That Fateful Encounter

When Feng XiaLin finally came to, it was already midnight. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by a sight of someone looming above him. That someone has a meticulously clean and beautiful face, but what's really alluring about him was not that worried expression masked behind that cold face, but those enchanting eyes. They were like two orbs of dense cloud of storm, it was truly mystifying. He was shocked silly and was about to jump out from where he was lying when suddenly that person pushed him down. The man wore a dark robe that has silver embroideries.

"Don't move. Rest." That man ordered while gently pushing him down the bed.

Feng XiaLin still tried to stand up and complained, "Who are you to order me around? I'm a Prince! Let go of me this instance!"

The man shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands. Feng XiaLin abruptly stood up only to regret his action immediately. His knees collapsed under him and with a loud thud, his face fell flat onto the floor. The man chuckled as he watched Feng XiaLin wince in pain while soothing his throbbing nose. He immediately glared at the man who was hiding his laugh by now.

The man smirked, "Don't look at me like that. It's you who said that I let you go."

Feng XiaLin, "You didn't even tried to catch me!" the Prince refuted while trying to stand up. Seeing him struggle, the man reached out his hand and lifted Feng XiaLin through the back of his collar. With one swift motion, he tossed Feng XiaLin onto the bed like a bag of potato. Feng XiaLin yelped in pain as he asked angrily, "Aiyo! Is this how you normally treat a Prince? Where's the manner?"

The man, "Then, how should I address this Prince?"

Feng XiaLin, "I am Feng Lin. Yun Ming mountain Peak Prince, Feng XiaLin."

The man walked around Feng XiaLin with his hands behind his back, he lazily said, "Then may I ask. Why is Prince Feng XiaLin wandering at my courtyard without my permission? Do you know that you have intruded my turf? Where is your manner?"

Feng XiaLin was shocked, he exclaimed, "What? Your turf? Then...Then, you are..."

The man tilted his head to the side as he said in a domineering manner, "Yes. I am Rong Jian the Sorcerer. Rong ZhanWu"

And the Prince was sent straight to hell. This person was Rong Jian. The Sorcerer Rong ZhanWu!

Feng XiaLin immediately felt all his hairs rose up to their ends. He cursed at his luck for sending him straight to the monster's den. That moment, he immediately thought that he was going to die tonight. Quickly, he grabbed for his sword to defend himself only to discover that the sword was gone! He mustered all his courage and he turned his gaze towards Rong ZhanWu, he declared, "I am here to save the Princess! Where is she?"

Seeing that he tried to look formidable but failed miserably, Rong ZhanWu answered brusquely "Heh," he snickered, "Just as I thought. What else could be the other reason for a Prince to dare to enter this place aside from rescuing a Princess?"

Feng XiaLin, "Where is she?!"

"Qin Li?" Rong ZhanWu referred to the Princess, "At the courtyard, behind this pavilion. If you would look at the window behind you, you will definitely see her."

The courtyard behind has a flower garden and trees heavy with fruit, but what differs it from a normal garden was the plants growing inside of it. Dark colored flowers that almost turned black were budding everywhere; from dark purple, dark red, dark blue, dark green and even black! Their vines that served as protection were full of thorns. Feng XiaLin hasn't seen this kind of garden before so he couldn't help but to be fascinated.

Going back to the mentioned Princess, true enough inside that courtyard, a woman with a long brown silky hair and slender body wearing a red robe was standing straight and firm. The scene would be considered very beautiful; if only the princess was watering the plants, but instead she's swaying a sword as if she was ready to hack someone!

That was quite not normal for a Princess! He hesitated for a moment, but he remembered that if he didn't get this girl then he will be a laughingstock! He once again turned to Rong ZhanWu, who was at the moment taking his leave, and said "I'm going to take her."

Rong ZhanWu halted and glanced back at him, "Heh," he sneered, "then let's have a duel tomorrow morning. You will probably fully recovered by then. I don't want to fight a handicapped person. If you can defeat me, I will give her to you. But if I defeat you, I will take away your life."

That next day, Feng XiaLin woke up at Si Shi period. He went straight in front of the pavilion and there he saw Qin Li swaying her sword once again. He used up this chance to talk with her and at the same time warn her about how dangerous this Sorcerer was.

For a moment, he was dumbstruck at how solid and fierce her sword movements were, he praised "To see a beautiful lady wielding a sword in this early morning is truly stunning."

Qin Li stopped her actions and looked at him as if she was looking at a brainless person, "It is Si Shi period yet you call this early? I don't think you can really put up a fight against Rong ZhanWu." Seeing that he has an 'Oh, you knew?' expression she continued, "Just so you know, I will not help you."

Feng XiaLin pouted, "You don't seem to sound like much of a Princess."

"Laughable", Qin Li smirked and raised up her sword, she continued "My royal family also said the same thing."

At that moment, Rong ZhanWu came out of the Pavilion looking as dominant and handsome as ever. He ushered Feng XiaLin inside the Pavilion and there they faced a huge mirror. With few waves of Rong ZhanWu's hand, the mirror rippled and the two walked in. After three steps, they were sent to a different dimension.

The place that they were in was a wide arena, but there were no crowd on sight. The place seemed deserted and the air was dry and warm. Feng XiaLin gave a few sneezes due to how dusty the place was. Paying him no attention, Rong ZhanWu gave him a sword before he stood at the opposite side of the platform.

All of the sudden, Qin Li appeared at the middle of the platform. Feng XiaLin almost thought that she came here to give him encouragement, he was about to say his gratitude when Qin Li suddenly exclaimed, "Start the duel!" before she vanished and went to the side to watch the duel.

Feng XiaLin was caught off guard and Rong ZhanWu immediately flew next to him. He swayed his sword nonstop cutting some of the fabric of Feng Xialin's robe. Feng XiaLin tried to block all of his attack but this fight was clearly a 'master of swords versus a toddler' situation! Feng XiaLin could just barely dodge some of the attacks when suddenly his foot tripped causing him to fall directly onto Rong ZhanWu's embrace.

Rong ZhanWu froze for a second and then looked down at Feng XiaLin before teasing, "What is this? You want me to catch you that much?"

Feng XiaLin jumped away putting a distance between them; he said angrily "Who wants to be caught in your embrace?"

Rong ZhanWu, "I never said 'to be caught in my embrace'"

Feng XiaLin, "Ridiculous!"

This time he charged forwards and swayed his sword with all his might at Rong ZhanWu. But not only did he waste his force and missed his target, his body went out of balance and he fell backwards. This time Rong ZhanWu caught him again. He gazed down at Feng XiaLin who was looking up at him in utter disbelief, he smirked, "What are you looking at? Am I good looking?"

Feng XiaLin struggled to break free from the other's 'embrace' but Rong ZhanWu pushed him on the ground as he pointed his sword horizontally at Feng XiaLin's neck.

Everything happened so fast that Feng XiaLin didn't even know what happened. It was not actually that everything happened so fast, he was just a weakling. After all, he was a pampered little Prince with no combat experience.

Rong ZhanWu put away his sword and he leaned forward, grinning he said, "You lost. Your life is mine."

Horror flashed through Feng XiaLin's eyes, he pleaded and said, "Can't we talk this over? I will give you everything, just not my life! I still need to find myself a Princess!"

Rong ZhanWu got up and pondered for a moment while stroking his chin, "Fine with me. Then be my servant."

Feng XiaLin, "What?!"

Rong ZhanWu reached out his hand and smiled, "Don't worry, I will compensate you. I will give you rewards for every successful task that you complete."

Feng XiaLin grabbed that hand and stood up. He glanced at Qin Li before turning to Rong ZhanWu again. He said while dusting his robe, "You really are generous just as what the old man told me."

Being called generous, Rong ZhanWu invited him to have dinner together with them for which the other accepted excitedly. After they finished their dinner, Rong ZhanWu took Feng XiaLin outside without even giving him the chance to talk with Qin Li. They went in a huge stone structured cage and Rong ZhanWu unbolted its door. The sounds of growling immediately drowned Feng XiaLin's ears.

Inside were five giant black wolf beasts!

The same beasts that attacked him last night!

Rong ZhanWu said coldly, "Tonight, you must watch my wolf beasts all night long."

Feng XiaLin swallowed a lump.