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An educated person

What makes a good well-educated person? One who is empathetic, energetic, high expectations, and is able to see the areas one struggles in, as well as their strengths. How is one able to accomplish these? They start with their faith and act on it. Then search for good sources, and feast on knowledge. They also know the affect and impact on what they seek to do, and then serve another.

What makes a well-educated person? Is it one who is willing to learn? Or simply knows a lot? It is actually more than that. A well-educated person is someone who knows what they are talking about. They know the areas and content. They are willing to listen to others, as well as take personal insight. They promote a positive environment that encourages learning, and fosters creativity. As well as those who are willing to ask questions and seek answers, in D&C 11:12 it assures us to trust reliable resources. Such as the Gospel. We are able to emulate an environment where we can learn by the spirit and teach it by Being a good example and living righteously. This brings one at their best performance.

Learning isn't always a quick. We are continually progressing. We do not always receive answers immediately, or get the results as fast as desired. It is prudent that one practice patients . Those who have wisdom know through personal experience. We learn our own way, at our own pace and time. It is a process.

Another factor is accessing knowledge. In DC 88:63 ,there is a particular quote that draws to mind, that of 'ask and that it will be given', meaning that one should inquire, and use their resources available to them. However, it is beyond asking, one must prepare themselves to fully understand the content that they wish, but in D&C 9:7–8; it assures us that when we find truth, we shall know it, and it will feel right. It is also noted that first impressions tend to be correct when it comes to determining an answer.

A smart person knows to keep themselves(and be willing to keep this up) healthy; spiritually, physically, and mentally. This includes the commandments. They would know the consequences to actions. Secondly, They Would also prepare and take heed to any warnings or signs. They would be able to use their judgement. John 14:26 talks about how we are to learn, and discover truths. That we should know all things, not just small matters. What I took from John 16:13 was that A well-educated person should be open to exploring new ideas. With knowing that they do not know all, and thus are humble. They are willing to learn, as well as seek for truth.