Are you married?

It was already noon time when Jennet realised the time of the break had come long ago. Remembering the promised made with Luca for a lunch, she hurriedly rearranged her messy desk before she heads out of the office. She took out her phone from her handbag and saw a text message from Luca which was sent two hours ago.

In the text mentioned the name of the restaurant. Luckily, the place Luca mentioned was close by, just a building away from their company. But she was already late for 15 minutes!

Her phone suddenly rang. She looked at the screen and found out Luca was calling her. She hurriedly answered the call. "Hello, Mr Ty... I mean Luca, I am on my way now." She said.

She walked out of the building and crossed the street. She was still on the phone when she bumped into an old woman wrapped in a knitted black robe. The old woman fell to the floor due to the collision.

"Oh, I am so sorry ma'am. Are you hurt?" Jennet gasped as she immediately ended her call and bent down to help the old woman.

As soon as her hands touched the old woman's arms, she felt the woman's body twitched by her touch. It was as if she had electric current flowing through her body that could electrocute those she got in contact with.

The old woman looked at her with a surprised face. "Are you single?" She asked out of the blue.

"I beg your pardon?" Jennet frowned as she tilted her head a bit as she looked at the old woman, trying to catch what she meant just now.

Jennet was in confusion. Did she just ask if I am single?

"Are you married?" The old woman asked again.

Jennet was silent for a while before she let out a little laugh as she politely answered, "No, I am still not married yet, ma'am," There was a warm smile over her cute face.

She held the old woman's arms while helping her to get on her two feet. Then, she took the old woman's handbag from the floor and handed it to her.

"Are you hurt somewhere on your body?" She asked softly while looking carefully at the old woman's arms and feet, checking if there were any injuries on her.

The old woman took her handbag and smiled at her, "No, I am just fine. It was just a small accident. Nothing major." She said.

"I am so sorry for bumping into you just now, ma'am." Jennet apologized with a smile, quickly changing the topic of their conversation.

"Don't apologize dearie. I was mainly at fault for standing in the middle of your way." She said softly. Her hazel eyes gave a deep stare on the face in front of her.

"No, I was the one at fault ma'am." Said Jennet, still fighting to blame herself about the accident just now.

"Then, let's just say, we're both at fault for bumping into each other. By the way, dearie, what's your name? I am called Damela Parker." Said the old woman with a smiley face. Her face wrinkled when she smiled.

"My name is Jennet Lockhart." Jennet introduced herself. "You can just call me Jennet, Mrs Parker."

Damela smiled at her and answered, "Nice to meet you, Jennet. It must have been a fate for us to meet each other today."

Fate? Jennet was confused at what she meant by her last sentences but she just smiled and nodded her head politely as she said with a natural smile, "Yes, it must have been fate for me bumping into you." She was about to open her mouth again when they were interrupted by a voice calling for from afar.


Both of them turned their heads towards a teen who was running towards them. She was a girl around the age of eighteen and she had beautiful black wavy hair. Her hair bounced when she ran. Also, she's beautiful with naturally pink lips and she's tall like a model.

Damela Parker smiled as she introduced her to Jennet. "This is my granddaughter, Claire Parker and Claire, this is Jennet Lockhart."

Jennet smiled at the panting girl who was gasping for a little breather. "Hi, Claire. Nice to meet you."

Claire raised her head and said, "Nice to meet you too Miss Lockhart and I am so sorry for letting my grandma wandering off on her own." Her face was flushed and she was panting, trying to catch her breath.

"Oh, it's on the opposite. I was the one who was careless for not paying attention to my surrounding." Jennet said, explaining to the granddaughter while smiling warmly at them.

Jennet looked at her watch before turning her head towards them, "I am sorry but I have to leave now. But, just in case you have any injuries regards to the accident just now, please call me." She rummaged through her handbag and took out her business card before handing it to Claire.

With a smile, she waved at them before she hurriedly left the place.

"Grandma, let's go." Said Claire as she looked at the business card in her hand. She tucked the card inside her pocket and held Damela's arm, ushering her to walk along with her.

But, Damela didn't move even a muscle. She kept staring at Jennet who was already walking far to the front, leaving the two of them behind.

Damela chuckled softly. "She's the newcomer in that place."

Claire sighed softly and said, "Grandma, stop it. I have no idea why you sneaked to that villa early in the morning today. I searched everywhere for you. I was worried."

"I was visiting the new owner of that villa." She replied.

Claire sighed softly, "It's inappropriate to sneak around her villa so early in the morning. She will get the wrong idea if she sees you. Plus, she will get a heart attack if she bumps into you sneaking around."

"She didn't see me and I didn't expect to see 'him' there, with her." She said. "Just now she said she's not married yet." She chuckled softly.

"Of course she would say that because she had no idea what's happening around her yet." Said Claire. She looked at her grandmother who was still chuckling beside her.

Claire smiled at her grandmother. She patted her shoulder softly, "Miss Lockhart will learn everything sooner or later and I know she can handle it smoothly. Don't worry grandma. She's stronger than what we thought."

Damela smiled and nodded her head. "Yes, she's strong. I hope she can handle him properly."

Then, she chuckled again as Claire wrapped her arm around hers and they walked along together.