The teams gave each other curses and the brawl was on. Everybody exited the ring and started to fight, like wild men. Silver had a TV cable wrapped around Rude's neck in the attempt to strangle him old cold. Prude was beating Gold with the time keeper's hammer in the side of the head.
The ref couldn't count out or disqualify both teams since it was a tournament. There had to be a winner. Gold was bashing the ring bell into the jaw of Rude, while Prude was getting his head bashed at his back.
Precious metals were taken their foes into the ringside seats, as fans rushed to get out of the way.
Rude threw a half-filled bear cup unto the face of Gold. The man didn't take kindly to that and started to pummel his foe in the head with flying metal chairs.
God spoke, "You nasty bastard! Take this on for size!"
Rude started to run towards the concession stands,
Prude and Silver were taking turns bashing each other in the top of their heads, as hard as possible. Normally at the promotion, the move would be an instant disqualification, but that would not happen here today. Both men would be fined ten thousand dollars, by the promotion. Yet, they could care less, since it was ass-kicking time.
The Ref had gotten some popcorn and a soda while sitting in one of the ring's corners.
The announcer was shouting on the mike, "Please stop! Get back to the ring!"
None of the wrestlers listened to the request and continued on to beat each other up.
Silver and Gold were setting up tables and stacking them on top of each other until there were two rows of three tables on top of each other. The fans were both excited and concern over what would happen next.
The precious metals dragged the slut Shammers unto the second floor. The crowd was screaming out in horror about what was going to happen next.
Gold and Silver were about to powerbomb their opponents when the move was blocked by the enemy team. The Slut Shammers were making themselves into dead weights by wrapping their shins around the legs of their would-be attackers.
Prude and Rude got free of the precious metals and whipped them unto the floor below. It was a twenty feet drop through thick metal and wooden chairs. Women and children were screaming at the sight, while the men were chanting, "Holy shit! Holy shit!"
The ref stopped the match, as the Slut Shammers put their hands up in victory.
Medical staff was carting off the precious metals into a nearby ambulance.
The backroom interviewer was dripping in sweat, as he had rushed to interview the winning team.
"Slut Shammers, how does it feel to the win the last match of the first round of the..."
Prude spoke, "Get your filthy self away from me you dirty rotten sinner! I will beat you as they did on the day those demons put the good Lord on the cross!"
Rude chimed in with an "amen."
The pair went on preaching for several minutes before the microphone was turned off. The two then walked back to the locker room.
The show went into an intermission, as the staff put back the arena back into working order.
Humble and Red Flare were excited in the back after seeing the brawl.
Rumble spoke, "I wished that we could've taken part in that blood bath!
Before Flare could respond, a young boy shouted, "Guys, it is time for your match!"
The motley crew entered the ring and were waiting for the moonshiners to come out. When the fatsos got within fifteen feet of the ring the smaller team did a double flying cross body to the opposing team. (This move has the attacker throw themselves the chest of their foe while turning their body horizontally).
But was for naught, since the moonshiners caught the smaller tag team. (Humble Rumble and Red flare's combined weight was only four hundred and eighty pounds, compared to eleven hundred plus Moonshiners). The entrapped team was bucklebombed unto the edge of the ring. (the edge of the ring had little protection on it and was mostly consisted of metal.
Rumble and Flare were grabbing their backs due to pain, as they were yelling out their frustration. Rumble was cursing so much that it would make a sailor blush.
The team had no time to recover as they were picked up by their fat foes and flung one-handed into the farthest guard rail. They both landed upside down and were defenseless.
The moonshiners ran to the opposite side of the guard rails and raced towards the heroes.
The two fatties performed a flying belly flop on Rumble and Flair. Both of the victims lost all their breath and couldn't recover themselves back to their normal selves.
The moonshiners were ripping off the floor mats used to protect the wrestlers from landing on the concrete floor. The whole area was now bare floor, as the huge rednecks walked over to the duo.
Women could be heard screaming at the sight of Rumble and Flair incoming assault.
The fat men used up the slender wrestlers and flipped upside down.
The moonshiners were going to piledriven them into the hard floor.
Rumble and Flair were each given a gotch piledriver unto concrete! (This variation has the attacker's arm locked around the victim's body, as they are slammed head first into the ground. The attacker sits on the floor at the end of the move).