chapter 10

Deathmask spoke, "Baptism by fire is what we are getting, and we had nothing different after we had been drafted."

The medic spoke, "That is correct, my skull-faced friend."

Deathmask yelled, "We are done, my friend."

Billy eagerly raced over to talk to the officers about his family's farm life.

He spoke, "Here see the picture of my brother and sister. They are the only family I got, besides

you all."

It took all that the two officers to not bust out of laughter since Billy and his siblings look almost identical. Billy's older brother had a beard and an extra leg to differentiate him from Billy. The sister, Susie looked like one of the brothers was wearing drag, while in a long blonde wig. She had only one long leg when compared to Billy's three legs, and Big Bill's four legs. Susie had looked, as she was another brother just with d cup boobs.

Deathmask was lucky that nearly all of his face was covered by his mask. The combat medic didn't have such a luxury since his face was covered by a transparent metal alloy.

The two shook their heads in the attempt to pacify the old boy.

Billy spoke, "Thank you for listening to me and looking at my family picture. My family had

learned to farm from the Word and we had been prosperous. The government had tried to take our farm, but I would not let such heathen steal His promise to us.

Billy pointed his head down to the ground as he spoke, "I had enough and killed all of the government workers. That is why I ended up here so that we would lose the family farm. I was given an offer that I couldn't refuse. Ma and Pa would roll over in their graves if they would take the old farmstead."

Pete put a hand on his shoulder as he spoke, "I can understand my comrade when it comes to doing the wrong thing for the right reason. I had done much more disgusting things that you could ever dream of."

Deathmask spoke, "All of us had been forced into a situation that isn't our fault. Don't blame yourself for trying to protect your home. When I was drafted as a boy, I killed two men that were trying to hurt my folks. They were my first men that I ever killed and I was only twelve years old."

Pete spoke, "You all were like a guard dog protecting its pack.'

Billy had fought back the tears and he managed to lift his head up in pride.

Pete spoke, "While we are resting, let me tell you about the first time Bob and I met big?"

Joe let out a chuckle that surprised the rest of the men since he was so solemn face from being

the battle hardens Mr big.

The assassin spoke, "I was still dealing with all sorts of drugs and working as a pimp for a nearby brothel. Bob and I were both off that same day."


Pete and Bob were flipping through the TV stations when something caught their eyes.

It was a massive black man in a luchador mask, beating the crap out of every that dared to get

in the building as him.

Pete spoke, "Who is this nigga?"

Bob spoke, "The guys at work, talk about him all the time and they saw that he is the realist badass in the sports world. He has won nearly thirty thousand wrestling matches, four thousand cage fights, and five hundred strength events. No one has a better reputation in all the ghettos as a high-quality athlete that he is."

Pete spoke, "Really, he is that good?'

Bob spoke, "That is what I am told from the guys at work."

The TV show stopped the montage and transitioned to one of Big's few promos.

The big man's sitting down in a large throne as the male interviewer was on a ladder to get the wireless mike up to Big's level. The champion spoke, "Hand me that mike, you pencil neck geek."

Big was handed the mike and he started to speak.

"I am the undisputed Ultimate heavyweight champion of the entire Singlarr Galaxy! I have obtained all of the top straps in both MMA and pro wrestling! Show then all my world titles cameraman or I will put you six foot under!"

The cameraman showed the champ's eight titles: the all ghetto heavyweight and super heavyweight world championship in both MMA and wrestling. He had the same titles in the new ghetto promotion, as well.

Pete and Bob's eyes both jumped out of there when they saw the championship belts.

The taller man spoke, "Those belts have to be worth ten million Rindats from just the gold and gems on it. Yet alone what value from who was wearing those belts!"

Big spoke, "I am running out of high-quality contenders for my titles, so I putting out an open challenge to whoever wants to fight or wrestling me! I will even agree to any match type or any handicap! I am going to win regardless, due to me being the best athlete on the whole planet. If aliens were to show up, I would beat them just the same!"

"Who will be my first challenger for my open challenge? I will offer One hundred million Rindats to whoever can beat me. Bring out whoever you got to bring to go against me! I dare care what you bring! Bring lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! I will break them the same!"

Pete spoke, "This guy probably jerks off to his matches, he has to enjoy it that much!'

Bob smiled.

"You ain't kidding."

Big spoke, "I think that I am calling out some bean pole that has been sliced up, like a carved

turkey. You have a fatso for a friend with eyes, like an eagle. Your emo girlfriend looks like came right

out of an anime. She in all likelihood bleeds black to match the makeup and hair that she has."

Both of the two men turned to each other as if the champion had been talking directly to them.

Pete spoke, "Well that cocksucker has just called me out or did he just call me out?

Before Bob could answer there was a knock on the door.

Pete got up to see who it was and was just a neighborhood lad.

The tall man leaned over to see who was at the door, as he spoke, "Oh, hi Cody, what is the reason for seeing me today?"

The lad spoke, "I am here to tell you that Mr. Big has just called you and he will be at the local arena next month."

Pete tried to dodge the subject," Cindy is cooking dinner, you want some?"

Cody spoke, "Yeah, I will eat your last meal with you if you want me to."

Bob yelled, "It is for ten million Rindats, we gotta try at least. Decapitation is illegal in combats, so you still have a hope of winning."

Pete spoke, "Shut up Bob, before I… That's right I could put us in early retirement when I win."

Cody spoke, "He is gonna kill you!"

Pete smacked the boy on the top of his fairy hard that he made the boy cry.

Cindy heard the cry and thought that something had gone wrong.

She had her trademark Gothic dress on, along with a white apron over the top of it.

The woman spoke, "Oh Cody, what is wrong?"

The boy pointed right at Pete and begun to snitch him out.

She held the young boy in her arms with his face in her large bosom.

She spoke, "It is alright baby, the mean man won't hurt you anymore!"

Cody moved his head to the side so that Pete could only see. Cody smiled at Pete and gave him the bird.