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Thoughts in class

Date: 9/16/2019 Monday

The core of motivations

It's also important to find out which motivators they respond to, and what tangent will understand. As an Intrinsic motivator myself, if I see no personal growth in it, I see no value in it. So it's important to connect to what does matter for them, such as a group project with building relationships and gaining better abilities to social interaction.

Date: 9/18/2019 Wednesday

A child's impression

I agree. It also applies very well to the first chapter. :) It's discouraging when a teacher expects all to have great 'results' with the same style or attitude. In second grade I had a teacher who told me to my face that "you're too stupid to read that," and it troubled me for years. A child is very impressed by their experiences and it can greatly impact them. In the video prince EA gave, what we are told as children can carry on with us.

Date: 9/20/2019 Friday

Declarative memory

A child will remember how to do a process even if they don't recall the exact memory. Which reminds me of declarative memory. This carries on throughout our lives. Do we remember being taught the first time 1+1?

Date: 9/23/2019 Monday

A growing brain

In my reading of how the brain learns, the brain is still developing and growing. Breaks are necessary to keep concentration. The attention span grows with age as well. When I volunteered at Brighton Elementary in Colorado, the kids with teachers who didn't implement breaks where prone to anxious tendencies.

Date: 9/25/2019 Wednesday

Pomodoro Technique

25 minute break intervals. 'Mind breaks,' great for ADHD and those who easily lose focus. This can easily be put into a classroom by taking breaks in between. I've seen this in the fifth grade I observed over the summer. She had a variety of breaks-not repeating the same one for the class for that day. The class was fresh and ready. The longest before the breaks would be 45 minutes.

Date: 9/27/2019 Friday

How the brain learns through music

Studies show that playing an instrument heals the brain. It uses multiple parts of the body to play an instrument. In elementary schools they require a child to take up an instrument, such as a recorder and/or a string instrument.

Date: 9/30/2019 Monday

Monday music

Music has a major impact on our daily lives. Classical-good for study while playing gently in the background. Like in the second grade and fourth grade I helped out in during April till the end of their school. Compared to the other classes of the same grades that didn't do music, the ones without music where more chaotic and take longer on their assignments and homework.

Date: 10/2/2019 Wednesday

A story teller's secrets

Remember a Ted's talk you love? A comedian making fun of size proportions by easily eating a whole container of sweets? There is something that grabs out to the audience. A story. We can relate to a simple personal story. But it can't be just any story, you have to read the audience and taylor the story to them. Little kids aren't interested in calorie counts, but can to a tub or ice cream.

A good example was a 5th grade teacher relating the boston tea party like if she took away all of their games and devices, but they wouldn't be able to go to the police because she'd be the police. Connect it to what they understand and can relate to.

Date: 10/4/2019 Friday

Kept in the brain

Memory and retention through storytelling. This is actually what I'm researching for my field research. The brain recalls stories because they can connect to them. I will be relating this to laundry with adding person experiences. I am actually choosing a topic that she's not interested in on purpose, but see how adding stories keeps her attention.

Date: 10/7/2019 Monday

Brain Fuel

(How the brain learns). Food is fuel. Our bodies convert what we eat into energy that fuels our brain. We are like the modern day zombie, if you're hungry, you can't think straight. In the school I volunteered in over the summer, they had snacks they gave to the students.

Date: 10/9/2019 Wednesday

Brain deflated

(How the brain learns). Do you know what our cells look like when we are dehydrated? I bet you can guess. After some nice water they look healthy and ready to work. As my coach would say, "you wake up dehydrated, you haven't had any water for at least eight hours." He suggests having a water bottle next to your bed so you can get hydrated first thing in the morning. I find it ridiculous when a teacher won't let a student get a drink of water-it should be encouraged.

Date: 10/11/2019 Friday

Fueling the body

(How the brain learns). Food is fuel. Have a little snack ready for the go. Our bodies convert what we eat into energy that fuels our brain. We are like the modern day zombie, if you're hungry, you can't think straight. Some of your students may be hypoglycemic, meaning that they need to eat or else they can get shaky, dizzy, nauseous, etc. In rooms that don't have carpet, I'd let the students have snacks. :)

Date: 10/14/2019 Monday

Milgram Experiment

Punishment as reinforcement-Evil. EVIL!! Hurt and harm has lasting consequences and creates negative connections throughout the brain. Such as any mistake being a serious punishments. This stops kids from being creative and expressing themselves because they can't risk the chance of being punished.

Date: 10/16/2019 Wednesday

Desert food

Never use food as a reward or a punishment. It makes them associate food as a reward or a punishment. That they have to goarge the food inorder to eat as a punishment or because out of hunger and try not to get caught, least they get their food taken away from them. Or that they feel like do not deserve food.

Date: 10/18/2019 Friday

Bad attention

My cousin is a good example, she learned to behave with us because she'd wouldn't get attention for bad behavior. But she would revert back when with her family because that was the only way she got attention. She was young, but old enough to register that for these people she needed to behave differently.

Date: 10/21/2019 Monday

Moral stages ----- Lawrence Kohlberg

Child development in education page 526

Preconventional lv.

St 1 avoid punishment

A cashier gives you more money than your change. "Well, we should return the money because if we don't the cops will get us."

St 2 aiming for reward

Conventional lv

St 3 good boy & good girl attitude

"She speeded, she's a bad girl,"

St 4 loyalty to law and order

"I do it because it's the law. We thrive on structure and order and must follow it."

Postconventional lv

St 5 justice & the spirit of law

Lameasarob-although it's wrong, there is a greater justice than the law. Although according to the law, this man should be in jail for stealing bread 15yrs ago, it's not morally right.

Stg 6 universal principles of Ethics

Apologising. Even when you meant something different and you realize that they took it the wrong way, so apologies when you could.

Date: 10/23/2019 Wednesday


My field study: A positive Correlation between student's engagement and understanding by asking questions throughout the lesson/story. A negative correlation between student's display of disruptive behavior and disconnection with questions asked after the lesson/story.

Conclusion from data: Students retained the information when asked questions throughout the story, while waiting to ask questions till after the chapter resulted in confused students. Students retain information far better when they are asked questions throughout the story or lesson.

Asking questions has an effect on a student's memory retention.

Asking questions during the chapter will engage students and recall connections. When questions are asked afterwards, students struggle making connections to the story and are prone to displaying disruptive behavior.

Child Development and Education page 46

Date: 10/25/2019 Friday


Child's mindset greatly affect their performance. Positive affirmations. Believing in oneself. "If you think you can, or you can't, you're right," When showing high state anxiety, situation can defuse by humor, positives, and distractions.

"I can't do math, I'm terrible at it, and so is everyone in my family," They will believe that they won't be good.

Self concept and mindset how the brain learns page 61

Date: 10/28/2019 Monday

How the brain learns: Variables page 215

For my experiment I will see how well _____ retains information based on asking questions through the chapter verses after the chapter. I expect that the first will have better results.

Independent variable (what is controlled in the experiment). questions after/throughout the story. When I ask questions for the story.

Dependent variable: (what's being tested in the experiment based on the independent variable). Retention of memory. Asking questions to see how the student retains the memory.

Controlled variable: (What remains unchanged in the experiment).

The Book-the titanic, Same group, Same number of people in the group, People in group, # of people in group, class, grade level, Classroom, Same vocabulary, Same time

Date: 10/30/2019 Wednesday

Young music

(How the brain learns). Higher capacity seen in children who start music at a younger age. For example, my friend Nicole. She started playing the violin at two years old. She is amazing. She is very musically depth. Highly encourage music. Helps the brain. Even if it's just playing music in the background it shapes the child.

Date: 11/1/2019 Friday

Gotta move-exercise

(How the brain learns). Brain breaks.

Does your brain feel fried? Feel overwhelmed? Too much to process? Well look to brain breaks to relax your brain so you can be refreshed. Brain breaks are necessary for each to come back refreshed, such as a coworker, they all need a break from their long hours so they can be at their best to help you.

Date: 11/4/2019 Monday

Baby Steps

Have you seen the movie, what about Bob? I love it, makes me laugh. I can so relate because I have general anxiety. It is so true. As the therapist says, "take baby steps, don't focus on getting out of the building, focus on getting to the door, then out the hall." Let them focus on the here first. That way it draws attention to the now and the immediate first. There are plenty more needed skills, but this is just a baby step. My mother would reassure me as a kid and help me accomplish 'big tasks' by breaking them down and finding how to move forward.

Date: 11/6/2019 Wednesday

Take a Vacation

In the movie, what about Bob? The therapist tells Bob, "I am prescribing you a vacation. Not a vacation from your work, but a vacation from your stress, every time you feel anxious, I want you to take out this slip, and follow it to the letter."

Date: 11/8/2019 Friday

Assess your needs

In the movie, what about Bob?' The therapist assesses Bob. How he seems to go toward family. What he needs is interaction with family. Those who he views as family. To have a firm support to find a foundation of stability. It is a great step when a student can identify their own needs, and step back.

Date: 11/11/2019 Monday

Brain paths and connections, don't let it decay!

Metacognition-now able to think and relate to ourselves. Use brain and 'transform self' reason for being able to reason. Higher level thinking. Cup stacking. Adult versus child, adult thinking far more, while kids is doing naturally, brain at near rest like state,, why it's important to do young.

Physical change in brain, set of connections formed. GET IT IN your brain, like playing the violin, takes at least 5 days of constant use to have those strong connections

Date: 11/13/2019 Wednesday

Positive and negative reinforcement

Positive and negative reinforcement. Hannah will be using positive and negative reinforcement to test memory retention. She will use one group with positive reinforcement, then test them, as well as negative reinforcement with another group and then test them.

Mirror neurons. We absorb information around us and our brain makes connections to what we do and see. Positive and negative.

Date: 11/15/2019 Friday


Crystal form like how negative influences causes spiky structures? Verses kind words causes them to form beautifully? Is that what they mean? Like when a crystal Farms if you actually speak for a make it to it it will grow very spunky and very disorganized, but if you speak kind words to it it will grow very beautifully. "One heart one mind" ---parallel thinking Philosophy Think about which pie you will have during thanksgiving White hat-facts information So if you are having apple pie for Thanksgiving and another says a different pie, then that's not parallel thinking. That's comparing pies. As the describes the pie a student says ""ooh umm," which is an example of another hat philosophy When another student thinks negatively about the apple pie, that is not thinking of one heart one mind Yellow hat is positive thinking

Date: 11/18/2019 Monday

Edward's Thinking Hats

Black hat= caution



Blue=decision making/organization



Be able to identify and use these thinking hats. Want students to use hats. If they are a natural black hat, trying to use other hats is good for them to access full information and greater perspective. May do this by asking questions, and positive influences.

Date: 11/20/2019 Wednesday

Parasitic relationships

Has anyone played super smash brothers? It's the brain succer that would suc the life force out of your character, it was so annoying, and hard to detach it. It's good for the parasite, but bad for you. (+,-) This is called a parasitic relationship. Best to cut off these relationships that negatively impact the person. Students may experience bullying, or someone they consider a friend who is bullying them.

Page #, how the brain learns variables

Date: 11/22/2019 Friday

The power of mantras "I feel good. I feel great. I feel wonderful."

Positive mindset

Repetative, tell yourself you can do this.

____' s view on her capabilities would greatly affect the results.

Examples of self efficacy are, 'I can do this, I know I'm capable of playing the violin." View on self ability to perform a task.

Self esteem has a great impact. It's one one the basic needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs model. If ____ has low self-esteem, she will believe that she isn't as capable. Her self view of one's own worth.

______self concept might include, "I'm a good friend. I'm nice. I view myself as a very compassionate person." A positive self concept greatly boost their ability and how they respond.

Page #, how the brain learns variables

Date: 11/25/2019 Monday

The boggart-learn to laugh at the situation

Laughing defuse stress.

Because she doesn't know me, she might have state anxiety, be a bit more quiet, more observant, which would be perfectly normal because I'm a new face.

Her trait anxiety may be touching her hair, folding her arms, or avoiding eye contact.

Descriptive research is noticing her behavior and what it is, that way I know how I can best help. Like if she shows any debilitating anxiety, which would include freezing up, hesitating, hard time breathing, we'll take a little break, maybe stretch, or walk around a little bit to calm those nerves so she feels able to tell me what she needs and get those needs met. That way she can move forward.

Date: 12/2/2019 Monday

Edward's Thinking Hats, more hats

Black hat= caution



Blue=decision making/organization



Be able to identify and use these thinking hats. Want students to use hats. If they are a natural black hat, trying to use other hats is good for them to access full information and greater perspective. May do this by asking questions, and positive influences.

Example is like that of poetry club showcase. Tomorrow. White hat: the poetry showcase is Tuesday December 3rd, red hat: I'm excited to share my poem! Blue hat: Who will we have to contact to organize the food or budget? Yellow: Seems like a great opportunity to express myself and share mutual interests. Green hat: I wonder how else I can make my poem come off the page, black hat: Gah! EEEEEP! I don't want to do this!

Date: 12/4/2019 Wednesday


Mimonic device used to retain information please excuse my dear aunt sally

Misconception if think it's something else

Camels for remembering time periods

Every good boy deserves fun-music

Mimonics are a great way to memorize data. It helps students learn the order to be able to recall properly.

Date: 12/6/2019 Friday


Rate of maturation is controlled by both environmental and genetic.

Developmental milestone-behaviors. Like walking, crawling, running. Important to notice their development.

Developmental milestone is a step in a sequence of development of physical, cognitive, or social-emotional skills.

Schema of schema of butterflies, child sees centipede, puts it in schema of butterflies assimilation of taking in an item and trying to fit it in known category. Creates Misconceptions.

Associations. Misconceptions. Over and under generalizations. Turkey or ham for thanks giving. Identify and apply. Christmas socks.

Date: 12/9/2019 Monday


Knowing your motivations and your students by tailoring to the individual. It's also important to find out which motivators they respond to, and what tangent will understand. As an Intrinsic motivator myself, if I see no personal growth in it, I see no value in it. So it's important to connect to what does matter for them, such as a group project with building relationships and gaining better abilities to social interaction. Knowing your motivations and your students by tailoring to the individual.

Date: 12/11/2019 Wednesday

Positive relationships

Called Mutualism. This is where both people benefit from each other. Friendships should be positive and healthy relationships. This is a bit more complex for kids. Basic knowledge of their values, likes, and dislikes can help the student know what they are looking for in a friend. This can also help them know what they like in others.