chapter 66

Commander Lowlance's strongest warriors were called the eight pillars. Black Hole and Shockwave were two such members of the eight pillars. The two Kozdazakis could also be referred to plainly as pillars. They were hand picked by the commander and he had complete trust in them.

Dodat was still laying unconscious, while floating in the mid air to the left of Lowlance.

Lowlance returns the salute and speaks," Blackhole and Shockwave, you both done well and carried out my will! I will not allow doormats to tarnish my powerful presence and disturbance! It is an intolerable offense! I will destroy all that displease the Leader and my ways! No one that goes against us must survive!"

The two pillars saluted the commander and the salute was returned by Lowlance.

Black hole and Shockwave, "You can now leave. You have done well and your services are not

needed at this present moment."

The huge commander bellows," Chameldra, come forth to me!"

Chameldra appears out of thin air as if she was never there. A cloaked figure comes forth and bows in front of Lowlance. The cloaked figure had materialized out of the wall to the left of Lowlance.

Chameldra speaks," What do need of me, my commander? What can I do for you?"

Chameldra was a female Kodazaki and the smallest of the eight pillars. Lowlance levitates Dodat over to Chameldra and the pillar grabs the young girl gently with her arms.

Lowlance speaks," This one is to be trained to be a secret weapon for my cause! See that it gets done! That is my will!"

Chameldra salutes and says," I will do as you say, my Commander! I will not fail you, Commander Lowlance!"

The sleeping Dodat and the pillar vanishes into thin air.

Commander Lowlance returns to siting quietly on his large throne.