He is kind!

Rong ZhanWu went out and closed the door. The whole room was dimly lit and Feng XiaLin felt that it became hard to breath. He went further inside and saw the horses' eyes gleaming at him with killing intent. Shiver ran down his spine when one of the steeds walked towards him slowly. To ease up the tension, Feng XiaLin backed away a little and greeted hesitantly, "Good evening, I am just here to accompany you..."

But as soon as the words left his mouth, the horses began to rear and neigh. They galloped inside the narrow room kicking everything out of the way. Feng XiaLin was almost trampled most of the time but due to his small physique, he still managed to squeeze himself in some narrow spaces for protection.

After the horses had somewhat calmed down, the state of the room was in complete shambles as if a storm happened to pass by. Everything is thrown out of order that the scene is almost painful to the eyes. Hays were scattered everywhere, the buckets containing the water were broken into pieces and the water spilt, mud splattered everywhere, and the horses were still digging the ground using their hooves!

Feng XiaLin sighed in defeat but as soon as he breathed in the air, he immediately coughed and choked. The air in this room was heavy and humid, not to mention it was also unpleasant to the nose. He then discovered that the horses were not getting proper ventilation. That's maybe why they acted like rascals earlier; they don't have enough oxygen flowing inside their brains!

He stood up and in quick movements; he opened the windows violently almost snapping them into four. The horses noticed his existence again and they rushed immediately towards him. But as soon as they inhaled the fresh air that entered the room, they stopped on their tracks. Their tensed body relaxed for a moment and they slowly walked towards him. Even though they were not in a rampage mode right now, Feng XiaLin couldn't help but to quiver. They stood in front of him and they were actually really tall! And if one would look closely, their strong jaws could open up very wide enough for an adult's head to fit inside! Their bloodshot eyes were also scary, it's as if they were owned by living humans and someone just randomly implanted them into their heads.

These are the a horses that truly came from his nightmares!

The biggest horse from the group approached him and snorted at his face. Cold liquid sprayed all over his face but he didn't dare move. The horse sniffed at his head while tapping its front leg. It was too close so Feng XiaLin could obviously inspect its form clearly. Then he immediately noticed something that made him gasp loudly.

The horse was alarmed at his sudden gasping that it almost struck him with its hooves that moment! But Feng XiaLin raised his hands in surrender and quickly explained, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to surprise you like that! Please calm down!" Seeing that the horse stepped back a little, he continued, "I see now what the problem is! You lack proper care, don't you? Look at those tangled manes and tails, your coat is coarse, and not to mention you also kind of stinks. No offenses of course!"

The horses looked at him in confusion as he confidently announced, "Leave everything to me! I will groom you properly like the way I groom my horse!"

That whole night he groomed them one by one. He washed them and brushed their whole body as they stood silently in their stalls. After grooming them, he went to the corner and fixed the broken buckets and fetched some clean water for them to drink. He also cleaned the muddy floor and arranged the whole room. The hays that have been scattered earlier were thrown out of the window and he replaced them with newer hays.

Cleaning the whole room and grooming four huge horse, that were literally bigger than him, exhausted him to the bone. After finishing everything up, he slumped in a corner and took a break. Few moments later, he fell asleep. Unbeknownst to him, the horses moved towards him as they huddled themselves together around him before going to sleep.

The next day, Rong ZhanWu came to check if he was still alive. But not only he was alive; he was also uninjured and unscathed! This Prince was truly interesting. When Rong ZhanWu went in, the horses noticed his arrival and they stood up and left the still curled up Prince on the ground. Rong ZhanWu crouched and gently patted Feng XiaLin's cheek using the back of his hand. Feng XiaLin stirred and slowly opened his phoenix eyes. When he saw Rong ZhanWu's face, he was tempted to close his eyes again and pretend to be dead.

"Heh," Rong ZhanWu chuckled, "I see that you are kind. If you had ran from them, they would probably trample you to death. So how was the night spending with these steeds?"

Feng XiaLin rolled his eyes and he stood up. He didn't let Rong ZhanWu spout some nonsense again and he immediately walked outside the stable with a grumpy face. Rong ZhanWu immediately caught up to him, he asked "You did your task tonight smoothly. What do you want as a reward?"

Smoothly. That would be the word to describe how he spent his time last night. Combing the horses' coat until they were smooth beyond recognition! But he thought of a reasonable reward nonetheless.

Feng XiaLin, "I want a brush."

Rong ZhanWu stopped and grabbed his hand, "A brush?"

Feng XiaLin, "Yes, a brush. I want a new brush for my horse. Your horses' hairs, manes and tails were extremely tangled that my brush almost gave out in the midway of grooming. Now its bristles are beyond useless. I want a new brush for my horse."

Feng XiaLin didn't know that the way he spoke, it sounded like a demanding mistress. But of course Rong ZhanWu won't say it to him, instead he would just agree to his demand like a doting husband. That morning after their breakfast, he gave Feng XiaLin a special brush made out of black wood. Feng XiaLin didn't comment on its strange appearance and took it immediately.

He's been in this place for a long while but he didn't have the chance to look at the plants in the courtyard. So he decided to go there. When he went there, he saw Qin Li meditating under a huge tree. Qin Li was really beautiful; no wonder Rong ZhanWu took her. Not only that, she was also a master in martial arts. Feng XiaLin suddenly realized that this Princess was strong and doesn't need any protection from him. He wondered if he really deserved this Princess.

Rong ZhanWu saw his expression so he suddenly appeared behind him and whispered next to his ear, "Why are you staring at her like you are staring at your love rival?"

Feng XiaLin was startled but he refuted, "Whose love rival?!"

Shaking his head, he removed his gaze from that Princess and explored the garden while praising its uniqueness and beauty.

In the afternoon, they once again had their dinner together. And as usual, after dinner Rong ZhanWu would take him to some place. This time Rong ZhanWu gave him a new robe before they went to a watch tower which was a little bit too far away from the pavilion. They ascended to the top and on the perches are three red beaked hawk beasts.

"Tonight" he calmly said, "you must watch my messengers. Be careful, they like to eat the eyes of those people that they don't like. Particularly those pampered ones."