chapter 3

Joe was a very solemn face, that was very different than his serious he had once he was working.

He spoke, "Bertha and the boys, I am saying this under my own free will and not being forced to say this. I had been in a big battle from some fellow warriors that cause me to relent during my last battle."

The boys paused the video and they were completely beside themselves.

Bertha spoke, "Who could have taken your dad to this point?"

Joe Jr spoke, "Who could have destroyed his super heavy tough battle suit. It is just not possible."

They continued the video and the dialogue continued.

Joe spoke, "I know that this is going to be unbelievable when you hear this, and the film crew better not laugh or they will go to the afterlife with me. That is a promise and not a threat, so keep that in mind, fellas. I am a space alien!'

The family had to pause the video because they could not believe what they had just heard. They reminded the video and played that last part again.

It was the same thing that they had heard the first time.

Joe spoke, "I didn't believe it at first, but I had Grandma confirm it for me by getting a feel for my former trainer Coach J. she thought that he was an incredible monster. She has so much

discernment when it comes to people. This man or monster was the real deal and he said that he was

from the fourth planet from this solar system. He was from an ancient race of warriors called the Gigantos. This group of people once ruled that world and a few even managed to come to the other planets of this solar system. The aliens intermingled with some of the people here and had children."

"The Gigantos had not seen hardly any of their children here showing their physical and mental traits. Their nature had become recessive traits. I am one of those children with their traits and I am a classic example of that race. I had been given a mission from Coach J. He wanted me to protect the new breed of the Gigantos race. I couldn't refuse the request from the man that help make me a billionaire. I found him just recently and the old man had confirmed it for me. I will be gone for a long time, while I do who knows what. I had asked for two requests from the man who trained me to be in the armed forces. The first was that I would be able to make this movie for you and the second was that I get a signing bonus for my obedience. That bonus would be given to my wife Bertha. The old boy commander agreed without any complaining if this video comes to you uncensored."

The video ends and the disc melts from within the movie player. The machine bursts into flames. One of the house's many fire alarm goes off and one of the boys gets the room's fire extinguisher. The fire was stopped and the machine was unplugged from the wall and dropped to the floor.

The boys and their mother hold each other in tears since maybe the last time they see their father for a very long time. Now, it was gone all too soon, without any warning.

#Pete had become a drug dealer of all kinds of illegal substances, as other nonviolent gang activities. He started to use a lot of the drugs that he was selling and started to lose his moral inhibitions. He started to cheat on his beloved Cindy, who was his precious dream girl. He got lost into the evils of the Urano ghetto crime syndicate.

Once Cindy found out how Pete made his money since it was appalled that her love would work

for people, that was like her incestuous biological father. But as soon she found out that he was cheating, she took a long hot bath, and sliced her wrists with one of the razor blades from the two men's razors. She lost over one-third of blood into the water of the bathtub.