chapter 57

The two guards knew that they were in what seemed to be a terrible shape but if they only knew

what they felt within their selves was in fact something good. They were showing each other something

only whispered in legends and tall tales: love.

They are several types of love that people can experience and the guards are experiencing the kind of love called Storge love. This type of love has the individuals enjoy each other's company and it is more a friendship kind of love. They love to spend time together, no matter what it is.

Any of the types of love were forbidden on the planet of Kozdaki because the leader did not want those that were under his control to think for themselves.

No one has ever seen the commander, at least none that lived to speak about it. He was rumored

by those who had worked near him had said that this "Leader" might be alive for thousands of years

but that could not verified. Some people that worked thought that the leader might just be a title that

used by hundreds of people over the last few thousand years. But just as the other theory is just not able to proven at this present time.

But one about the leader was not a theory: He did not like anyone to go against him and his underlings. There was no one on Kozdazaki that was dumb enough to openly speak about the leader in any kind of negative tone. All those who even spoke that leader was not greatest in the universe was killed as well.

The female guard spoke," We have both been healed up in about five days and had two days to spare. We were given the limit of a week to heal ourselves by the factory commander. It is time for us to go back or we will get in trouble. Those that are lazy and disobedient will be destroyed by rebel hunters! You know that as well as I!"

The male guard spoke,"We do have be there in two days, why don't we have rest up these last two days! We had both been near death and let us not be too hasty to come back before we are truly ready!"

The female guard was taken back by what she had been told.

She spoke," What are you talking about? We are to work everyday as guards without any days

off! Wait! What am I talking about?"

The two looked at each other like they have gotten some new found awareness.

The male guard spoke," I told you that he do not have to go until forty-eight hours! We are free to do whatever we want until then!"

The two both clinched their fists out of excitement.


The two guards spent the rest of day just talking to each other about anything and everything.

The male guard spoke,"Why are we without names? I just do not get it!"

The female guard gasps out loud.

The male guard spoke," What is wrong?"

The female shakes her head in response of her fellow guard's words.

She speaks," Nothing is wrong with me because I just got an idea!"

He spoke," What is your idea? Let's hear us."

The female begin to burst out with happiness and excitement.

She spoke," Why do we not give each other a name? There is no reason we should remain nameless! It can be our little secret!"

The male guard jerked back in surprise.

He spoke,"You are right, but what do we call each other?"

The female guard spoke," I do not know since I just got the idea. That is as far as I got!"

The male guard spoke,"Oh! We are smart enough to think of names for ourselves."


Hours go by and duo still can not find names for themselves.

The female guard spoke," Why is naming ourselves such a difficult task to do?"

The male guard shrugged his shoulders out of not being able to give his comrade a proper


What they do not know about themselves and their culture as a whole is that the common person is taught to not be an individual. The leader wants all his followers to just be mindless drones that do not question rules and just obey mindlessly. Personal identity of the Kodazaki people was a trait that the leader abhorred with his underlings. Over the centuries, the leader had systemically depersonalized his people and robbed them of any sense of personality. Most Kodazaki are not even aware of themselves, as anything more than a cog in the machine that is the Kodazaki culture.

The night comes and the two go to rest and they start to charge themselves for the night. But something is just not right somehow.

The male guard spoke,"What is this feeling that I have? Are you suffering from it as well?"

She looked at him with an expression of bewilderment.

The female guard spoke," What are talking about?"

The male guard was startled by her statement and he spoke," I mean this feeling of impulsion that I feel from within my body."

She finally understood what her comrade was talking about.

She spoke,"I feel that same compulsion as well!"

The two guards grabbed each into a firm embrace.