chapter 4

Pete saw that red colored water from coming from the locked bathroom door. Pete kicked the

door down and saw the bathtub water was running and it was so hot that it was steaming hot. He pulled

the curtain back and he was so despondent about what he was seeing, that he puked all the contents that were once inside his now empty stomach.

Cindy had slit her wrists and been burnt by the scalding hot water, as well. Pete ripped his love out of the bathtub and into their bedroom and make some pillowcases as a means to stopped the bleeding and an ice cold comforter. He stole the fastest car that he could find and raced to the local hospital with Bob at his side.

Pete carried the injured Cindy into the ER, as he was crying profusely. The staff immediately took her to treat her injuries.

He spoke, "Do all you can to save her or I will kill myself to be with her in death. She cut her wrists and burnt herself with hot water in our bathtub!"

They tried to stabilize her, as Pete and Bob were waiting in the ER waiting room for several hours. Finally, a doctor came into the room and led her into a nearby consultation room.

The doctor spoke, "Hello, I am Dr. Ryan and I leading the care for..."

Pete yelled, "She is Cindy. She is my girlfriend."

Doctor Ryan spoke, "We have managed to stabilize Cindy, but it is too early to tell. I am sending Cindy to our burn unit for third-degree burns over most of her body. We can give her new skin if she gets through this. I just want to know why on Rindat does she have so much scar tissue on her body. The medical community that any weird wounds are abuse centered."

Pete got off the chair and grabbed the doctor by his shirt collar. He lifted the slender doctor off

the floor.

"I would never lay a hand on her! It was that piece of trash sperm donor of hers that raped and beat her daily, while he was still alive. She killed that punk many years ago after he killed her last rape baby. That is what had happened and if you say it to another person I will burn your dead body as I did to Cindy's abuser!"

Bob grabbed Pete and yelled, "Pete stop it! He just wants to know what happened to her. He is giving us a courtesy and most people would have reported us immediately!"

Pete gently lowered the Doctor back down to the floor as the grieving boyfriend prepped up Ryan's hospital scrub top back to what it was before.

Bob spoke, "Sorry, we had been abused by others when we were young ourselves. Yet, It was not the same kind of hell that Cindy had gone through. Please, just let drop the matter and let's focus on what is really important. That is Cindy, who is really the VIP here.

DR Ryan spoke, "I am sorry for my callousness since I am supposed to do no harm to others in my duties as a doctor. But, I will have you banned from this place if it occurs again. Am I understood, gentlemen?"

Bob spoke, "Yes, sir!

The short man hit his friend in the back.

Pete yelled out, "Yes, my kind sir! I will not act out again."

The humble Pete bowed unto the floor in front of Pete.

Ryan spoke, "Sir, that is not necessary here since I will do all we can for Cindy. Take this lunch pass here in my hand and get something to eat and will page you over the intercom with the pager here.

It will tell you what phone number to call when you can get any further information from us. Her patient number to confirm that you are Cindy's family will be shown to you on this small machine



Hours go by and the duo had not heard a peep from the hospital staff when Pete has had enough.

He spoke, "I can't wait any longer, Bob! I got to know what is going on!"

Over the intercom, a female voice spoke," Will the family of Cindy, please call extension 300-4567 immediately. I repeat call extension 300-4567."

The pager was shaking clean out of Pete's pants, telling him the same thing that he had been told from overhead.

Pete dialed the number, while shaking, like a leaf in a thunderstorm.

He spoke, "This is Cindy's family, patient number 6530. What is going on?"

The female voice spoke, "This is Glenda, Cindy's nurse practitioner.

Pete spoke, "I don't care about your job title, just give me the facts!"

Glenda spoke," Well sir, I am..."

Pete cut her off again.

"That is Pete! Cindy's Pete!"

Glenda spoke, "Well, Pete, I am happy to tell you that Cindy is in the clear."

Pete fainted due to the joy that Cindy would live on with him.

Glenda spoke, "I heard a thud, are you okay Cindy's Pete?"

Bob pick up the phone and continued the conversation," Pete fainted. I am Bob, Pete's best friend. You can continue on since I will tell him the rest of the update."

Glenda spoke, "Will Pete be okay, or will he need medical care as well?"

Bob spoke, "No, that is okay. I have some smelling salts and migraine medicine in my pants' pocket. I will wake him up after you get done here. Hey, buddy can you not see that I am trying to talk here! Pete is all right because he just had a fainting spell. He is one tough dude! Will you leave him on the floor for just a few minutes! Guys, just stop it! For crying out loud, I will be back, please stay on the line."


Pete was now wide awake and he return to the conversation without missing a beat," Sorry for the delay, I just had a technical difficulty. Where is my girl located at."

Glenda spoke, "She is in the burn unit, here on the seven floors, room 307."

Pete dropped the phone and ran to see his beloved. It took everything that Bob had to keep up

with a friend's lightning speed. It was causing quite a stir from within the hospital.

Pete found the sealed double door to the unit, as the sweating Bob had just arrived, gasping for air.

Bob spoke, "I should not have eaten that second taco salad so close together!"

Pete spoke, "How do get in such a secure place? This is a hospital, not the local prison! This is insane. What is that button and speaker on the wall for?"

Bob spoke, "I believe that it is for letting us in and out, Pete."

Pete looks frustrated and said, "I don't have time for that, I have got to get in now! Let me break in, now. I have broken out of tougher security in the past."

Bob grabbed his friend, in a vain attempt to stop him.

"You can't do that Pete! They will kick us out of here! You heard the doctor!"

Pete spoke, "I don't care! I gotta get in now."

The tall man broke into the double door and ran into Cindy's room. Bob had followed after his friend like thunder goes after a lightning strike. The nurses were doing all they could to stop the duo, but they could do little to stop them unwillingly.

Cindy's whole body was burnt badly, but her face was left untouched. She looked, like a

bandaged angel to the duo. She had always been a pretty girl, even as a hot mess makeup and style free woman. Yet, she had grown believing that she was the ugliest female in all of Rindat. Pete and Bob had always told her that she was drop dead beautiful on her worst day. Today was no different, since she looked a doll, dressed up like a mummy.

Pete ran over to her side and instantly fell to his knees and felt her cheek with extreme gentleness. He has begun to cry for causing Cindy to do what she did out of endless sadness. He repented

of every wrongdoing that he had ever done, down to stealing a stick of gum.

He spoke, "Baby, I will never do anything wrong ever again and I will clean up my life. I will find an honest job as Bob has done as a plumber. I will never even lust after another woman ever again."

The nurses had called all the security within the complex. Bob had somehow managed to explain how they had lived from they were all children. The hospital staff was all hurt by what they had been told. They all decided to let the matter lay still for as long Bob explained to Pete proper hospital behavior. Bob swore up and down that Pete and he would do as they were asked.