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Re:Burning Bright

What happened to laughter? What happened to ease?

Where have you gone? Where is our peace?


Where is the music? Where is the play?

Where have the days gone? Have we forgotten who we are?


I see a fire, burning within you

You may not see it- But I do

Some have embers and ashes,

Regret their days and their chances

They try to drown us out;

But we keep burning higher and higher


You have a fire burning bright

You know your own light,

And we'll never give up;

We'll keep burning higher and higher


They try to drown us out

Fill our hearts with fear and doubt

Take away what feeds your soul

Makes you laugh and feel whole

They're the darkest of the nights

The hardest days to endure the fight


What happened to laughter? What happened to ease?

Where have you gone? Where is our peace?


Where is the music? Where is the play?

Where have the days gone? Have we forgotten who we are?

Even the darkest place; they can't take away the stars.


I see a fire, burning within you

You may not see it- But I do

Some have embers and ashes,

Regret their days and their chances

They try to drown us out;

But we keep burning higher and higher


When it's the darkest nights

When your fears seem to win the fights

take a breath and I'm there

even fire needs the air

remember why we peruse

hold your dreams and chase them through


I see a fire, burning in you

You may not see it, but I do

You have a fire burning bright

You chase your hopes and light

-Burning higher and higher


You seek the laughter and the peace

Regardless of the ease

You have a fire burning bright

You chase after your light

They can't drown us out

We burn higher and higher

We burn higher and higher
