truth he still couldn't find any things.After he deactivated his Eyes of Divine Truth he noticed some difference so he activated it again and when I he did that he founded out one of the rock would dissappear when he deactivated his Eyes when he touched the rock he kept some qi into it and suddenly he went to a another so called world.

The world had many herbs, techniques, arts, puppets, spiritual stones, weapons, pills, healing pills, sections but while searching ghetto he found a diary.

The dairy was written by the owner of this world The heaven shattering expert his name was Patrick.

One of my personal disciples who was a sky shattering realm was killed by some unknown force so I ordered my sect to hunt them

Next day

All of my Disciples and cultivators of my sect dissappeared who went to kill the culprit dissappeared

second day

I ordered my remaining disciples to be alert

Third day

Unknown people started to appear and kill the remaining disciples of my sect

fourth day

I challenged them the next day

Fifth day

I finally knew there are realms higher then heaven shattering realm

"Different sentence but same meaning it seems the Godly Immortal puppet sect was destroyed by the expert who are at different realm higher then heaven shattering realm could it be the realm of Gods I saw while trying to comprehend the Shell of Heavenly turtle and Roar of Godly Lion if it is then did the personal disciple of Patrick got into conflict with the Gods or existent rivaling the gods or the Gods from different universe this is truly a mystery if it is God's from another universe trying to conquer this universe if so I should be strong quickly otherwise I won't be able to protect my self the resources of the Godly Immortal puppet sect should be enough for me to reach at least ultimate realm of sky shattering realm

The Herbs section had

Frost fruit which increases your resistance of Ice higher, unbreakable body fruits which strengthen your body, Nine petal which will increase my cultivation speed, kɒmprɪˈhɛnd fruit which will increase my comprehending ability, Remedy fruits which will increase my self regeneration, Immortal body fruit, , Unity fruit and like this more then 10 thousand precious herbs.

The pills section

The pills were numbered in more then fifteen thousands.

The Treasury of Godly Immortal Puppet sect

There were numerous puppets but Raven was not able to control them so he left the room and entered another room

The spiritual stones was numbered in more then 5 thousands just in first grade and more then twenty thousands in others grade

The arts worth mentioning were heavenly art only

Heavenly arts-Ancient puppetry art, Profound puppetry arts, Grand puppetry arts,Panthom Puppetry arts, Immortal puppetry arts

All of them were profound and hard to understand but due to the ability of the eyes Raven was able to understand it

After 1 months

"After 1 months I have finally understood all of the puppetry arts now I can control the puppets stored in the treasury room"Raven said after injecting his qi Raven used his puppet arts to control them "It seems I can only control the puppets one realms higher then me but the more I become stronger more I can make them my subordinates"

There was a puppet while covered with talisman, formations, and many traps covering the puppet.

"The puppet seems to be at heaven shattering realm I wonder who could have power to kill it maybe ganged up by other experts who used puppets well the puppets don't think about their life" after observing quite a while Raven left when he becomes stronger he will control that puppet

After arriving at her spiritual stone section

I wonder how much realm can I go higher by devouring all of them but first I should make my dantian stable otherwise I will be weaker then normal experts.