Stupid Bolster-Second night

After they stuffed their empty stomach at the food stall, the two of them went shopping together. Since Jennet has been moving into her new home, Marvina accompanied her to buy her food supplies.

It was already late in the evening when they finish shopping. Jennet drove Marvina to her apartment. Since Marvina stayed at the apartment provided by the company, she stumbled upon her other colleagues who had just return from work.

They glanced at her with unhappy expression all over their faces when she dropped Marvina off outside the apartment. Their expression showed disgust and contempt when they saw her driving her car.

Marvina knew the atmosphere was getting gloomy as seconds passed. So, she immediately spoke out to Jennet, "Ignore them. Afterwards, you just drive straight home and don't go wander around and remember to report duty for tomorrow."

Jennet nodded her head with a small smile over her sad looking face. "Okay, and you be careful as well." She said, trying to sound cheerful. She inhaled a deep breath and smiled widely towards Marvina.

Marvina aligned from the car before closing the door. She bent forward towards the car's window and reminded her, "Be careful on your way home and see you tomorrow, Jennet!" Marvina waved her hand while smiling.

Jennet waved back at her from the driver's seat before she drove off, leaving the apartment area.

She drove through the silent night along the empty road, going uphill slowly and away from the bustling city centre. She turned on the radio and to ease her unhappy heart.

The neon light along the way was like a warm welcome that accompanied her all the way to her new home. She didn't feel so afraid of driving alone at night throughout the empty road since there is no other resident close to her place.

From afar, a tall figure was already standing at the balcony, watching the car entering the villa's compound. As soon as the car came to a stop in the porch, the figure disappeared into the house.

Jennet stopped the engine and she sat in the car for a few minutes, inhaling and exhaling few deep breaths before she finally stepped out and flung her bag over her shoulder.

She opened the back door and grabbed all the grocery bags from the passenger's seat. Holding the grocery bags carefully in her arms, she walked towards the entrance and unlocked the door.

As soon as she opened the door, a soft gust of wind greeted her face. The surrounding immediately turned warmer as if the house was alive and was greeting her with happiness.

She had this strange feeling when she turned on the light switch by the wall next to the door. She looked around the empty house before closing the door behind her with a soft thud.

"I am home!" She said and deliberately raised her voice. Not only that, she knocked on the wall as if trying to catch the attention of someone before she looked to the left and to the right.

No one's there and the house was as empty as how she left this afternoon.

She shook her head slowly and heaved a sigh. What happened to me? Why do I feel as if I am not alone here? I must be too tired and getting paranoid again.

She stepped out from her shoes and put on house slippers before she walked into the living room. She stopped at the living-room for a while and looked upstairs.

The brightly lit hallway was empty and again she shook her head as she heaved another big sigh.

Nope, I am alone here as always. I am away from everyone in the apartment. There is nothing scary in this house as well. I am totally in a safe zone now. She mumbled to herself.

She headed into the kitchen and placed the grocery bags on top of the dining table. She started to remove the stuff inside the bags and placed them inside the fridge. Then, she folded the empty bags and kept them inside the cabinet of her kitchen counter. Before leaving the kitchen, she poured a glass of water for herself and gulped it down in one go, to quenched her thirst.

She ran upstairs and headed straight into her bedroom. She tossed her bag on the bed and tied her long hair into a high bun before she took off her white T-shirt.

She stripped naked in front of the bed and took her towel from the clothesline. She headed into the bathroom after picking up her clothes from the floor.

After fifteen minutes, she stepped out from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. Her slightly wet hair by the sides of her face made her look sexy and cute at the same time. Her refreshed look made her looking so tempting.

She opened the wardrobe again and took out her pyjama and put it on. She hung the towel on the clothing line next to the bathroom door. Then she took the bag from the bed and placed it on her dressing table.

She pulled the curtains around the sliding door. She took out her phone from her bag and sat by the bedside. She set her phone for an alarm at six am for the next day.

Satisfied that everything was set, she smiled widely as she crawled to the centre of the bed and laid her aching back comfortably there. Again she giggled happily like a kid when she dived onto the comfy pillows. She grabbed the bolster and turned to her side looking at the brightly lit lamp.

For some unknown reason, she didn't dare to turn off the lamp by her bed. She felt uneasy just thinking about sleeping in the dark. Then, she remembered Marvina's word during the day.

'For your own safety, you need a man with you in your new place.'

She shook her head. No, no, no. I am just fine all alone.

Then, she shifted her gaze at the sofa while hugging tightly on the bolster.

"Goodnight..." She whispered and closed her eyes. She immediately drifts away into slumber.

After some time had passed, the room was quiet and only the sound of crickets outside the villa was the only nocturnal companions of the night.

The same tall figure appeared again and this time, he was already sitting on the sofa. He had been there all along and witnessed all that she had done minutes ago.

"She sleeps so easily..." He whispered to himself. His voice was low and sexy and it disappeared in the wind. His expression was a mixture of dissatisfaction.

He stood up and walked towards her who was sleeping soundly on the bed. His light blue robe flutters by his side at his movements.

He stood by the bedside, staring deeply at her sleeping face. Looking at her, hugging the bolster with a leg over it, made him frown.

"Why do you have to hug this stupid bolster when you have me?" He whispered in a cold but soft tone. He tried to take the bolster away but since she hugged it so tightly in her sleep, he just let it be. At least for now!

His jade-blue eyes stared at her bare feet that was not covered. Grunting softly, he pulled the quilt over her body as he joined her under it as well.

They were so close to each other on the bed. He could feel her warmth underneath the covers and he had the urge to touch her again. Only the bolster was separating them.

He raised a hand and ran his finger over the line of her jaw and down to her chin. His eyes then fixed on her kissable lips that were a bit pale.

He leaned his face closer to devour that pale lips but then he stopped. He was holding himself again against the sudden urge to totally pounced on the sleeping woman who was so defenceless before him.

He looked at her face again before pulling his face away a bit from her.

He smiled. "Well, my dear... I cannot do anything to you just yet. But, I will reward you with something nice, much nicer than hugging this stupid bolster." He whispered in her ear with a warm smile over his face. "Sleep tight..."