Parallel computing processor chip

After completing his deal he will get at least 20 million shares and nearly 50 billion dollars for technical patent rights. Now he got nearly 1 billion dollars of shares with just increasing their life span. So by evening 7 pm I reached home and describe about my deal to the parents they were happy to listen that their son earned the complete money he spend on supercomputer project with some profits but for real profits need to wait for a month.

So son next what is your project. Dad my next project is making some processing chips which only increases rate of computing then do a deal with Intel. After saying my ideas I left to my room and slept.

Next morning I did my regular cultivation and had breakfast and went to the basement as I came out of inspection room I saw angelica working on the chip.

Hi angelica how is the work going on any way to increase your computing power.

Master now I'm making a virtual model of the chip which helps in parallel computing which can increase normal supercomputer speed by two times and mine by four times. So to test and optimize it it will take two days of earth time. So start the process with how fast you do then you get greater update then we can solve quantum computer problem.

Yes master angelica will work harder to solve the problem.

Hmm good.

So I'll come after two day's to see the result. So at which level of computing now the computer is working.

Master it's working at 90% of it's total computing power.

Increase it's computing power to maximum like 99% and run it stably as we don't have to worry about the electricity.

After two days I got the notification that chip is finally completed. So I went to the basement saw angelica on the screen downloading the data from primal server for information.

Hello master. Parallel computing processor chip has been completed after optimization it increases the compution power of mine nearly six times as for others it's three times. Please collect the design of the chip from the printed paper.

Then I went to printer and saw the diagram it took nearly six hours to understand the diagram. So angelica start researching on quantum computer you can use D-wave company data which had been collected few years ago to initiate the project.

Yes master it will help me to reduce the project time nearly half.

Then just send me the details about the project when you completed the first model in theory it must be better then D-wave new generation.

Yes master and take care.

By saying that I left the room and called uncle John to my room.

Knock, knock..

When I heard the knocking I asked uncle John to Come in.

Young master what can I do for you?.

Uncle John I want you to go to the Intel headquarters and discuss about a deal as same as Microsoft about to increase their life span just say them to come to our guest house whoever wants and order some server's from Intel using this processor for super computer and order this processor separately for our previous supercomputer as they are going to get scrapped after this. I think its is 5000 unit's and with extra 1000 unit server's it will be fastest supercomputer in the world.

OK young master by tonight I'll tell you the details.

By saying that uncle John left the room. Then I took the tab and gave angelica to produce a patent for this chip.

OK master it will be produced in a day. I'll use my complete authority to get the certificate.

Good. After placing my tab on the bed I went to the dining room. I saw my parents already already sitting in the room and waiting for me. I went and sat on an empty chair.

Hello dad, Hello mom. I hope you are not waiting for me long.

No son we just came five minutes ago and talked about some business matter. So what made you late today I saw John left in hurry, did you give him any work.

About that I gave him a blueprint of a chip and asked him to make a deal with Intel and oder some things from the company for our super computer.

So you completed the second project in two days. So what are the uses of this chip.

Dad this chip can give huge computing boost for supercomputer by three times and our supercomputer by six times so we can do more computing projects. Now my third project is quantum computer which can help us in calculating about reality problems and solve them like air, water pollution and their solutions. Although takes some time but my main aim is to create yaun element again artificially by using waste material for some time then our nature it itself breed yaun element automatically through plants water etc..

Although we need many years to reach that level but for our land it can be done in an year then you can practice the manual easily as here the concentration of yaun element is high.

In mean time I'll create a serum which can make normal human being reach peak of humanity like super soldier serum in marvel universe then give to our loyal guards to increase their strength but they must have good heart to not have any side effect.

I will also inject myself this serum after the conformation.

After finishing my talk I saw my dad seeing me with his Jaws drop down.

After I moved my plate and going to take some food. My dad came to his senses and asked son can you really produce yaun element through scientific method. If possible then this world will change again its destiny and human race regain their position among the other races after this invention.

After saying this he also happily had lunch. After completing my lunch I saw my mom in the kitchen and asked her family cultivation technique.

Son although I practice the technique from my family but it's second grade technique and my brother practice the main house technique so do you still want to see it.

Mom what I want is to see and improve your technique so you can be strong and live good life with father.

Yeah I also heard from your father that you studied new technique from our ancestors technique which is more powerful. I know my son is intelligent so come to my room I'll give you the copy of technique.

So we reached my mom room she went near a safehouse and took a sheet of ancient manual. Here son it is the manual which my ancestor found when he went to ancient ruins.

Although he said it's not the complete technique but he said it is as powerful as the secret technique of the family.

When I looked at the technique name it's return origin creator technique this technique says that all the Yaun energy absorbed by the practitioner will evolve after reaching the peak and create primordial yaun but the only problem is it didn't say how to evolve the Yaun energy to immortal energy without going through tribulation. Mom although I found the fault of this technique but didn't find the solution so I need some time. I'll give you satisfactory answer in two days.