chapter 2

Chapter 2

On the planet of Rindat, there was a couple who wanted to have children. It was normal for a woman to want a child since their bodies often tell them that they need to have a child. Some women still do not want children despite of that and that is their right as well. This woman was named Susie and she desperately wanted and needed to have a baby. Her husband, named William, wanted a child as well, since it was within a man's make up to desire to pass his genes on to the next generation.

But there is a problem with William and Susie. They seem to not be able to have children. Try for years, and still no baby. They are heart broken that they are barren. Many nights of tears and prayer come for the couple. They have a close friend who is their family doctor called Doc Smith.

The doctor has them tested for infertility.


Susie and William walk into the doctor's office a week later and they sit down in chairs. Doc Smith comes in the room solemn faced.

The couple can tell the results from their friend's face and they break down.

Doc Smith speaks," I hate to be a bearer of bad news but you have both been tested positive for infertility. I am so sorry for your loss."

Even the doc begins to get teary eyed since these, are his friends. He does not tell them that he has tried to get an infertility specialists to assist in this matter but they will not work for free. He knows that telling that fact will be like driving a knife through their hearts. Much later he does tell them but it is not the time for it now.

William and Susie are both very poor and have no insurance. They are full time ministers at their local church. They were called by their Maker to do so. They have all their needs provided for but they do not have all that they want. They can not afford the treatment to cure their conditions. On Rindat, it is highly possible to treat their condition of infertility(as well as others) but you must have a

lot of money and/or insurance.

But, they have neither. So they are out of luck.

It is a shame though since William and Susie are among the finest and most upstanding people in all of Rindat. They do deserve a child since of all the good work they have done for their God and others. They did not do for reward but that it was the right thing for them to do!

The couple wanted children but it was not in the cards for them! It seem to them that they would

never get pregnant. They begin to grieve for their loss and pray to their God for a child.

Years go by and still no pregnancy!


One day, Susie gets sick to her stomach and goes to see Doc Smith with her husband. The couple is in the dark to what she is really sick about. They wait in the waiting room for what seems like forever, then they called to come back into one of the doctor's offices by a nurse. The nurse does all the prep work for the doctor and leaves the small room.


Doc Smith comes in and hugs William and Susie. The three sit and talk about Susie's sickness. The doc does all sorts of tests but finds nothing.

Weeks go by the doctor still can not find anything. The three are at loss at to do.

Doc Smith speaks," I have prayed for weeks and the Lord tells me to give you a pee test. I do not know why yet, but I will obey him!"

Susie does the pee test and a couple days goes by.


Susie and William are all torn up inside about not knowing what is wrong with Susie. It is a very hard time for the duo. They both pray and fast for their needs. Finally they break the fast and eat

dinner. They are cleaning up when they hear a loud banging on the door. They rush to the door and look

through the peep hole.

It is Doc Smith and he seems frantic about something. This is not like the usually calm doctor.

The couple lets him in and sees that he has papers in his hands.

William asks," What is wrong? You look excited! We just finished dinner do you want some?"

Doc Smith speaks," I am fine and I do not need anything! Please sit down, because I have something important to tell you! I did not want to tell you over the phone. I do not want you to hurt yourselves because you could faint from shock!"

The two do as they are told and sit down.

They are both thinking,"What is it now? What could it be?"

Doc Smith says," I have found what is bothering you!"

The good doctor is just bursting out of the seams with excitement.

Doc Smith says," You are having morning sickness!"

William says," Why is she getting sick in the morning? What is behind this?"

The couple still does not get so the doc has to spill it out.

Doc Smith," Susie, you are Pregnant!"

Both Susie and William fall out of their seats. They both fainted due to shock of finding out that they are going to have a baby. Doc smith had to grab Susie under the arms to try to put her back on the love seat. William stirs awake and helps the doctor to put Susie back in her seat.

William says," Will she be fine doc?"

Doc Smith says," I believe so. She did not receive any damage from the fall but just had a surprise."

Susie wakes up back up and asks," What has happened to me?"

William speaks," We are going to have a baby!"

Susie begins to cry along her husband.


Hours go by and the couple is still rejoicing.

It is getting late and the doctor leaves to go home.


Nine months later Susie is the local hospital OB unit with William at her side in scrubs. She is about to give birth. Nurses are all around her helping her in the birthing process. The baby finally passes and the nurses wrapped the baby in a soft baby blanket. The nurse hands the baby over to Susie and makes sure that Susie got a good grip on the baby.

One nurse says," It is a boy!"

William says," God has given us a son! We have been blessed with the promise that we have been given!"

Susie could only could cry out of joy and William broke out in tears as well. The couple were beside themselves in joy. They were beyond words at this point and they did not know what to say.