chapter 8

The man in the trench coat is bending over while he is being shaken.

The thug speaks," I am so sorry boss! What do I need to do to appease you?"

The officer lets go of his grip of his underling. The small man regains his senses and straggling his subordinate will do him no good! The two find themselves a spot to get comfortable. They know it will be a few hours until the next shift of nurses come. The two men are both embarrassed to be outsmarted by a twelve year old boy. The day was a lost to both men and they would not make it any worse.


The boy awoke to him in a some sort linen basket with all sorts of wadded up sheets. The linens were not even dirty but just wadded up in basket along with the preteen. The boy hears machines working and thought it sounded like some sort of elevator. He peeks out from underneath the linen and confirms his guess.

He is on some kind of an elevator.

He quickly lowers himself back down when the door starts to open. He is now on an another floor that was higher up than the floor the hospital unit was on. The door remained opened and a sanitation worker saw the dirty linen basket. The boy went into the elevator and took the basket to predestined location.


William and Susie were praying in their cell, when they hear the huge metal door to the cell being unlocked. A man in all white comes into the room and stands still in the doorway. The couple stops praying and looks at the man in the door way.

The man in white speaks," You have been released from jail and here are your things."

The stranger hands them a box of their things. The couple sees that their car keys is in the box.

The man in white speaks,"The box has your car keys and your car is waiting for you in the

parking lot. All doors will be opened and do not stop or speak until you get home! Your son is fine and out of harm's way! Do not stop to react to what I have told you. Just go as you were told. If you do so then you will be fine!"


The couple went straight home and locked the front door to house behind him. The house was like it was before the attack had happened.

William speaks," That man in white had to be angel of our God!"

Both of the two nod in agreement.

Susie speaks,"Our son is okay and safe! What a blessing!"

The couple begin to praise their Maker for hours for his Divine intervention.


The boy knows that someone has taken the linen cart that he was in but the person has remained

silent at least for now. The person started to throw bags of dirty linen on top on the boy. The first time the boy was not prepared and let out a grunt. The boy thought that he would be caught but the person who was gathering the dirty linen was talking to another person about their jobs.

The purpose spoke,"I got the dirty linen from hospital unit 54."

The other person was another sanitation worker and he was gathering dirty linen as well.

The other worker spoke," Really, already?"

The person carrying around the boy spoke," I did not even have to gather the linen! It was waiting for me in the elevator!"

The worker spoke," Yeah, I was surprised too! Those nurses are usually so uppity that they do not like to even put it in bags!"

The two workers were blocking the hallway to the hospital unit were the boy had came from.

The other worker spoke," I wonder what has changed with that group of cackling hens?"

The worker carrying the boy spoke," I do not know, but it does not hurt my feelings!"

The two workers separated to keep from getting in trouble from people snitching them out for

not working to the higher ups.


The boy did not know that dirty linens could be so heavy! He felt that he was going to be crushed if whoever was taking him around put one more bag of linen on top of him.

The sanitation worker stops in his tracks and puts it down on the ground a dirty linen bag. It was a higher up of the complex. The officer had lots of medals on him and has two stars on uniform. He is a twelve star general and is immediately saluted by the sanitation worker. The general returns the salute, but the general has a look on his face like something was wrong.

The sanitation work saluted again and asked," General, is there is something wrong? What can I

do for you?"

The General spoke," Let me take that linen cart. That is all that you can do for me."

The boy was getting restless from within the cart and he is getting worried.

The boy thinks," I going to get caught if this jerk(the general) does not leave! Lord help me please! I do not want to die!"

The worker speaks," Excuse me sir?"

The General speaks," Let me take that linen cart! I did not stutter, private!"

The worker speaks," I can not let you do that since it is my job to do it! It is not proper for a

general, such as your self to do so!"

The General speaks," So you think that a lowly private can tell a general what to do? Please tell me the answer private if you would be so kind."

The worker speaks," No sir! I was out of line, General!"

The officer is given a saluted by the worker and is handed the linen cart.

The boy ponders,"It is over! It is all over! I am going to be found out!"


The General slowly takes the boy down several hallways and into an office. He shuts the door

behind him and locks the door.

The boy was extremely nervous, so nervous in fact that he could not even move an inch.

The officer speaks," I know that you are in there! You do not have to hide anymore!"

The boy still does not dare to move out of sheer fear.

The General speaks," I am not like the others! I will not try to murder you as the others had done. I give you my word to that!"

The boy could not help but stir when he heard the general's words. He finally exits the linen basket all sweaty from being smothered by all the heavy linen bags.

Immediately the boy tries to bolt away but he can not find no way to escape. There are no windows, ceiling tiles to climb through just an old steel door.

The boy then tries the door but it has been locked from the inside and there is no way to open the door without the key. He may be smart and athletic but he is not strong enough to burst through a solid steal door! That would be impossible for nearly all people.

The boy then pulls out his pocket knife and charges at the general.

The officer dodges one blow after another like it was easy. The officer was not that old and looked fairly young. Yet, the white hair above the General's ears gave his age away.


The general had to been a trained warrior in hand to hand combat at an expert level because he dodge the blows of the boy without even moving. His feet never physically moved from the spot he started in but the boy was gasping for air. The general had just wanted the boy to wear himself out so that he would be easier to handle. Today had been a very hard time for the boy even before this attempted battle with the general. He was fighting the urge to fall into unconsciousness and his head is starting to dip. The boy was fighting to keep his head up.

What is the boy going to do? How is he going to escape this trap?

The boy has a knife in his hand pointed at the Urano general and he had tried to attack him. The struggle was in vain and the boy was just wasting his time. The boy begins to look at the general's eyes and he was surprised at what he saw.

The general's eyes were very tender and even showed concern for the current state of affairs that they both were in.

The boy thought,"This man doesn't have the same kind of tone to his voice as the man in a trench coat and his boss. Could he be a good man? He has the eyes of a good man, but I know that not all those in the military are evil."

The general just stands there listen to what the boy might say.

The boy speaks," I can tell that you are not evil like the others! But why do you have friends that are killers. Your buddies had tried to kill me and was heartless in the killing of your own people! What kind of good man associates himself with people like those?"

The officer says," I am sorry about what the rest of the military does but I will do my best to see that you treated fairly! I am not like that and I do all I can to do right by people!"

The boy still had a look of scorn on his face and shook his head out of disbelief.

The lad speaks," Why is a good person working with such evil men!?! It does not make sense to me! You are trying to lie to me I just know it!"

The officer says," You and your family has been wrong, take it all on me! I will be the scape

goat for your anger and do not fear doing me harm! I will take the blame for the entire military of Urano!"

The boy was completely surprised by what he had just been told. He did not know what to do.

The officer puts a gun on the desk and walks right in front the opposing wall of where the boy is at. The is at a loss to what the general is trying to do.

The boy spoke," Why leave a gun in my reach, are you trying to earn my trust? I do not believe you! You are a liar, I just know it!"

The officer gives the boy his opened back.

The boy spoke,"Are you suicidal? Do you want to die? Is assisted suicide still banned?"

The officer says,"You can shoot me if you want! I will not blame you! Take the gun and kill me if you want! Take out all your aggression on me and I will not be able to defend myself! I promise to not attack you out of retaliation!"

The boy sheaths his blade and puts it in his pants' pocket. The boy walks over to the desk and looks at the handgun. The boy picks up the gun and aims it at the officer.
