Same tune as "love song"
You ask for a river I give the sea
I'm more than you need
Because I'll give everything
Do I love to much? Cause I'm all in
Drowning in love
Hey I'm too much
They say I'm overwhelming
They say be cautious, look towards the hills,
But can mountains move wills?
No, and I'm willing
Drowning in my love
Overflowing because
I Won't express any less than love
The way I love is too much
And I'd hesitate cause I don't want you to suffocate in my love
Cause it's easy for me
To get a head and be
Too much
I know you'll look away if I go in and say
I want you in my life
Husband and wife
So let's set a plan
Come on, Take my hand-
That would be too much
Because if someone said that to me
I'd run towards the hills
Cause we aren't the same wills
And that'd be too much
Even for me
What if I loved myself that much?
That would be too much,
But I'll try just enough
Not to be too much