chapter 67

On the planet of Rindat dwell two main factions: the war like Urano and the peaceful Ibor. These two factions splintered off thousands of years ago over the different administrative styles desired by the rival groups. One group was secretly behind the schism, they were called the Ultimos. They believed that they would be the only ones to survive the incoming doomsday.

The Ultimos believed that only they could force the world to end at a time they had predetermined. They were trying to force the Lord to come earlier than plan, but only God knew the exact time for certain.

But The ultimos foolishly tried anyway to do so. They willing did all shorts of vile acts to obtain power and favor from the great shadow. Hundreds of millions of people were kidnapped in the name of the great shadow and the Ultimos. They burned people alive and had sex with the corpses, all in the name of the great shadow.

The ultimos saw their victims as mere pieces of meat and nothing more. They did not care what families that they had left behind or the cause and effect of their actions. They did it all to glorify the great shadow as their god.

The great shadow returned the ultimos' demotion in kind, with power, wealth and all matter of possessions. The high-ranking cult members were all given positions in the secret military-industrial complex.

The ultimos made trillions of Rindats selling weapons to both sides of the war.

The screams of billions of people could be heard in the ears of God.

He was getting fed up with what the Ultimos were doing to his own. They were abusing the grace that God was showing to the people of the world. He was going send people to stop the ultimos

for good since they all refused to repent. God would see to their destruction.


It was one dark murky night when an undisclosed limo pulls up in front of an abandoned building. The driver stops and pulled down the glass to the back where the passenger is sitting.

The driver spoke,"You are where, you ask me to take you. But sir, this is the middle of nowhere. I do not want to get hurt in the bad part of town."

The client spoke,"You must not question my intentions, naive! I am above you simpletons that jerk off to big breasted porn while eating your fried chicken."

The driver spoke,"I am sorry, sir I did not mean any disrespect. I just did not want any harm to come to you. That is all that I meant."

The passenger spoke,"That is alright, my mortal friend, you were not paid to know my intentions."

The driver was mad about all the insults that his client had given him but he kept his mouth shut, so that he would go without his payment tonight. His pay was too large to just throw it away, since he had kids to feed. He could not afford being black listed.

The driver press a button the glass to the backseat and exited the car, so that he could open the door to his client.

But, the passenger was already standing outside the car with a fierce look of anger on his face.

The driver spoke,"I am so sorry, sir!"

The client then begun to smile with a wicked grin.

The driver did not seen that someone was walking behind him covered in nothing but a


The client pointed to behind the driver's back, but it was too late.

The driver's arms had been completely ripped off the shoulder cleanly. The victim screamed out

in complete fright.

The attacker snapped the neck of the driver until it almost twisted in complete three hundred and sixty degrees. All that held the head on was the driver's skin and nothing more.

The client spoke,"Good job, he was asking too many questions! Now clean up this mess!"

The killer jump down to the group and started to eat the dead body like a vulture would it's prey. The business man pleasured himself at the sight and traveled into the forsaken building.

The client was carrying a briefcase when he clears some rumble to reveal some of metallic circle with a pentagram on the dusty floor.

The man lifted his hands and started to raise his voice in a heinous chant.

This caused the circle to completely light up in a bright black glow.

The man was covered in the evil glow and vanished into thin air. The pentagram then vanished as it was never there in the first place.

The fetishist appear inside a dark murky tunnel was lit with a nearby torch. Near the torch was a cloth rack with six pegs. Only one had anything on it, and the peg held a long black robe.

The pervert put the robe on, that only left the hands and face uncovered. He then picked up the torch and started to walk down the long stony floor and walls.

Screams could be heard on a constant basis that was deafening to all those that heard it.

The man walked into a dark room lighted only by a huge fire pit and torches.

The five other figures scream out,"Welcome brother!"

The business man opened up his briefcase and threw human body parts into the hot flame.

The six figures spoke,"Hell master, come bestow on your ultimos, your servants.

The horrors of the ultimos will continue as blood begins to flow.

To be Continued