chapter 56

The two injured guards go right home and stop for nothing.

Kodazaki usually sleep standing on their feet in standby mode. They are in low powered mode, but can awake in less than a second. The male guard has his legs broken and will be unable to do so.

He is laid down on the floor gently, by the female guard and he was cared for by his fellow guard.


The two guards went into hibernation mode and slept for three whole days without waking. The female guard awoke to yells coming from the male guard.

She stirred herself over to the male guard and she saw that he was grabbing his legs. His shins were both messed up beyond repair and they were causing him tremendous pain.

The female guard yelled,"You have to cut off your lower legs and let yourself completely grow them back! If you do not do it then you will be a defect and be destroyed!"

The male guard put his hand on his death stick (A energy saber weapon used fondly by the Kodazaki warriors). He will face death if his legs does not heal right.

The male guard yelled," My arms are too short to get a good enough slice! Would you do it for

me? I beg it of you! I don't want to die!"

The female guard takes the sword and cuts the misshapen shins off. The cut was smooth, even to the surprise of both guards.

The male guard speaks,"Thank you! My body is back to normal except for my stubby legs and I should be back to normal in about two days!"

The female guard speaks," Both of our energy reserves had been eaten up to heal our injuries.

My wounds are now gone."

The male guard speaks," You saved my life back there by pulling me out from out from under that infernal ship! You did not have to do that plus you took me home! What did I do to deserve such

privilege from you?"

The female guard speaks," I just did not want to see you die! We have worked together for so long!"

The both of them remain silent for a while.

The male guard speaks," We are expendable to everybody, but ourselves I guess."

The female guard connects two large cable for the two of them at where a mouth should be. They are eating energy as all Kozdazaki do. The people of Kodazaki do not eat any food or drinks but feed directly on energy. There is no waste product with this type of feeding for the Kodazaki.

The two of them are both leaning against the wall that is behind them.

The female guard says," We are in this together, but that is secret to all others beside us!"

The male guard responds," You are right! We worked together for a long time and you are not so bad to work with!"


Two days goes by and the duo had been doing something strange among the Kodazaki.

They were actually enjoying each other's company and not merely existing in a hive mind.

The female guard spoke, "You have healed up nicely! Your legs are working fine!"

The male guard in a playing voice," That is not the only thing that works!"

The female guard is taken back by the comment.

She says,"We can not do that! It is forbidden by the leader! You know that as well as I! We have been trained as guards and we are to kill all those who act out in this way without permission!"

The male guard comes back to his senses.

"Oh! I am sorry! I was out of line! Please just forget what I said."

The female guard seems to be pondering something which perturbs the male guard.

The male guard says,"What is wrong? I known that I have done something that is against Kodazaki codes. I must have been malfunctioning!"

The female guard speaks,"You have done nothing wrong!"

The male guard was shocked by the statement and he was speechless.

The female guard speaks," What has the leader and Commander Lowlance done for us?"

The male guard does a double take and says," What did you just say? Am I growing deaf?"

The female guard repeats herself,"There is nothing wrong with your hearing! What has the leader and Commander Lowlance done for us? That is what I said!"

The male guard is shocked by what his fellow guard has just told him.

He says,"Have you gone mad? What you have already said is taboo and punishable by assassination or suicide!"

The female Kozdazaki swings her arms out of disgust of what she has just be told.

She yells,"I am not mad! This whole planet is completely insane and all messed up! Do you not see it! We work everyday for what? A small hole in the wall and a couple of power cords? We are not even given names! All the elite commanders and other leaders have names! Why not us as well?"

The male guard grabs his fellow guard out of concern.

He says,"You are ravening mad, my fellow guard! Stop it before you get us both killed! I do not want to die, and I do not see you be killed ether!"

The female Kodazaki is fighting to get herself free and see finally does gets loose of the male guard. She punches him in the jaw and he hits the ground hard. He finally understands what she had done. The female guard runs over to her comrade to see how he was.

She speaks," I am sorry! I did not mean to hurt you! I was the one out of line!"

The female Kodazaki helps her fellow guard to his feet.

He speaks," You have got a heck of a punch!"

She sees that her comrade was not hurt and she was glad. Both one fact still bothers her: her comrade had done nothing to defend himself. All Kodazakis have the innate need of body preservation and this is basic survival instinct in almost all creatures. But this Kodazaki had went against this irresistible compulsion, but why did he do this? It did not make sense to her at any possible level.

She spoke," Why did not defend yourself? Why did you go against the safety defenses of the second brain?"

The male guard spot groaning and looked puzzled as if he did not know the answer himself.

He spoke," I do not know why or how I did that! I just was concerned about you and I was pondering losing you to the rebel hunters."

The female guard was shocked by what she was told but deep down in her unconscious she glad.

She spoke,"You put my condition above your own! That is taboo to both the Leader and Commander Lowlance! If anyone finds out what we are doing right now, we would both be terminated on sight! I

am not the only one that is "ravening mad!"