He is Brave!

After Feng XiaLin went in, Rong ZhanWu locked the door and left. As soon as the pack sniffed a familiar yet foreign scent, they began to bark and snarl at him. They bared their fangs in an intimidating way and drool flowed down their mouth. Feng XiaLin was frightened in an instant but he remembered that he was a Prince. He gathered up his courage and decreased the distance between them. One of the wolves barked loudly directly at him but he remained unfazed. Instead of backing away, he moved forward deliberately.

Just when he was in the middle of the cage, one of the wolves sniffed at him and violently bit the sleeves of his robe. Feng XiaLin flinched and cold sweat formed on his forehead. They continued on probing on him as some of them occasionally tear at his clothes. Do they just really want to see him naked? But then in the corner of the room he saw that one wolf that he injured last night.

The wolf was just sitting at the corner lazily while staring at him indifferently. Feng XiaLin's eyes widened when he noticed that the wolf's wound was actually quite large. The slash on its side went from its shoulder and to its waist. In a flash, Feng XiaLin rushed to its side and checked on the wound.

"Poor thing! Last night the surrounding was very dark so I couldn't see exactly what I am slashing at. Your wound is too big!" Feng XiaLin cried in concern.

Seeing that he rushed towards their injured comrade, they were alarmed and enraged. Thinking that this time he will kill that wolf for sure! But they stopped on their tracks when they saw him kneeling in front of that wolf while checking on its wound with tender touches. He was carefully examining the wound with gentle movements, as if he was afraid that the wolf that he was holding will break and turn into dust.

After checking the still slightly bleeding wound, Feng XiaLin completely tore off his outer robe and wrapped it around the wolf's torso. It was quite a tedious task since the wolf was quite large. It was much larger than him that he was practically hugging it while wrapping the cloth around its torso. After he has done that, he stepped backwards and sighed in relief.

Through the whole process, the wolves stood frozen. They remained on their spot from the beginning to the end. Such a brave person!

To dare show a very affectionate action towards their vicious leader, he was indeed a Prince!

On the other side, the wolf that was treated affectionately didn't make a move. He was shocked and couldn't just believe that a human showed such tender action towards him. Being born as a leader of the black wolf beast, never did he imagine in his life that a mortal will dare to lay a finger on him. Their kind was known for being ruthless, that's why only few martial artists dared to hunt them down. He was still dazed when suddenly the Prince kowtowed in front of him.

"I really am sorry! Please forgive me! I didn't mean to harm you. I just couldn't see because of the darkness. And it is also in human's nature to defend themselves when they are being attacked."

One of the wolves went up to him and sniffed him. He gestured a nod to the leader saying 'He is sincere. He's not lying'. The leader gestured them to check him. The pack of wolves encircled him, after they ensured that he was indeed honest about his words, they softly patted their paws on his head. After feeling that soft paws on his head, he raised his head and looked at them in confusion.

After seeing his face, the wolves got a mini heart attack! He was actually crying!

Feng XiaLin sniffed as he sat down properly. He rubbed away his tears using the back of his sleeve; he continued "Rong ZhanWu told me that this is his turf. He also told me that you guys are his wolf beasts. That only means you are guarding his area right? I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to intrude this area, but I just got lost."

The wolves started to crowd all over him, they licked his hands and his face.

Feng XiaLin was elated, seeing the wolves softening up to him, he couldn't help but to hug a very nearby wolf in a tight embraced. He cheered, "Ah, I know!" he lets go of the wolf "Let me pet you all tonight until you fall asleep. How is that?"

At once, the wolves made contact with his body as if they wanted to embrace him. They let him stroke their heads and pet their bodies. They wag their tails indicating that they were very pleased with Feng XiaLin's service. Not long after, they all fell asleep huddled altogether with Feng XiaLin sleeping in their middle.

The next morning Rong ZhanWu came only to see a mound of black fur with someone buried deep within. When the wolves heard the door creak, they yawned as they slowly stood up afraid that they would wake up the sleeping Prince. Feng XiaLin squinted his eyes as the sunlight made stung his face.

"Ah" Rong ZhanWu commented, "I never knew that the Prince is actually brave! To be able to tame them is not a trivial matter. If you have ran from them, they would have torn you into a shred of meat until your mother won't recognize you anymore. So? What do you want as a reward?"

Feng XiaLin slowly stood up and yawned. He stretched his body causing some of the bones in his back to make an audible cracking sound. He stared at Rong ZhanWu's face blankly. Getting no response from him, he reached out his hand and tilted Feng XiaLin's chin upward. Facing that still dazed face, he teased, "Do you really enjoy staring at this godly visage so much that even after you wake up you still felt like you're still dreaming of this face?"

Wolves, "..."

After hearing that voice spouting some stupid comments, Feng XiaLin swatted away his hand and rubbed at his chin. He asked "Why are you here?"

Rong ZhanWu, "You don't want to go out?"

Feng XiaLin "I do!"

When they walked outside, Rong ZhanWu asked again, "I see that the wolves are fond of you. What do you want as a reward?"

Feng XiaLin, "I want Princess Qin Li!"

Rong ZhanWu flicked his finger on his forehead and Feng XiaLin yelped, "Aiyo! What was that for?"

Rong ZhanWu, "Anything else except for the Princess."

Feng XiaLin pondered for a moment, until he remembered something. He excitedly said, "The mirror! I want that mirror!"

Rong ZhanWu, "Sure."

Feng XiaLin beamed in excitement. If he could have that mirror then maybe it could also send him outside of this place! But his excitement was short-lived when he heard the remaining sentences.

Rong ZhanWu, "But I cannot give you the whole mirror. Who knows, what if you would snatch away the Princess and escape through it?"

Feng XiaLin, "..."

After Feng XiaLin received the palm sized mirror from Rong ZhanWu, he immediately went outside to wash himself and change his clothes. He passed by Qin Li at the courtyard who was under the tree and diligently shining her sword. He went beside her but she didn't even turned to look at him. He was completely ignored and he was almost in tears, he silently said, "I am doing this for you."

Qin Li didn't look at him and said indifferently, "Is that so. Good luck." Then she noticed that shining mirror in his hand. She looked up to him and said, "Oh? So he's given you a part of that enchanted mirror. Do you know how lucky you are?"

"This mirror? Heh," he snorted, "What can I do with this palm sized mirror? Even my hands wouldn't fit inside. How am I supposed to use it as a transportation tool?"

"You dunce," she flicked at his forehead, "Martial artists are dying over just to have a small piece of that mirror. Even a soybean sized is enough to stir the greed inside their hearts!"

Feng XiaLin, "Really? Then why did he willingly give this to me?"

"That," Qin Li sat up and picked up her sword and a cloth, "is something that I don't know. I once asked him to give me a piece of it. But even a piece as small as rice, he won't give it to me. That's why, consider yourself lucky."

In the afternoon, they once again have their dinner. After their dinner, Rong ZhanWu gave his second task to him. He led Feng XiaLin to an enclosed stable, he opened the lock and the heavy door creaked. The sound of tapping hooves echoed in the room.

Inside are four horned red horse beasts.

Rong ZhanWu smirked and said, "This time, you will watch my steeds all night long. Be careful, they are carnivorous."

When he said carnivorous, the horses bared their teeth. Feng XiaLin saw their razor sharp teeth and their tongue as sharp as a grass! This was not normal for a horse race! Not normal at all!