Only Two

Little Veen coughed softly. "Only two privileges have been granted to you." He said.

The master raised an eyebrow. "Only two? How about the rest? Why not all? They are so stingy!" He said. He mumbled alone not satisfied with what he heard.

"Then, should I go back to them then?" He asked calmly.

His master grunted. "Just tell me of the privileges now since you're already here." Said the blonde man while mumbling all to himself.

Little Veen ignored all his unsatisfied mumbling. "The first one is, you will only be able to retrieve your body if you spend more time with your wife. She's the key to your freedom. Each time spent with her will help you get back what you've lost." He explained.

The blonde man chuckled softly. "Now she's the key. Yesterday, she was the door. Tomorrow? Will she be the floor?" He asked in a mocking tone.

"Master, I will leave if you continue to get angry like this." Little Veen said, threatening his master with his calm words.

"Don't you dare. I was just upset because they tricked me. I was finally happy to be able to be with her after all these years but now, she was getting that ridiculous thought in her head." His master said while pointing to his head.

"Then, keep on listening without interrupting." Little Veen dished out at him. His tone was, stern. It doesn't fit his cute feature as a little boy at all!

The blonde man pouted but he didn't say anything but just gestured the boy to continue talking.

Little Veen raised his little head and said, " So, your comforting power has been returned back to you. Please use it wisely."

As soon as the blonde man heard the sentences, he smiled widely. His eyes sparkled in an instant. My power is back! Yes!

"But, only one-third of your power is back." Added Little Veen, making his master's face turned sour instantly.

"You love to make me happy for a while then hell the next second." He complained while pulling a long face at the little boy.

"What can I do with only one-third of my power?" he asked again.

"Undressing." Replied the little boy.

His master was in a daze for a while before he burst into laughter. Did he just hear it correctly?


Little Veen just nodded his head. "Yes, you heard me correctly. I said, undressing." He repeated.

The blonde man balled his fists. How the heck is he going to comfort his wife by undressing her when everything was already messed up on the second night. Even worst, he had been regarded as a ghost! His pride was hurt!

He was already pulling a long face on the chair when he thought about how furious she will be. "They are really making fun of my helplessness." He complained. He glared to the sky.

"So, for the second privilege granted to you, you will only be able to leave this place if she invites or gives you the permission to go out." Little Veen continued without caring for his complaint just now. He just let his master sulk on the chair.

"What?" His master frowned in confusion. "Wait, wait, wait." He stopped the little boy by waving his hand.

His brows furrowed as he looked at the calm Little Veen, "So, you're meaning to say that I have been put under curfew now?"

Little Veen looked at him, "Yes." Little Veen answered without hesitation. "It is much better than having to be under house arrest forever."

"Thinking back, it does suit you very well Master." He added after a few seconds pause.

"What do you mean?"

"No one was able to control you before so, only one person can do it now and that will be your wife. So, a human will be controlling you from now on." Little Veen said. His voice was laughing but his facial expressions say the opposite of it. His expression was so cold and distant.

The blonde glared at him. "Little Veen, if I can break that protective barrier around you, I would strangle you to death." He said angrily.

"You wouldn't because you will be lonely without me. " He said, provoking his master even more. "I have been your company for so many years now." He added. "Furthermore, you can do whatever you want with her since you got only one-third of your power now."

"Even if I can do whatever I want, she cannot see me. All of my plan to make her realise my existence only made her think that I am something scary. I am not! I don't even want to be in this state either."

"Then, just be patient and keep her company because I will not be able to come and help you smooth thing out with your wife."

His master grunted angrily in his seat. He looked away, ignoring the little boy. Why does his sidekick have to be so rotten to him?

Little Veen coughed softly to attract his attention, "You should control your own temper or may I say, your own jealousy, Master. Your wife will drive you out in no time if you don't."

"I will control her so just you wait and see the result soon." He said, challenging him.

"Sure master but don't lose yourself too soon then." The boy challenged him back.


His master looked up to the sky. "You're all so stingy! Why give me just two?! Just let me have all of my power back!" He shouted.

"And, I am not a kid to be put on curfew!" He grunted and stood up from the chair. He walked towards the room and disappeared slowly into veils of mist as soon as he reached the sliding door.

Little Veen stood alone at the balcony. After quite some time, he, too, disappeared into thin air.