chapter 6

A nurse storms in and looks at the machines next to the bed. Error messages were all over the screens but the nurse checks off on the clipboard. She runs out the room in a hurry.


The boy is gingerly crawling through a shaft of wires and cables. The boy is in the small crawl space. The boy only puts his weight on the metal that holds up the ceiling tiles. The boy hears some machine sounds that happens to be a door to an elevator. The boy gently lifts a tile and sees that the

noise had been a door to an elevator.

The boy hears some voice that he has heard somewhere before but he can not pin it down exactly.

He thinks,"Who could be down here that I know? I do not know anybody that has ties with

the military. It must be one who had taken some involvement with my abduction! I got to have to get to the elevator and escape!"

The boy begins to grow curious and turns himself around in the crawl space above the ceiling to go see who is the source of the voice is. He can't pin down the voice and he has to know who it is.

He mumbles to himself, "I just hope that curiosity does not kill this cat. I need to get out of here!"

The voice speaks," Sugarplum, how has the boy been doing?"

The boy figures out who the source of the voice is but does not want to believe it.

He thinks," I know it can not be him! It just can not be him! I will peek and it will be somebody else! I just know it!"

He is near the voice and he opens of the ceiling tiles. The boy looks down and sees a man in a fedora tilted to the side of his head. The boy looks down at the body and it is a large oversized trench coat.

He screams from within his mind," It is the man in a Trench coat! I was right and this is one time I wished I was wrong!"

The boy bites the front of his shirt at the collar to keep from yelling.

The thug is speaking to the nurses about some booty call that he was wanting to have.

The man in a trench coat speaks," I hate to break up this lovely conversation but it is time for me to talk about business."

The charge nurse speaks," The boy is still in his room sleeping!"

The thug speaks," That is not good enough! I have to do a visual check! You know that as well as I!"

One of the nurses yell, "I just checked the brat! It is not needed!"

The man in a trench coat speaks," I have my orders! Four men have lost their lives over this boy!"

The nurses were speechless about the statement.

The man in a trench coat speaks," What room is he is in? The check will take only a second babes and we can have our fun!"

All the nurses point at the boy's room in unison.

The man in a trench coat walks in the hospital room. He hears all sorts of beeping from the machines that supposed to monitoring the boys. He knows that something is wrong, but he does not know anything about the medical field. This man knows how to tear down a person and not building them up. He pulls down the cover and breaks out into a rage.

The man in a trench coat runs out of the hospital room and busts through the door open on the way out.

He speaks," Who was the last person to check this room?"

The nurses are all afraid for their lives and will do all that they can do to stay alive.

One nurse raises her hand and says," I was the last to check..."

The man in a trench coat pulls out a metal baseball bat and swings as hard as he can at the jaw of the nurse.

The nurse's head goes flying against the far wall away from the nurses' station.

The stump of the headless nurse gushes blood and pours upon all the rest of the nurses. The man in a trench coat jumps back to not get his fancy clothes dirty. The rest of the nurses are sitting on the floor shaking out of fear, some of the nurses were holding each other screaming.

The man in a trench coat speaks," You all better find the boy! Five people have already dead due to this boy this last last twenty-four hours. This boy has killed two trained soldiers himself, so beware! Go find the boy or I will kill you all! I will not accept any more failure!"

The nurses each go around room to room checking for the boy. The nurses rip the rooms apart

and leave no stone left unturned. The nurses were running like chickens with their heads cut off. They were yelling as they did it and they were double or even triple checking the rooms. They were yelling indescribable dialog among the women.


Every patient room has been checked and there is no boy.

The man in a trench coat speaks," You &^%$#&@ can not find the boy? You act like he has vanished? Hurry up or will have to introduce you all to my two friends.

The man in a trench coat pulls two Uzis out of his trench coat.


The nurses check out every closet, store room, or any other room.

Still no boy!

The man in a trench coat yells," You horrible wenches, you have all failed me and Urano!"

The nurses come running trying to appease the man.

The man in a trench coat speaks," What are you trying to do? You want to whore yourselves, so that I do not kill you! This place is among the most secure places on all of Rindat! You are telling me that this boy has just vanished! No one has ever escape this place, yet alone break into this place!"

The man in a trench coat pulls out his trusty Uzis and begins to fire upon the nurses. The nurses are lost in their horror that they can't escape. Most people in the complex can only enter the unit at timed intervals. The nurses could not leave until their shift ended. But that fact was lost due to the sheer fear of the nurses.


All the nurses are shot in oblivion one after another, until they are all dead. Their bodies are eroded by the bullets of the man in a trench coat and there is no trace of the former nurses. There was

bullets in walls and various other objects.

Everyone but the man in a trench coat and the boy were now dead. The boy is still nowhere to be found. The thug loses it and fired upon all the walls and objects in the unit. The walls of the hospital unit has been completely destroyed along with the nurses' station. The hospital unit has look like a destruction crew had came in and destroyed the unit. The man in a trench coat is huffing and puffing. He is still enraged by not being able to do his job and failing Urano.

Failure was something that the man in a trench coat had not suffered before. He is at a loss to what to do since he has never been in the no win scenario before. Life had been easy streak for the

officer until this boy had come along!

The door to the elevator opens again and the man in a uniform comes storming through the door. The officer is in such of a hurry that he leaves the key to the elevator controls still in the keyhole.

The keys have to be taken out so the elevator door could close.

The officer is a black uniform with all his medals on the uniform jacket. The hair of the officer is wet and slicked back. He does not seemed to very happy as he storms towards the man in the trench coat. He salutes the officer which he towers over the small commander.

The officer yells,"What on Rindat are you doing? Security had told me that this hospital unit's cameras had been destroyed! What were you thinking?"

The man in the trench coat stops saluting and lowers his head out of shame.

The man in the trench coat speaks," I had captured a potential subject for our war efforts, but the nurses here had left him get out of his unit!"

The small man looks at the unit and sees that it has been completely devastated.

The officer speaks,"How do you not know if you have killed the brat with your guns? You are such a miserable fool! If you were not so effective in your other tasks before this I would have you executed!"