The next match was up and it was the team Robo Madness who came out first, like they had just came off some mech show. All the kids in the arena had the two men's robot's images on their clothes, along with a lot of the boys holding their action figures in their little hands. The team consisted of two red and blue colored robots named Nuts and Bolts. The red wrestler was called Nuts, while the blue robot was named Bolts.
The next team was called the hunters for hire, which had all the hunters/outdoors men in the crowd jumping for joy. The two men were dressed as wild game hunters dressed in camouflage, as if they had just came from hunting, The men were identical twins that only difference in appearance was their facial hair. The first man named Run had a large handlebar mustache that was close to two feet in width. He had the rest of his face shaven beside his goatee. Gun on the other hand had a long bushman style beard that extended down to his muscled chest.
The two teams didn't fight before the bell started and even shook hands to show that they were keeping the code of honor. (This meant that the match would be a clean one, with no cheating).
The bell rung and Nuts and Run were starting the match give each a bow, as a sign of mutual respect. The crowd clapped in approval of the sportsmanship displayed.
The robot started to throwing spinning fists at the hunter, but it was for naught.
Run dodged and gave his machine foe a chop to the chest, which caused sparks to pour off of
Nuts' torso.
The hunter shouted,"What the hell? Is he off of the ultimate sentai show?"
Nuts used the confusion to strike his fleshy foe with a spinning fist. Run was knocked back into the ropes.
Gun shouted,"Brother, get that waste of metal and turn him into scrape metal!"
Run did just that and used the second rope to use to propel him into a flying superman punch.
Sparks blew off of Nuts' torso and caused him to roll out of the ring.
The kids started to scream out,"Get up Nuts! Beat him up!"
The robot got back in the ring and started to do some sort of pose. Run was walking on the top the closest to his foe.
The hunter did a flying double ax handle to the head of Nuts. Sparks flew off the robot, but he remained steadfast in his pose. (the move has the attacker land on it's foe with both fists wrapped together).
Run was grabbed up into a throwing belly to belly suplex, that cause him to fly over the top rope and land on the metal guardrail in front of the onlooking crowd.
Nuts had been caught mid pose when he was given a Hurricanrana and thrown out of the ring.
Gun had took advantage of his flashy foe, which caused bolts to attack him as a means of revenge.
(This move causes the victim to be flipped in almost a complete three hundred degree arc with the attackers' legs and core muscles).
The ref had no time to break the two illegal men, as he was counting towards a ring out victory.
"17, 18, 19."
Both men rolled into the ring in time.
Both teams returned to their respective corners and tagged their partners in. It was now Bolts vs Gun, which the fans were starting to get excited.
The two warriors started to give each other harsh chomps to the chest. The blows were getting harder and harder. Sparks were endlessly coming off of Bolt's chest, while Gun's chest has bleeding from the blows.
The blue robot did a double spinning punch to his opponent, after he jumped off the second rope.
Gun was knocked out of the ring and slammed against the guard rail.
The hunter climbed back into the ring and tagged Run back in. Nuts was tagged back into the match.
The two warriors started to circle each waiting for the moment to strike.
This went on for over one minute, before the two fighters each a flying drop kick to each other.
Both kicks landed and they land hard on their sides.
The ref checked on the competitors and asked,"Can you continue?"
Both fighters screamed out,"Yes!'
The two stand up to their feet and continued to wrestle.
They did a double punch to the face.
Both men were knocked out.
The ref called for stretchers and had them carried off into the back for medical care.
It was now Nuts vs run.
The fans were chanting,"This is awesome!"
The robotic wrestlers started to spin into a circle and started to move around, like a spinning top.
Run was pinned in the nearest turnbuckle to the point where he couldn't defend himself
The ref gestured for the bell to be rung.
Nuts spot the assault after hearing the bell.
Medical staff carried off Run, as the robotic warrior stood victorious.
The kids were happy as the robot did poses for them.
No interview was given by ether team.
Rumble and Flare were whispering with each other, as the match ended.
Now was the last match was now Precious metals vs the Slut Shammers. The two were now in the ring, awaiting for the bell to ring. There would be no code of honor in this match.