Frightful Night

It was late in the night when Jennet awoke from her sleep. She heard the sound of the running water from the bathroom. Turning her head to the side, she slowly propelled herself into a seating position on the bed.

Her brows furrowed as she looked at the darkened bathroom. Did I forget to turn off the shower head?

She flipped the quilt and stepped out from the bed slowly. Slipping in her slippers, she walked towards the bathroom. As soon as she opened the bathroom door, hot steams gushed out, wrapping her skin with the warm sensation.

She stepped in but immediately came to a halt when she saw a tall figure standing under the running shower behind the glass in the shower area.

Her heart suddenly accelerated at an intense speed. She could feel the hair behind her back standing and goosebumps appeared all over her body. She stepped back slowly and reached for the light switch.

Click! Click!

She kept switching but, no lights emerged from the lightbulbs. She glanced at the switch and cursed angrily. Why now the bulb has to be so problematic?!

She was too absorbed on cursing the light switch when the running water suddenly came to a stop. She turned towards the shower area. She squinted her eyes to have a better look.

The tall figure was not there anymore!

Her hand switch the light again but still, nothing happened. Frowning, she looked around. No one is inside.

Gulping down her own saliva silently, she stepped backwards slowly. I must have imagining something ridiculous!

She was about to turn around when she heard the sound of something falling to the floor.

Her body jolted in fright. She looked back."Anybody there?" She called out, loud.

Her little heart squeal in fright. The hair behind her back standing again!

She stretched her neck towards the shower. Her fingers were trembling as she reached out a hand to push the glass door slowly.

She stood in front of the door, looking at every corner. Nothing fell on the floor. Even weird, the floor was not even wet though she clearly saw the water running from the shower minutes ago!

She shook her head. I better go back to sleep!

She hurriedly turned around, leaving the darkened bathroom in long strides while having a hand clutching tightly on her shirt. She closed the bathroom door and headed straight to her bed.

She jumped on the bed and immediately get under the cover, pulling it over her head. She closed her eyes tightly under the cover.

Go to sleep, go to sleep. She enchanted the words continuously in her mind. She kept silent for a few minutes.

The silence was broken again by the sound of the glass door creaking slowly.

However, her ears were sensitive. Even from under the thick cover, she could hear the door creaking as someone pushed it open.

Go to sleep, go to sleep. I need to wake up early tomorrow! She kept on persuading herself to sleep while plugging her ears with her forefingers under the cover.

Although she's frightened, she didn't dare to move from the bed. She just laid still, pretending to be sleeping soundly.

The sound died and silence filled the room again. The silence was killing the frightened woman under the cover.

Suddenly, she felt movements from behind her, as if somebody was climbing the bed. She shut her eyes even tighter and pressed her ears while biting hard on her lower lips, preventing herself from screaming.

The movements stopped just behind her. She felt goosebumps all over her body when she felt a cold breeze flew above the cover. Something was enveloping her!

She didn't even move a muscle and just lay still like a log. She pretended to be sleeping for quite some time. However, after some time had passed, she started to feel so stuffy under the cover and she had the urge to pry her head out to get a breather. But she hesitated.

So, she kept silent for another long minute. She stayed alert and waited for another movement but nothing happened like how she wanted.

When she couldn't stand the stuffiness, she pulled the cover slowly and inhaled a deep breath. She opened her eyes but was startled to see long golden hair over her. She reached out from under the cover and flick the hair away but...

A fair hand suddenly grabbed her hand from behind and she immediately let out a long and desperate scream.


Jennet jerked awake from her deep sleep with a desperate gasp. She stared at the white ceiling before turning her head to the side, looking at the bathroom door that was closed tightly. Even the bathroom was empty.

She immediately sat on the bed and reached for her phone on the bedside table. She stared at the time displayed on the screen. 6 am!

She immediately turned off the alarm. She sat for a while on the bed while trying to steady her pounding heart. She cupped her face and sighed in relief.

"It was just a dream." She exhaled a long breath as she looked back at the bathroom again. Shooking her head slowly, she stepped out from the bed and pulled the curtains.

She stared out at the green trees that were enveloped in the embrace of the morning mists. The sun has not risen yet but the sky was beautifully painted in pale white.

She pushed the sliding door to the side and stepped out while hugging herself at the balcony as coldness embraced her from every direction. She stared out, watching the horizon that was all green.

She inhaled a few refreshing breaths to clear her mind from the bad dream she had just now. She closed her eyes, enjoying the silence in the morning.

'I must think how I will manage my work as soon as I report duty today.' She whispered to herself, trying to distract her mind. She will have to face that two-faced woman and she had prepared herself for the worst.

From a distance, hidden behind a tree close to the villa, an old woman wrapped in a black knitted robe, was staring at the woman who was standing at the balcony of the villa. Her watchful eyes caught the glimpse of a tall figure standing behind the woman, embracing her from behind.

"A newcomer." She whispered. She smiled as she stepped back slowly and turned around. She disappeared into the forest.