Chapter 3

Both Susie and William raise their son up in love and in the teachings of their maker. The boy seems to be normal in most ways. But he is extremely intelligent and is in the most advanced schools for the top two percent of all grade school children in all of the nation. The boy never studied but always excelled in academics and even athletics. He was the fastest child in all his races that he was involved with. The boy loved combat sports which his parents abhorred at first.

He would get very upset if anyone tried to keep him from away from any combat sports, especially pro wrestling and secondly mixed martial arts. Eventually his parents relented to their demands if he did everything that he was told to. Rarely did the boy acted out badly so that he would not get to see his matches.

The child will not play with others and is a loner. The parents think that something is wrong

with him so they have tested by Doc Smith. The doc could find nothing wrong with the boy.

Doc Smith says," I can not find nothing wrong with him! I just believe that he is just a very special made for a specific purpose! I truly feel that deep within that he is called for service of God but what exactly I do not know. He is apathetic to because everything is too easy for him. All geniuses are strange in their own ways. Yes he is a loner and does not play with other children since they can not respond to him on his level."

William says," He is the top of his entire school both athletically and when it comes to smarts. Yet, he it is still too easy for him and he does not have to even try or break out into sweat. He is in an advanced school with children of well off families that live in a completely different world than we poorer people live in. The children that he has as classmates have all the most advanced training and tutors but he has none of these!"

Susie and the doc both seem please with the answer and let the issue drop.


The son of William and Susie still does not grow attached to anyone even his parents. The boy seems to be waiting for something but will not talk about it. He seem anxious at times and paces from time to time.

The boy becomes twelve years old and the parents have only a small birthday party with just the three of them because their son does not like attention from a lot of people. It was a nice time that even the son seems to enjoy.


The boy is drifting into slumber when he hears screaming come from downstairs. He runs to the opened stair well and he hits the floor. He stays close to the ground so that he would remain hidden from detection. He sees two military types downstairs yelling at his mother and father. The boy sneaks back while in commando style. He grabs a base ball bat and some darts from his dartboard game on the wall. He rushes back and sees that the solders are roughing up his parents. His mother was knocked to the floor and they had his father grabbed by the collar.

The boy has had enough and throws the darts at the face of solider that had hit his mother. The darts pierce the temple and two darts hit the eyes of the solider. The remaining solider is completely taken off guard when the boy jumps from the stairwell and hits the solider with a baseball in the back of the head. The solider falls face first on his exposed knife. The solider with darts in his head falls to the ground unto his back but is still breathing. The boy uses his metal bat to smash the attacker's chest.

Blood spurts from the attacker's mouth as he dies. The boy has managed to kill two trained soldiers with just mere boy's toys.

Susie screams out of horror in what her son has just done.

William spoke,"Boy, I know you did nothing wrong with you just wanting to protect your family but the military would not see it that way! I pray for yo.."

A huge man busts through the front door and co cocks the lad from behind his wars. The boy is knocked unconscious and is picked up by the huge man. The huge man throws the boy over his left shoulder. The huge walks through the front door and is chased by William and Susie.

A man in a trench coat stops them and shows them some paperwork.

The parents look as a letter of enlistment.

Susie yells,"He is only twelve and he is still a minor! You do not have the right to take our son!"

The man in the trench coat says," I have the right to enlist whoever I want and you are powerless to do anything about it! You will be jailed for resisting me and the military!"

Police show up, arrest the duo, and hold them for a few days.

The couple are blessed enough to be in the same cell alone. They prayed out loud for the entire time while in jail and fast from food and water.


After a few days they are released and they come back home. The has been restore to before the attack like it had never occurred. Everything it is like it was once beside being absent of their son. They hold each other and cry.