Knight in shining armour

Jennet inhaled a deep breath after Luca ended the call. Luckily he was so understanding about her situation.

Marvina raised her head. "Who's calling you?" She asked. "It sounds quite important." She said.

Jennet looked at her. Then, she sighed. "Our big boss." She answered softly.

"Mira?" Marvina guessed. It's so kind of Mira calling Jennet, her so-called love rival.

"No, the other big boss," Jennet said, denying her guessing.

Marvina eyebrows knitted. "Mr Tybelg?" She guessed again.

Looking at her friend nodding her head made her asked another question. "What does he wants? It's rare for him to call you."

Jennet looked around once more, making sure there's nobody in the office except the two of them. Then she let out a big sigh.

"He asked me out for lunch..." She slumped her head onto the desk. She was so unmotivated to speak even further now. If it was yesterday, yes, she was eager to tell her everything but then her heart feels so heavy to even share it to her friend now.

"What?!" Marvina was half yelling in surprised. She sat frozen in her seat but her eyes gleamed in excitement shortly after the realisation.

Marvina stood up immediately. She was the one who was excited. "You better go have lunch with him! This is a very rare chance you got! Jennet, go now!" She shook her arms and urged her to go as soon as possible.

Jennet turned her head towards her friend and shook her head. "I already declined his invitation. I don't wanna die yet." She said softly.

She doesn't want to be grated alive by his fanatic fans especially Mira who had claimed authority over him though no one really knows if it's true.

Marvina pulled her chair towards Jennet, sat down and slapped her shoulder. "What nonsense are you talking about. You won't die! He will be your knight in shining armour within the company."

Jennet groaned softly. She cupped her ears in denial. "I just want to be left alone..." She whined. She was acting like a kid who wanted to be left alone.

She turned her head towards Marvina. "Whatever it is. I want you to keep quiet about this." She said with a low voice.

Marvina smiled at her. "Don't worry. My lips are tightly sealed. I won't breathe out a word." She said her promise.

Marvina shook her shoulder again. "Tell me more about this. I didn't know how did this happen. Spill, spill everything." Marvina said and looked intently towards her friend.

Jennet sighed softly again. "Well, yesterday I went out for lunch with him since he asked me. I wanted to tell you yesterday but since Mira was there in the restroom, so I skipped it." She explained.

"That wicked wench!" Marvina cursed angrily. She looked at her again. "Tell me more what happened during lunch. I wanna hear more."

Jennet straightened her back and crossed her arms. She looked at the eager eyes before her. "Haa..." She exhaled a deep, heavy sigh.

Marvina hit her shoulder. "Hey, why are you sighing? What was so bad about having lunch with him?" She rolled her eyes, feeling jealous at her friend's cold reaction.

"You know nothing..." Jennet sighed softly. "It's not easy for me, you know."

"What is not easy?" Marvina asked, still not getting what she meant.

"Nothing." Jennet looked away. She took the packed lunch in front of her and opened it but Marvina took it away from her.

"Tell me more about what happened yesterday!" Marvina kept pestering her to tell everything. "If you don't, you won't have lunch today." She threatened.

Jennet glared at her, feeling unhappy. "It's complicated." She said, trying to explain.

Marvina raised the packed lunch when Jennet tried to take it from her hand. "Just tell me. Easy. I won't say anything."

Jennet took back her hand and pouted. "Let's eat our lunch while I tell you the whole story." She tried to bargain with her friend.

Marvina raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes," Jennet replied and took her lunch from Marvina's hand. "You take yours. We're sharing this desk while I talk." She pointed at Marvina's packed lunch.

Marvina reached out for her packed lunch and sat close to Jennet. "Okay, tell me now." She opened her packed lunch while listening.

"Well..." Jennet started to tell the story of their encounter in the morning until the end of their lunch. She told her everything about how he asked her to date him for real.

Marvina squealed in excitement after hearing the whole story. She was all jumpy in her seat. "Why didn't you go have lunch with him today? He's so into you now! You better not let this chance go away."

Jennet let out a dry laugh. She snorted at her. "What are you talking about? It's not what I wanted. I just want to be left alone." She explained.

"I never wanted to have any relationship with anyone within this company. I have told you before that I want to live a peaceful life all alone. And now that I am finally alone and away from everyone, I am happy. So, you better not pester me more on this matter before I really ignore you for being a busybody." Jennet explained again.

Marvina grunted and pulled a long face, "Ah, I am not being a busybody. I just want you to be happy. You're so cold towards me now after you moved house. Are still angry about me not helping you moving house?"

Jennet clicked her tongue instead. "I am not angry at you at all. Now, scram off from my desk. Lunch hour is about to end. Remember, do not open your mouth about what we talked about today." She reminded her friend again.

"Yes, yes. You have my promise." Marvina rose from her seat and pushed her chair towards her desk while holding her empty lunch box.

As soon as Jennet cleared her desk, she started to drown herself with her paperwork again. At half past five, she placed all the completed work on top of Mira's desk that was empty. Mira was nowhere to be seen.

After work, Jennet drove straight to the hospital. She sat outside the consultation room, waiting for her turn. While waiting, she looked around her. She saw a couple sitting not far from her. The wife was pregnant and her face gleamed in happiness.

Jennet smiled alone in her seat. She shifted her gaze away from them. 'I wonder, if I have a husband on my own, maybe I will be happy like her.' She inhaled a deep breath.

'It's impossible for me because I will never be able to open my heart for anyone...' She sighed alone as she leaned her back on the seat. She had a past that she never tell anyone even Marvina. Even until she dies, she will bring all of it to her grave.

Shortly after that, a nurse called her name to enter one of the consultation room. Jennet smiled as she rose from her seat and entered the room.

Inside the room, a female doctor was sitting on the chair, smiling warmly at her. "Hi there, please be seated. Make yourself comfortable." She said.

Jennet smiled at her. "Thanks."

She sat opposite the doctor. She glanced at the name tag on the doctor's chest, 'Dr Tiana.'

"How may I help you today?" Asked Dr Tiana softly at her.

Jennet cleared her throat before saying, "I think I got chickenpox." Her face turned gloomy as she said it.