chapter 55

The higher ups and the strongest warriors of Kodazaki can use energy to combat any potential foes as energy blasts or energy weapons. The strongest among the Kodazaki can also expertly battle in hand to hand combat. The difference in power among the strongest than to the typical Kodazaki is so huge that one strong warrior can easily destroy thousands of normal Kodazakis.

Everything in the Kodazaki's culture is controlled by the leadership to the letter. Free will is not a choice in this society and all those who try to act on their own wills are executed by hired rebel hunters. These rebel hunters search the entire planet throughout hundreds of sectors, while looking for all those who are acting out their own wishes and/or too weak.

The leadership of the planet is lead by many various commanders that divide the world into many fiefdoms. Such lands are ruled by one supreme commander and their strongest underlings. Commanders can do any and all things they may want to anyone or anything that may be within their area of control. They answer only to the leader of planet Kodazaki who stays within his gigantic palace at all times. No one, even the commanders have ever seen the leader in the flesh, but all know that his will must be obeyed or else. The leader sends assassins would be sent to kill all those that disobey him. Everybody in the fiefdom will be destroyed along with their commander if such an act of disobedience were to occur. So nearly all the Kodazakis just simply live in fear and go with what the hive mind demands of them.

The Kodazaki had so much control on it's people that it's citizens could not even control with who they chose to bare children with. The culture's leadership chose that it was best that selective breeding was the way to bear all Kozdazaki children. This way of bearing children or as the Kodazaki call offspring was that the parents(or known within the society as life bringers) was predetermined by select members of leadership.

Selective breeding is used to better bring out the desired traits of better Kodazaki warriors. As soon as people within the culture proved their abilities as warriors or other desired positions, such as technicians, they were to bare as many offspring as they were capable. Those that were sterile and had infertility issues were killed for inabilities to bare offspring as was demanded of them. The weak was weeded out over the centuries and few children are born with birth detects with this process in place.

Love was something that was truly foreign to the people of Kodazaki and it was whispered by some of it's inhabitants to be in existence. The concept of love was said by the majority to just be a legend and it was considered by leadership to be taboo. Some of the people had made the attempt to discover what love truly was no matter what the cost was. Most of who had tried to do so were caught and killed by rebel hunters for their trouble.

The only ones who had the choice to whom they are the leadership of planet Kodazaki and their

chosen lackeys. They take whoever they want to mate with by force if necessary and bear offspring with them. To any potential outsider this was simply government sanctioned rape as it's most evil and destructive. The common Kodazaki was robed of any choice of their own. The leadership takes advantage of it's people and they feel no remorse for doing so. The people were told to just accept what their fate is and is made to have guilt, when they even ponder the questionable nature of their society.

Some people still choose to do as they want despite of everything they are taught to be true and do as they want despite of all potential consequences. Some Kodazakis are not afraid to be killed by

rebel hunters and live as they desire(at least as free as they can be.)

Some Kodazaki still will not submit to the leadership of Kodazaki and live free of all restraints of the society. There was an underground movement to mate in according to one's own choosing and deny selective breeding as a practice to take part in.

Some Kodazaki hated that had no choice with whom they mated and that any offspring born was taken as soon as it was born. It bothered a lot of the people when they were force to give up their children. Yet, they were forced to accept it and act like it was normal despite all the emotional trauma they may suffer.

The act of breeding out of free choice and that anyone is possible to be one's fellow life bringer is called random breeding. Everyone on the planet has a probability to be a mate to each person. Some people chose to mate because they desire to be together and pass on their DNA together. When life bringers chose to do random breeding they are forced to hide their offspring because any such child will be seen as an abomination. Both life bringers and any offspring will be killed because of their

"rebellious" nature.

Two lowly Kodazaki warriors are ordered to guard a factory from any rebels that may attack the factor, designated for building space ships. Rebellion among the Kodazaki was very low yet alone open rebellion like destroying property. Leadership commands that such areas of high importance be guarded

even it is not needed. Orders must be obeyed even if you were told to kill yourself. This was standard operating procedure for the Kodazaki/ These two Kodazakis are guards for this ship factory and they are to make rounds throughout the total facility several times throughout the day. Any accident they see is to be reported immediately to the factory commander and the commander will punish the person accordingly. Anyone that crosses into the factory without proper clearance is to be killed on sight. No questions are to be asked or given to those who try to break in the factory.

These guards are in Commander Lowlance's sector and his orders that all that fail are to be killed. Lowlance's impatience for failure was legendary and had his entire sector was on egg shells so that they would not mess up.

These two guards are of the opposite gender but they are expected to work at the same pace. Except for childbirth, gender roles is almost nonexistent in the culture of Kodazaki.

The two warriors are together twenty-four seven and are given a small dwelling where they rest after a day's work. This goes on for months and they begin to enjoy each other's company.

One night everything changes for the duo.

The two are guarding the factory, when they are walking under a ship that was tied to the ceiling. Something holding the ship breaks and lands on the duo.

The ship was messed up by the fall as well as the male guard. His legs was completely broken by the ship but his fellow guard got her partner from under neigh the fallen ship. The side of the head of female guard was damaged and part of her head was dented in. She help her partner by carrying him on her back in a fireman's carry position. The factory commander comes storming in and sees the two hurt guards.

The commander demands,"Guards what has happened here? I want to know the answer!"

The female guard speaks," Commander, one of the ships fell on my fellow guard and I! Something holding it must have broke!"

Engineers are trying to hide from the commander but they are found out anyway. They knew that if they had made any mistake was certain death so they was trying the remove themselves from the scene.

The commander yells," You engineers come here! That is an order!"

They ran from the commander and the commander pulled out an eradicator(an energy bazooka) to stop them. The three engineers are blown up by the commander's eradicator and the floor is covered in black burst marks in the floor, where the fallen Kodazakis once was.

The commander spoke," Guards, you have both done well for years, so I will not make your injuries public to the higher ups! You are both not in need of serious medical care and you should heal up in about a week or so! Stay home and let your healing abilities take affect. Go straight home and stay there until you are healed up!"