chapter 9

Deathmask, Kill Joy, Billy, Bob, and Pete were all falling down a long pit to who only where. Bob yells, "Help me, I see the ground coming quickly!"

He grabs the combat doctor by one of his arms and punched his free hand against the wall.

Yet, it didn't work, since the wall was too hard to break.

Deathmask yells, "Grab me with your arms and legs around my torso!"

Joy didn't argue or even ask why, since he was scared to death. Deathmask rolled the medic and himself into a ball and he rotates the two men in a never-ending spinning circle. He was doing this to slow down the men's descent.

Billy was running his feet in a circle, as he was in a cartoon. His feet were forcing his body to remain in the air much longer than should be possible.

Pete had Bob's chubby arms around his long slender neck as if he was a wife being carried over the threshold on their honeymoon. The assassin was moving down the wall as if he was an oversized gecko.

All of the five men get safely down to the ground without incident. They were glad to avoid the bomb's impact.

Deathmask spoke, "I am sorry that you gave your life to save us, but I don't go where you are for hopefully a very long time."

Kill Joy spoke, "That blast had to be at least fifteen megatons explosion."

Pete spoke, "Then how did we survived?"

Deathmask spoke, "That is classified!'

Billy spoke, "Why is the whole area that we are in, not blown to bits, as well?"

Deathmask spoke, "That is classified."

Pete says, "What isn't classified?"

Kill Joy spoke, "That is classified."

Bob yells, "Holy moose poop! Get over to the sides, because something large is coming down the middle of the above shaft!"

The whole unit does as suggested and pin their stomachs to the nearby walls. The huge object landed with a large crash.

The five men were prepared to destroy any potential threat that the object may be.

It was a giant man covered in a thin armored suit.

Deathmask speaks in some sort of dialect that he had never even of before.

The giant's masculine voice returned the dialogue as if he knew what Deathmask was saying.

The rest of the men were puzzled by the strange interaction but remained silent. They didn't know what was going on, so they let the matter lay for now.

Pete finally puts two and two together, as he let out, "You punk, you are alive! I can't believe it!"

Deathmask spoke, "Big, how on Rindat did you survive?"


Joe filled in the men unto what had happened to him.

Billy spoke, "I am glad to see that you are well, brother big. We were afraid that we had lost you."

Kill Joy spoke, "Holy hell, you survived bomb equality to a fifteen megaton nuclear

bomb concentrated into a single room. What a badass that you are!"

Pete spoke, "You are a mean mother...'

Billy corrected, "Watch your mouth!"

Deathmask spoke, "Enough with the hootenanny, where are we now?"

Bob spoke, "The hole that we fell into as closed up behind us."

Kill Joy, "It must be the self-protection programming of the key generator rooms. It must've

sensed that we had gone down here. There is a dead area somewhat wider than the room above. Better yet, Let's treat all of our potential injuries."

Billy spoke, "You're are more nagging than my sister Susie, when it comes to me getting hurt!"

The medic spoke, "That is why I am a combat doctor so that you daredevils are able to live just another day."

Big spoke, "My big mask, has taken care of me, so you need not waste your time on me."

Joy spoke, "I figured that, but I would like to check out your new power suit, once I had taken care of the others. I find the alien mask's abilities to be extremely interesting to research."

Big spoke, "So be it then, since we are not going anywhere for a while.'


The entire group was treated of their injuries and forced to rest, while still on guard in the huge

people trap.

The medic spoke, "Well big, your mask has different qualities than what the deathmask has. It must be specializing based on the user.'"

Big spoke, "I am a Gigantos type one, while Deathmask is a type four. I believe that Coach J called it the warlord class. Its properties are unknown to me, and maybe even my trainer as well. It was

had been very important for our race to risk interplanetary travel in an attempt to breed some benefits into effect over the last few centuries."

Deathmask spoke, "So, I am a warlord now? What a day to find out such facts about oneself."

Pete spoke, "Where is the tinfoil hat when you need it?"

Most of the others laughed at the comment, but Joe had only let out a smirk.

Deathmask spoke, "Let's rest for now, with everybody switching out guard duty every one that we sleep."


A half a day went by and everyone had eaten some of their rations, along with taking some time

out to sleep.

Deathmask and Kill Joy were speaking separately from the rest of the group.

Billy spoke, "I am glad that we had found some real food and not these crappy rations that we get to eat so often. Isn't that right, Deathmask?"

Deathmask shouted, "We are talking about classified information, please give a few minutes."

Billy kicked some rumble on the ground as if he really wanted to talk.

Pete patted the speedster on the shoulder in a mocking sign of fake concern.

The assassin spoke, "We are only grunts and not commissioned officers, like us who have a normal top secret clearance."

Billy nodded his head in agreement.

Kill Joy spoke, "We have a significant amount of info on the former secret Ibor teleportation system. That is an instant three rank promotion for the two of us."

Deathmask spoke, "No, the others found it first, so they will get the same reward as us. It is only right, as we need to really push it to the higher-ups. They have been so helpful in our mission here."

Deathmask waved at Billy, in which the farmer returned it with glee.

Kill spoke, "I had my power suit detection device and it got some data on the Hughart bomb.

That should give us another rank level up as well. The leadership has said that it would be four outright ranks if any significant amount of data could be found on both targeted technologies. We had probably already reached such requirements."

Deathmask spoke, "That would mean more pay that is sent back home to my folks. We had been

trained for officer duties up to a two-star general in the army, navy, and air force military branches. Hagotti had seen to that, we just need more battle experience to get to those ranks."

Kill Joy spoke, "What little that will do for us now hundreds of miles underground an enemy city.