chapter 7

The officer smacks the fedora off the head of the man in the trench coat. The hired thug was so shocked by his hat being knocked to the ground and he bent over to pick over the hat. While bending over to get his hat, the officer punches at the taller officer. The man in the trench coat raises back up after the punch. The taller man is not even aware that the officer had tried to hit him since he is caring for his hat like it was a child. The hat is placed back on top the head of the tall officer.

The man in the trench coat speaks," I did not think about that sir! I am sorry that I failed you and Urano!"

The officer speaks," That is why you are not an officer and just hired muscle! We have tagged the boy and we know that he is still from within this unit. I got an GPS that we can get his exact location."

The man in the trench coat smiles from ear to ear. The officer pulls out a little machine with

small screen. It zooms in to the hospital unit and they can see that they are within twenty feet from him. Both men look all around them and see that the boy is not where he is showed to be in.


The entire unit has been checked by the two men and they still can not find him. They have checked for him everywhere to no avail.

The officer says," The GPS is not specific enough to tell what height he is outside ten feet vertically! If I had known in advance, I would have had ordered that a more sensitive tracking device in his chest.

The boy was shifting from all over the crawl space trying to keep the men guessing and was starting to tire. He remembers that he had a pocket knife with him that he obtained from the time he was a bear scout. The nurses must have thought that he a non-threat since he was so drugged up. He feels his chest and notices a new point on his chest. This point feels tender so it must be the spot where he was tagged at. He starts to raise his shirt.


The boy manages to rip the device out of his chest without much blood spilling out. The wound was smaller than a quarter. The boy pulled the shirt back down to his waist. The boy saw a mouse running next to him and he grabs it. The mouse screams but can not get out of the boy's grip. The boy uses the side of his fist to press down on the rat while he wraps the sensor around the mouse's tail. The tail is in a knot around the sensor and opens a ceiling tile. The boy lets the mouse down unto the floor.

The officer and the man in the trench coat were running back and forward running through the rumble. They are thinking that they are chasing after the boy not just a simple mouse.

The boy has to bite his lip to keep from busting out into laughter.


The boy can't be found by the two men and they are totally outraged by this brat. This boy was nothing but a hindrance to the two men.

The man in the trench coat speaks," I should have left him in his little shack of a house! But it

is past the point of no return now!"

The officer gasps out of exhaustion since he is used to make his underlings do all the hard work.

The thug speaks," What are we going to do now boss?"

The officer catches his breath and prepares to speak.

"I know that the boy has not left the unit since the elevator is the only way out of this unit!

The only place is the crawl space above the ceiling tiles! Shoot them completely! I do not care if he dies, since we will just get another subject! This has gone on way too far!"

The boy asks the Maker for help while still in the crawl space.

The man in the trench coat starts firing wildly upon the ceiling of the hospital unit.


The parents of the boy are in old jail cell. They were both sleeping in old cots when they awake

in unison.

Susie yells," Our son is in some trouble!

Both parents sit up in the cots.

William spoke,"I know that he is near death! The great shadow is trying rob us of the promise that He has given us! The great shadow is trying to take them of our son!"

The two of them cried and being to pray to their God out loud for help. The boy is about to die if something is not done!

They cry for what seems like forever.


The entire ceiling of the hospital unit had been shot out and it reveled the hard stone ceiling. The entire base was built inside of a huge mountain that was carved out from the inside.

The man in the trench coat speaks," We must have killed him boss since there is no trace of him to be found!"

The officer speaks,"No, the signal of the tracking device is still actively moving in the rumble!"

The man in the trench coat saw a mouse and he picked it up with a hanky very daintily.

The officer yells, "We have been played by some brat! That is the tracking device wrapped this mouse's tail! We had been had by a young boy! I can't believe it!"

The man in the trench coat lets out curses about what has occurred. These two men are kicking the rumble out of frustration. They begin to talk about what they are do with this boy if they can get their hands on him. The two men were way passed their limits of their patience. Both men had never been made into such of bunch of fools!

The officer yells," If the boy is still alive then where could he possibly be hiding? This unit has been totally ripped from head to toe! There is only one way out!"

The man in the trench coat speaks," I do not know boss! I might have killed already him with my trusty guns!"

The officer speaks,"You might be right and this nightmare could be over already!"

The elevator starts to prepare to operate. The machine starts to release the locks on the door.

The man in the trench coat is completely oblivious to what is going on. The officer finally gets what is going on. He then gestures over to the man in a trench coat to look at the elevator door.

The officer yells,"The boy has got the key to the elevator and he is trying to leave the unit!"

The man in the trench coat finally gets and sees a dirty linen cart in the elevator. The two men come running to the elevator door, but before they can reach the door the elevator shuts. The two failed to get to the door before they can get inside the doors. The man in the trench coat punches the elevator door out of anger and leaves a little dent in the elevator door.

The man in the trench coat yells," This boy is more trouble that he is worth! I can not believe what this hell spawn has brought us through today!"

The officer speaks," I know the code to escape the unit!"

The officer's jaw hits the floor as he has seen a ghost.

The man in the trench coat had shot the elevator controls into oblivion.

The officer yells," Now we are stuck until the next shift of nurses comes! We can not escape you bumbling idiot! I can not stand this humiliation!"

The man in the trench coat bows and speaks," I am sorry boss! I just had not been in such a situation before! Today has been such a strange day!"

The officer grabbed the man in the trench coat by his collar and started to shake him uncontrollably. The officer was completely livid at what had occurred and was taking it out the man in a trench coat.

The officer yells," If you were not so hard to kill, I would have had you executed! You know that I do accept failure!"