chapter 54

Across the solar system of Rindat there lies a sister planet to it called Kodazaki. It is a very large planet that is almost completely metallic. The Kodazaki people had greatly increased the surface area of the planet to such a massive degree that it is completely unrecognizable to what it originally looked it. Most inhabitants had never actually seen the surface of the natural part of the planet. The Kodazaki people are the most advanced race that is known across the main solar system of the Singlarr Galaxy, known to a rare few as Violentra.

Kodazaki is very strange planet that seems to be more man-made than by natural means. The planet has several metallic moons that were made by the populace and can be used as star ships. The Kodazaki are capable of long distance space travel all across the Singlarr Galaxy. The moon sized space ships do not negatively effect the planet, due to tidal forces. This problem was conquered many centuries ago by the Kodazaki people.

The Kodazakis are like their planet and more machine like than flesh based. Most would think that the inhabitants are some sort of robot based lifeforms and not a being that was deemed natural to any other planet of the Singlarr Galaxy. They have a hard light weight exoskeleton that it is both their clothes and skin at the same time. The armor covers all the external orifices of the Kodazaki and there is no bare part of the body exposed. All Kodazaki have an exoskeleton that they keep their whole lives and they died with them as well.

The eyes of the Kozdazaki people are very advanced as well and one such feature is that they have two sets of eyes. The first set of eyes is compound like that of an insect. Their eyes project one single image that has a larger view than simple eyes. This helps the Kodazaki to detect objects at a faster speed than they would with simple eyes.

The simple eyes offer them more visual sensitivity than compound eyes have. Having both

types of eyes gives the Kodazaki the best of both eye types and much higher performance than ether type of eyes alone. The typical Kodazaki has four eyes and some have even more than that. The simple eyes are in about the same position of human eyes, also the compound eyes are above the simple eyes, and to the sides of the head.

The Kodazaki have very advanced brains that can do many different things. The most atypical fact about them(at least to other humanoids) is that they have a second brain in their abdomen. This second brain is almost completely universal in all of the Kodazaki inhabitants. This brain is used to perform many progressive computations that is required to execute among the people. The second brain can function thousands of times faster than any computer on the planet of Rindat. This brain is used to create a hive mind among the people of Kodazaki and schooling is not needed. The people of Kodazaki often do not have a free will and must act their leadership demands of them without question. The only ones with any degree of choice is those that are leading the society.

Another function of the secondary brain is to remember of how how every cell within the body is formed and positioned. The second brain is like a memory back up if part of the body or even the primary brain is destroyed. Not every Kodazaki has this ability but all of the Kodazaki leadership have this ability. If a person with this ability has their main brain destroyed then the second brain would take over executive functioning of the organism until the first brain can be restored.

The first brain is like that of most humanoids since this brain contains the uniqueness of each individual. This brain gives the person their personality and their individual quirks.

The average IQ of a typical human is around one hundred and yet the Kodazaki average is about one thousand. The people of this world require such a high level of intelligence to act in according to the demands of the leadership of the planet. The people of the planet are required to do a lot computation and engineering.

The Kodazaki are very strong as well and can do many feats of strength. A worker on this planet

can easily lift hundreds of times their body weight. They have the strength of insects and are much stronger than even typical humanoid world class power lifting champion that can only lift about thirteen times their body weight and some insects can lift up to around four hundred times their own weight. Some of the Kodazaki leadership can lift thousands of times more than the strongest insect can carry pound for pound.

The Kodazaki also many mental based powers, like levitation and telekinesis. They can fly through use of their mental powers and cause objects to be moved by the powers of their minds. Leadership has the ability to kill without ever physically moving. Leadership is not based upon who is the best leader, but it is decided upon who is the strongest and most skilled warrior. This culture is led by the belief that might makes right, the strongest should, and will rule the world. All Kodazakis with below average abilities and any kind of defects are destroyed as mere babies. They were never given a chance to live. This genocide is seen as normal from with in their society The leadership of this world have no patience for those that perform less than is deemed acceptable by leadership.