chapter 65

The three bounty hunters all turn back to facing Lowlance and they all then salute him.

Lowlance speaks," Now, present to me the hidden one!"

The bounty hunter holding Dodat puts her gently near the feet of the commander.

Lowlance looks down intensely at the young offspring and at first he was angry. Dodat was lifted by the mental powers of the commander. The offspring was looked all over as if Lowlance was searching for something that was unknown to everyone but him. The three bounty hunters did not know what the commander was doing, but they the sense to remained silent.

A loud laugh comes from Lowlance and speaks," This offspring is a genuine hidden one and you three had obeyed me in the act of bringing it to me!"

The three bounty hunters was surprised about seeing the physic powers of Commander Lowlance. They had better managed to contain their amazement of seeing such a powerful being as the commander. They did not want to show weakness so that they would not be killed by the powerful commander.

The large commander abhorred any all signs of weakness as it was a deadly poison, including something simple as tripping on an uneven section of floor. Weakness for even just a second was punishable by death throughout the entire sector of Commander Lowlance.

(All the elite commanders that were under the Leader's direct supervision were given lands of almost the entire planet of Kozdazaki).

Dodat is raised mid air to the left side of their throne at the commander's shoulder height.

Lowlance speaks,"Bounty hunters, I have a question for you, bounty hunters!"

One of the three bounty hunters speaks," What is it, my Commander?"

Lowlance's throne begins to shake along the rest of the large throne room.

The commander yells,"Why are there wounds from three Kozdazakis? You are telling me that a rebel offspring, hidden one or not, managed to kill one Kozdazaki bounty hunter as you had previously stated? That is absolutely absurd to me!"

One of the hunters speaks,"That is correct, Commander Lowlance!"

The three bounty hunters all saluted the commander again.

Commander Lowlance demands," Why did it take all three of you to beat one rebel offspring?

That is what I would like to know! Tell me why!"

The three bounty hunters were speechless and were at a loss to what they was going to do(if anything). They came seeking reward but they would probably face punishment by the impossibility that was Commander Lowlance.

Lowlance spoke,"The traitor despite without any training, killed your failure of a comrade and as a Kozdazaki! Plus you remaining three were required to defeat this untrained traitor! That is inexcusable!"

The three bounty hunter's were scared stiff and could not move, even if they wanted to.

Lowlance bellows," Black hole!"

A cloaked figure appears behind the two guards next to the dead bodies of the Kodazaki traitors and puts his right palm in their general direction. The figure grabs his left wrist with his right hand as a means to stabilizing his left hand.

A small black hole appears is the right hand of the pillar and the black hole sucks ups the two guards and the bodies of Dallas's parents. The whole action look less than one second and the two guards never saw it coming.

It was that take quick of an action!

Lowlance bellows," Shockwave!"

Another cloak figure comes out and takes off a mask.

The mask was only covering the mouth area of his face. The pillar screams out with a shock wave that rattles the two remaining guards and the fallen guard into mere dust. The scream was deafening to anyone that was in the blast radius of the shock wave.

The dust of the remains of the Kozdazaki then blows away into the air as they were never there!

The pillar puts his mask back on over the mouth of the figure.

The two figures bowed and saluted the commander by smashing their closed right fists against

the left side of their chests.

Commander Lowlance surprisingly returns the salute.

The commander never gave the salute to anybody but those he felt wholly deserved it.

The Leader of the Kozdazaki was one such person, because he was stronger than Commander Lowlance. The Leader's appearance was unknown to even Lowlance and the Leader stays in his large palace at all times.