He is talented!

Rong ZhanWu left and locked the watch tower. Feng XiaLin found a chair and sat himself, but as soon as his bottom touched the chair, the hawks started to fly around him while occasionally slapping his face with their wings.

He raised his hands over his head for protection as he ducked down and crawled away to a corner. He looked quite pitiful to the point that the hawks almost looked like they were laughing at his sorry figure as their shriek intensified.

Feng XiaLin had enough of taking care of Rong ZhanWu's pets! What does he think Feng XiaLin was? An animal trainer? Forget about being an animal trainer right now, these birds were actually bullying him to no end! It's as if they were challenging him.

Seeing that he didn't make any movements, the hawks began clawing on him. His robe that had just been given to him recently tore once again, causing some of his skin to be vulnerable to those sharp claws. He curled up further because the fabric around his body was barely able to cover his person.

Their shrieking grew louder until blood almost flowed from his ears. He covered his ears, and with much difficulty he stood up while still trying to look decent. He waved his hand over his head to shoo them away and he shouted, "Enough with this shrieking! You are birds! Do you only know how to shriek? That is not how birds sing!"

The birds around him floated in the air, they didn't attack him but instead they stared at him with puzzled looks.

Feng XiaLin took out a flute and said, "Listen" he placed a flute in front of his lips and then he began to play the instrument. The flute emitted a sweet and harmonious sound, like a flowing river with an afternoon summer breeze. It was enough to calm down a raging heart. The sound of his flute reached not only the hearts of the hawks, but also of some other beasts outside the forest. But the heart that was most affected by the music, was owned by a certain someone who pretended to went back home but was actually guarding the watch tower the whole time.

That whole night, Feng XiaLin played his flute until the birds fell asleep.

Before the morning came, Rong ZhanWu came and unlocked the door. When he got at the top, he saw Feng XiaLin who was still asleep on the floor, he was being lightly pecked by the birds as if they're trying to wake him up.

Few moments later, Feng XiaLin woke up and the first thing he saw was Rong ZhanWu's person, who sat in a chair opposite to him and was attentively staring at him the whole time! He slowly got up and scratched his head lazily, he asked, "Is it morning already?"

"Sleepyhead," the Sorcerer chuckled, "do you think I will come here early at dawn just for you? Of course it is morning!"

Who was Rong ZhanWu kidding? He really went there at dawn and watched Feng XiaLin's sleeping figure until daylight! But of course, he will not reveal the truth.

Feng XiaLin, "I was just asking." He stood up forgetting that his robe was torn off. In an instant, his robe slid off his body. Feng XiaLin stood frozen, he didn't have time to react when he suddenly felt something smooth and warm cover his bare skin.

"Don't worry," Rong ZhanWu straightened his inner robe as he said with a straight face, "I warmed it up for you."

The robe that he used to cover Feng XiaLin was actually his outer robe!

Feng XiaLin was about to decline when Rong ZhanWu suddenly said, "Now, I discovered that you are talented. You actually used it to complete your task. What do you want as a reward?"

Feng XiaLin pondered for a moment before replying, "I think I want a new saddle for my horse. My bottom hurts every time I travel on horse on a very bumpy road."

Rong ZhanWu, "A saddle? Can't you think of something for yourself?"

Feng XiaLin, "I can't think of anything I want for myself. You said that I can't have the Princess as a reward, so she is out of option."

"It's okay," Rong ZhanWu said as he patted his left shoulder, "you don't need to answer it right now. You can ask me later for your reward if you finally decided what you wanted for yourself."

In the morning, he once again ventured into the courtyard while admiring the garden. Every time he goes there, he will discover new plants. On the other hand, Qin Li was at the side meditating and never sparing him a single glance. Feng XiaLin got used to the treatment that it didn't bother him anymore.

The two have no idea that Rong ZhanWu was inside his pavilion sewing some tattered robes.

As per the usual ritual, the three had their dinner together. After finishing their meal, Feng XiaLin prepared himself to do some labor works when suddenly Rong ZhanWu called him inside his room. Feng XiaLin was hesitant at first but he obeyed anyway. When he got there, he was amazed when he saw Rong ZhanWu's collections of books and scrolls neatly piled in a huge cabinet. He was tempted to run at it and read everything until morning.

Feng XiaLin has this dreamy expression on his eyes, Rong ZhanWu couldn't help but to smirk and flick the Prince's forehead once more. He asked while grinning, "You look stupid. If you want, you can read them after you finish your task tonight." After saying that, he pulled Feng XiaLin close to him that he's almost embracing him.

Alarmed, Feng XiaLin asked while trying to push him away, "What are you doing?" Then he felt something cool and smooth made contact with his forehead.

Rong ZhanWu, "You looked a little pale so I thought you are unwell." He slowly retrieved his hand on Feng XiaLin's forehead and he gave him a pill. "Here, eat this before we climb up the mountain."

Feng XiaLin rested for a while before they departed and headed to the mountain. When they got at the top, they went inside a huge cave.

"Tonight" Rong ZhanWu said, "you have to watch my snake."

After hearing snake, Feng XiaLin immediately turned his head to look inside. A hissing sound echoed inside the cave but he couldn't see the snake so he asked, "Where's the snake?"

Rong ZhanWu, "It is right in front of us."

Suddenly, a golden eye opened up.

It's a winged black snake beast!

It has been in front of them the whole time, and it was humongous! The blackness that Feng XiaLin thought as an empty space earlier turned out to be the snake's body! This snake was much taller and wider than him. He's been scared silly of snakes since he was little, and this one sent fright straight to his inner core.