Standards of Power

(AN: Chapter will be very important so Y'all can understand the cultivation levels and whatnot. Just having an auxiliary chapter for it isn't enough. Gotta D E M O N S T R A T E)

On the road walking, he decided it would be better for him to activate his Sharingan at all times in case something might happen or he might miss something important. Though his Sharingan was activated, it was only the three tomoe version. The peak of the basic Sharingan, but it was more than enough to keep him safe.

As he walked, he looked around to enjoy the nature of a cultivation world. Due to having a natural source of energy that was more beneficial than the Sun, Qi, nature, and wildlife here were more beautiful. Trees were larger and lush, grasses were taller and greener, many flowers bloomed, and animals lived longer and were stronger.

The occasional bird and beautiful scenery along with a calm yet average-looking youth dawning a cloak that had red clouds decorated on it created a potential masterpiece of a painting. The youth from afar looked mysterious and powerful and his eyes were red and mesmerizing.

This peaceful atmosphere continued until the youth heard metal clangings in the distance.

'What happened?' he thought expectant. He might have his first fight in a cultivation world today!

Immediately, the youth sprinted towards the clanging with the speed of a horse and soon arrived at the source of the noise. (AN: Wow, that rhymed!)

What he saw slightly changed his calm expression. Multiple shadow figures covered in black cloaks were surrounding a carriage with beautiful gold carvings, most likely a carriage for nobles and royalty. The guards wearing your stereotypical knight's armor was surrounding the carriage facing the shadow figures. Everyone had different types of weapons. Axes, swords, bows, and daggers. Some did not even need a weapon.

'Cultivators,' the youth thought as he was concealing himself behind a tree a few dozen feet away. His Sharingan could see from afar and he didn't want to expose himself.

"Haha, a mere guard of the Blazing Wind Kingdom is only at the Core Establishment Stage 1. Other kingdoms would laugh at your plight! Be grateful you don't have to live in this humiliation any longer." one of the bulkier shadow figures with an axe said while brandishing his axe.

The guard at the front, seemingly the captain due to being a stage or two higher than the other guards exclaimed, "You wait until His Majesty finds out and you're finished!"

A different shadow figure with no weapon on him laughed in ridicule, "Haha, we hope he'll find out that his little Princess is dead!"

The captain soon realized what the shadowy figures were trying to do. Enrage the King due to the death of the Princess and cause the King to make poor decisions based on his rage, causing the Kingdom's downfall.

The guards' face paled and understood the gravity of the situation. If they don't successfully protect the Princess, not only will their life end, the Kingdom they hold dear would probably collapse.

Fearing such a possibility, the guards were determined to go down but not without a fight.

The shadowy figures were surprised at such determination even though in the end they'll still die. They mockingly smiled and prepared for battle.

Meanwhile, a mysterious figure was watching from afar seemingly curious of the power of a Core Establishment. And these shadowy figures are most likely even stronger.

"Attack!" The captain shouted and charged towards the shadowy figures with fierce determination alongside a few other guards.

Blazing Wind Fist!

Blazing Wind Slash!

Blazing Wind Shot!

Powerful Qi that seemed to burn the air was sent out from each guard's respective weapon whether a fist or a blade towards the shadowy figures.

Once one reached the Qi Refinement stage, their Qi would be strong enough to be sent outside of their bodies to be used as attacks. And once one reached the Core Establishment Stage, the core within their bodies would constantly absorb Qi from the surroundings, allowing them to last longer during fights as well as have stronger, purer, and denser Qi.

The guards used the secret techniques of the Blazing Wind Kingdom right off the bat as they do not want to underestimate these shadowy figures.

On the shadowy figures side, one of them walked forward barehanded releasing a pressure that seems to bear down on those around him. Although he had no weapons, if he dared to walk forward without them, then he must have had a reason for his confidence.

Most weaponless cultivators were usually masters of many profound techniques whether close-combat, long-range, defense or any field of battle. One could say weaponless cultivators were unpredictable but strong. Weapons are meant to be an extension of the user and weaponless cultivators are cultivators who do not need an extension and can already fend for themselves without one. This alone shows their prowess.

A sword cultivator specializes in offense and speed. A bow cultivator specializes in long-range attacks. An axe cultivator specializes in offense and defense. But you could never tell with a weaponless cultivator in what they specialize in or their estimated strength.

And this weaponless shadowy figure walked forward with his hands behind his back with the aura of a master. Although his face wasn't able to be seen through the cloak, it wasn't hard to tell he probably was smirking in ridicule.

"Guah! Die!" one of the guards slashed his sword downwards on the shadowy figure's shoulder.


The guard's sword clanged as if hitting metal. He was forced back and shocked.

"W-What defense!" the other guards quickly halted their steps, fearful of about what's to come. This level of defense from the body can only be achieved near the peak of the Core Establishment Stage!

And not only that, this shadowy figure had not even circulated any Qi in his defense or Body Strengthening Techniques yet! This was ridiculous! That means if he did, he would already be a whole level ahead of them!

Simultaneously, the mysterious figure was still watching the fight for any insights in this new cultivation world.

'Body Strengthening Techniques?' he muttered curiously. He seemed to recall a term most often used in novels to strengthen the body naturally and during combat.

"Y-You're at the peak of the Core Establishment Stages!" one of the guards spoke in fear.

The shadowy figure paused before laughing in ridicule. "Haha, the peak? No, I'm not at the mere peak. I've ascended to a level above the Core Establishment Stage!"

After saying so, the weaponless shadowy figure merely glanced at the guard with the sword and the guard dropped down, lifeless.

"W-What?" the guards were confused and in fear while the shadowy figures only had respect and awe in their eyes.

Amidst the silent, one of the older guards stuttered out in despair, "S-Soul Reformation Stage…"

The Soul Reformation Stage was the peak of the Kingdom, no Empire! Those at the Soul Reformation Stage are considered cultivators that only the heavens could suppress. Once one reached the Soul Reformation Stage, they would have the ability to utilize their souls during battle and reform it to make it stronger. With only a mere thought of theirs, they could end the lives of hundreds and thousands, Core Establishment or not. After all, the soul is the real core of life! At this point, physical strength would come second while the strength of the soul would come first!

Realizing the hopelessness of their situation, the guards all gave up and lowered their heads in shame and fear. If they could, they would've put up a fight till the death to save the Princess in the carriage, but it would be useless. Their lives depended on a thought!

That is until they heard a calm, and emotionless voice carrying a sense of profoundness, almost as if the owner of the voice could see through every secret of the universe.
