Due to intense husband

"Chickenpox?" Dr Tiana's face got twisted.

She examined the face before her. There's no red spots or rashes on her face, plus she looked healthy with her glowing skin. Instead, she looked like a newlywed woman with her bright radiance.

So, she kindly asked, "Can you show me where it appears on your body?"

"It's all over my body!" She replied. Her face was all worried.

"Maybe I have allergies to something I ate last night. I don't know. Last night I ate spicy noodle before bed." She added and showed her stomach to the female doctor.

Dr Tiana listened attentively to her while looking at the red marks on her skin. Her brows furrowed.

'Well, this red spots looked weird than what I learn about allergies reaction. This is not chicken pox either.' She thought. She looked at Jennet again,

"Can you take off your shirt behind that blind? I want to examine these red marks on your skin even closer." Dr Tiana said while pointing towards an area that was covered by a blue curtain.

Jennet nodded her head as she rose from her seat and went behind the curtain. Dr Tiana followed her from behind as Jennet took off her shirt. Dr Tiana took a closer look at the body full with small reddish-purple marks.

"Is it itchy?" Dr Tiana asked as she pressed on one of the marks at her back.

"No," Jennet replied.

"Is it painful if I touch it?" The doctor asked again as she applies more force to the 'affected area'.

Again Jennet replied with a 'no'.

"How is it? Is it an allergy rash or chickenpox?" Jennet asked as she glanced at the female doctor.

Dr Tiana was silent about a while when she took a closer look. She glanced at the troubled looking face in front of her.

'Is she stupid or just have no idea what these marks are? These are clearly hickeys!' She thought. She, herself who's already married clearly knows what it is.

She cleared her throat as she asked Jennet to put on her shirt. They went back to their seats. Dr Tiana wrote something in her medical report.

"So, what is my sickness?" Jennet asked again, eager to know the answer.

The female doctor coughed softly, "May I know if you are married?" She asked calmly as she looked at Jennet.

Jennet frowned. 'This will be the second time people ask me if I am married. What does this have to do with me being married or not? Well, let's just say I am married.' She mumbled in her mind.

"Yes, I am." She answered as she looked eagerly at the doctor in hope to know more about her sickness.

"So, is my sickness serious?" Jennet shot another question. Her face was so worried as if the world would crumble.

The female doctor looked at the troubled looking woman in front of her. She wanted to laugh but held her laughter as hard as she could. "No, this is not some life-threatening sickness. This reddish-purple marks are caused by aggressive kissing or sucking of the soft skin and caused the rupture of capillaries beneath the skin." She explained. She looked at the face again and she saw her face became even confused at her explanation.

"This is due to you have an intense husband." She said again in a calm tone.

"I'm sorry? Due to what? Intense husband?" Jennet was shocked at her explanation and she got even more confused. I don't even have a husband in my life yet!

The female doctor coughed again. 'What is wrong with this woman? Has she not known anything about the bedroom thingy?' She cursed in her mind.

She looked at Jennet again. "For how long have you been married?"

"Recently," Jennet replied.

Dr Tiana inhaled a deep breath. 'No wonder. Her husband is quite intense!' She started to have a wild imagination about Jennet and her husband, about how intense they are.

"Well, what does my sickness have to do with me being married?" Jennet asked again, snapping the female doctor to reality.

She was dead serious about wanting to know about her sickness because she knew, having chicken pox at her age may spell danger to her life. She doesn't want to die yet. There are still so many things she wanted to experience in her life!

"It's all connected. Tell your husband to take everything slowly and your sickness will fade away in one to two weeks or more and after that remember to come back for a pregnancy test." Said Dr Tiana, concluding it all. She wrote the details inside the reports as well before handing it back to her.

Jennet was in silence for a few seconds. Her mind was still processing the doctor's answer in her mind. Tell my husband to take everything slowly? Pregnancy test? What does this have to do with my sickness?!

Jennet frowned in confusion as she took her medical report back and tucked it inside her handbag. Then, the female doctor handed her two small boxes which she took with knitted brows.

She glanced at the box before looking at the doctor. "What is this for?" She asked.

Dr Tiana straightened her back, "This is pregnancy kit. Judging from the redness of that hickeys on your body, you have 99 per cent of conceiving, unless if your husband takes precautions then, just keep these kit for future use." Explained the female doctor.

Jennet was about to open her mouth again but Dr Tiana already calls for the nurse to call for the next patient.

Jennet stepped out from the consultation room with the two small boxes in her hands. After a while, she tucked it inside her handbag.

She stepped out from the hospital, still thinking hard.

"Husband? I don't even have one. How can I get pregnant?" She grumbled alone. Did the doctor thinks she's a loose woman? What kind of diagnosis was that? She has always been all alone!

She was still thinking hard until she reached home. Then, as soon as she stopped her car in the porch, she thought back, "Was it because of that frivolous dream from last night?"

But, impossible! She was just dreaming about the beautiful man with the name Hue Hedo. It's impossible her body reacted to such dreams. She was probably having a rough night, tossed and turned in bed or maybe hit on the bedside until it leaves bruises on her body. Maybe.

She shook her head and stepped out from her car. She went to the backyard and collect her laundry before entering her villa with a muddled mind.

Meanwhile, behind a tree at the backyard, Hue, the blonde man was squatting while hiding from Jennet who came to collect her laundry just now. His long hair was all over the ground because it had grown to his waist now.

"Is she gone?" He whispered to Little Veen who stood calmly beside him.

"Yes, Master." Replied Little Veen. He glanced at the panic looking master of his. "You should enter the house now before she locks the door."

"Not now. She will only get angry after seeing me." Hue said and looked at the brightly lit villa. He watched Jennet heading upstairs to her bedroom with her laundry. He sighed deeply. He was the culprit and he doesn't dare to approach her yet.

"You have retrieved your body now. Should you rejoice for the accomplishment?" Little Veen looked at him.

Hue shook his head. He glared at the little boy. "Not yet. They will just take everything back if I start to rejoice for this small accomplishment." He said, still feeling wary of what he had right now.