Gates happiness and tension

After gates received the call he called the CEO to arrange the board of directors meeting at 4 pm say it's emergency.

After he ended the call and went to fresh up and started his car and went to his office by 2 pm. As he went CEO came to receive him and told him that all shareholders are coming to the meeting.

After that CEO left the largest shareholders came early and saw gate's face expression which was happy and confused.

A longest partner who saw this expression was also curious about it so he asked gate what makes you happy in this old days and why are you calling for an emergency meeting.

Steve the person who is going to come today is very important I think you know about the young master. He is coming to talk a business with us, so you know the significance of this meeting. Those namikage house is known for its intelligence and they have another status "Royal family of human race".

When Steve heard about young master his breathing became disorder and took some time to calm down.

Gate you must know whenever this family involves in the outside world it will cause big shock more families are trying to become their subordinate's. It seems world is not going to be calm from now onwards.

I know that so let's see what kind of business we are going to do.

After some time gate received a call from the reception that Mr. Namikage came. He just replied and told her to bring him to the chamber room. Then he left from the room and waited for young master.

After few minutes he saw a child of 7 - 8 years coming out of the lift and a man who fallowed him is 40 years old after seeing him he walked towards them said welcome to the microsoft office young master.

Hello Mr. Bill Gates. Let's finish our deal and I need to return home before dinner so let's discuss about the co-operation between our two companies.

Yes Mr. Namikage let's head to the chamber where board members are waiting for you.

Good Mr. Gates, after saying that I fallowed him to the room and saw people looking curiously towards me. As I sat beside gates and uncle John standing beside me watching the room carefully.

So colleagues the chamber meeting starts as you can see today we have a special person from Namikage family I think most of you know about them and the new generation who don't know can go to their houses and check the required information. So now I ask Mr. Namikage to talk about co-operation.

Well thank you Mr. Gates, as Gates introduced me there is no need for further introduction of my self so let's directly start talking about the co-operation details. Let's say I have four new Microsoft operating system let's say they are updated version by a decade just you need to update with the hardware configuration. So here is the original drive you cannot copy the data to other drive. It automatically destroy data after a month. In this month you can check whether the data is true or not. So for this only two kinds of co-operation accepted give me some shares according to the value of technical data I gave you second give me 100 billion dollars for my technical product and 10% of profit from each operating system is sold and no further discussion about this topic is needed we will talk about it in next month.

Next I would like to buy some shares from the major share holder's my price is 2 million shares to increase 10 years of your life span it can be done now so it's your choice I'll only give five minutes so you can think about it.

Then I turned towards Gates OK for now I'll demonstrate my goodwill towards you as it's my first meeting with Gates I forgot to bring the gift so then let me increase your life span by twenty years, I went near him and placed my hand over his head and used natural energy to clean all the toxins present in his body and revitalise his organs with the natural energy. As I was doing this the toxins are coming out of his pores so I used a rune to vapourise the toxins into dust. The people from the surrounding saw the change of gates as he is becoming twenty years younger they were surprised so they thought about agreement.

After seeing what happen Gates was happy to meet young master since from today he can live more than twenty years if nothing bad happens. So most of the elderly people agreed to transfer 2 million shares under the name of namikage group of solutions sole owner Namikage Naruto.

So here is the transfer contract fill the details and sign it. After completion of sign I did the same procedure to make them young by ten years so now I got nearly 8 million shares so let's meet in a month to give me the satisfiedanswer. Then I got up left the conference room.

As I left everyone is still thinking about the young master after some time Gates cough made them to come out of their thinking. So friends I think you know now Mr. Namikage gave us two conditions so according to the benefits he brings I need not tell you so I think let's take a long term relationship so let's give him shares after evaluating his technology. So let's meet in one month and I'll check the technical content.