Chapter 20: The God of Death himself has to ask permission from me If he wants to take your life

After that he started to absorb those spiritual stones he had absorbed more then five thousand and he advanced to 9th stage of Earthly realm.

His strength had increased more then 20 times. After that he returned to the lightning domain and killed all the beast in one strike his strength was comparable to 3rd stage of Earth shattering realm. After he stabilized his qi he continued his journey. After traveling for more then two days

"Hey when is the competition going to start"

"it is going to start I can't wait to see the battle of those mighty genius from four sects"

Hearing this Raven went and asked"Can you tell me about those four sects" hearing this the man replied "You don't seem to around from here?" Raven replied"Yes I just arrived today"

"It seems you arrived at the right time boy after three days there is the battle of four sects- Unbroken sword sect, Profound blossom sect, Explosive fist sect and Unparalleled sword sect these all sects have held a competition"

"Can you tell me the rewards? "Raven asked" The first would be given hunderd top 1 grade spiritual stones which is unbelievable, a weapon at high earth grade and a mid level Earth healing pill , second would get a mid earth grade weapon and 25 top 1 grade spiritual stones while the third will be given low grade earth weapon and a top black grade healing pill" The man replied. After that Raven thought "Let's see what the geniuses of the four sects are capable of" After that Raven went to had gone to the inner world due to the stone the stone was called the Universal some which had its own world this stone was the stone which contained the riches of Godly Immortal puppet sect and he had made the stone a necklace but to think a sect just at Mortal world would have universal stone if it was leaked out even supreme sect of Immortal realm would spend every effort to have it . After absorbing the herbs and stones had advanced from 9th Earthly realm to 1st Earth shattering realm which has huge leap but if nearly consumed more then nearly seven thousand low spiritual stones

The grade one stones were the highest

The grade from second to fifth were Mid while rest were low grade stones.

Raven had stabilized his qi.

He was sleeping in the road with clothes torn apart which made him seem like a begger. He wanted to see if those geniuses had wisdom or not because even if the people had high grade talents even if it was Heaven Defying talent he would never treat them nice if they do T have wisdom because in his past life he was a orphan and a lowly begger on the street but due to a family whose husband was defective they adopted him had given him love but was massacred by the demon and he swored vengeance and killed the demon exchange for his own life.

Day 1 no one paid attention to Raven

Day 2 some of the disciples of these four sects came some laughed at him while someone kicked him but he was still acting

Day 3 there were some carriages which carried the geniuses but no one paid attention to him until

"Hey are you fine? " a boy stared at Raven and spoke" I don't have much but take this gold coins to buy some foods" and he gave Raven 13 gold coins and he left and middle aged person came and said"Hey those were your saving saved throughout your whole life and what about your sister? "

The boy replied "Don't worry uncle I will rank third rank to get the low grade healing pill and I will heal my sister"

The middle aged man said "It is not easy to rank even though you have high grade talent you still won't to able rank high as there will be geniuses higher talent then you"

The boy said "If God's can help me I will be able to treat my sister" and they left

Raven mumbled to himself "It seems he is worthy for my attention"

After that Raven went to the universal stone and controlled the 5 puppets at sky shattering realm with his current strength the puppets were at 3rd sky realm.

Today was the day the competition was going to begin.

He went to the to the spectator seat. After that he was observing the boy he met yesterday. The first competition was to handle the pressure of ten Grandmaster 4th grade realm. The competitors and the boy were in sweat but the boy was still holding on. After one hour half if the competitors were eliminated they were given Mid quality golden grade pill to heal themselves but the boy didn't use it and kept it which made Raven admire him more as he knew the reason for it. The competition were now at battle ground.

"Robert and karen enter the battle field"

After a insignificant battle

"Robert wins"

"Steven and John enter the battle ground"said by the instructor

"Steven what a nice name " Raven said to himself.

"I pity the boy named Steven" a man told.

"Huh can you tell why "Raven asked" It is because the boy named John is the son of sect leader of unbroken sword sect that boy is born with golden spoon in his mouth and the sect leader can't handle when his own son gets hurt if you will go on a rampage I dont even know why he is participating if he doesnt want to get hurt "The man replied.

" Brat if you don't want to to get hurt get the hell out of the battle stage"John said in arrogant voice.

"No I will win atleast third position and I will heal my sister" Steven said

"Tch take this silver coins and get the hell out " John said

" Hey Brat get the hell out "a middle aged man said this man was probably the master of unbroken sword sect

Raven waited to see if he would only him or if he doesn't obey them if he disobeyed him he would take this boy as his disciples.

" No I can't"Steven said

"Let's see how you will win without hurting him " The master of unbroken sword sect said.

All the people could only shut up and other master of only watched because if they didn't want to offend the master of unbroken sword sect for mere boy.

" Let the battle begin"the instructor said

"Flame fist" and hitted the boy named John but a armor appeared

"Hahaha hahaha Countryside boy now you see what real riches means it wouldn't matter even if I tell you Country side boy "John said and attacked Steven and he started to hit him. Steven started to get hurt badly but he still stood on. Steven was hurt but he still stood on." Hahaha brat today I shal kill you and you should only blame yourself for not obeying me"The boy named John said. "Iron fist" Stevan shouted and hitted his face.

"I got hurt I got hurt father please kill this countryside bastard for me wu wu"The boy named John shouted while crying.

"Brat you dare hurt my son"the master of unbroken sword sect shouted and charged

"he can only blame himself for not obeying"

"I pity that boy "

" Tch a Countryside boy doesn't even value his life"

Seeing this Raven shouted "BASTARD IF YOU DARE HURT THAT BOY I WILL DESTROY YOUR ENTIRE SECT" and released his Earth shattering realm and five sky realm puppets appeared and started protection the boy.

The killing intent and the powerful aura of Raven made all of the people even the cultivators difficult even to breathe.

"My God a single sky realm can destroy any one of the four sect and there are total of five sky shattering realm protecting him"

"what kind of background does that kid possess to keep sky shattering realm as his gaurd"


After that he came in front of the kid and said" tell me one word and I will destroy the unbroken sword sect tell yes or no? "

All of the people were in fear and mostly the disciples from unbroken sword sect to think their life would be on the hands of a mere kid

"Senoir please instead of destroying them please help my sister" Steven requested which made Raven in daze for a moment and said

" This boy Take this pill " and Raven handed him a pill.

" Isn't that a my God it is a heavenly recovery pill"

"Moreover it is the highest quality"

"My God who is this mysterious person he handed the heavenly pill like it handing a candy"

"It seems the unbroken sword sect made a terryfying enemy"

"Thankyou Senoir I will one day return the kindness to you"Steven said

"Boy do you want to be my disciple?" Raven asked

"ye- no sir I am sorry"he replied hearing this all the person asked to themselves "Does this boy don't have brain?" Raven asked "Is it because of your sister?" Steven was shocked and said "Yes senior" "ahahahahahhah boy you are more then qualified to be my disciple" Steven asked "Why do you want me to be your disciple?" hearing this Raven replied "I had dressed as a begger to see the wisdom and their nature but in the end only you gave me some golds, you kept Mid quality golden grade pill for your sister, you hold on to win the prize of healing pill to heal your sister, you were given pressure but still hold on this is the disciples I want, even if the person possess talent which can defy the Gods itself I will give no shit about them if they dont have nature like you and don't worry brat even if the God of Death came himself to take your life he will have to ask to me first "

" I greet the master" Steven said