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Resolve 2

Sam P.O.V

I woke up feeling a bit dizzy but rejuvenated. I never felt like this before. This feeling was incredible.

I looked around the room which had black spots everywhere, I saw Jin looking outside Deep in thought. I was about to ask what happened when I felt something inside me move, honestly I was shocked but quickly calmed down and tried to feel what was inside me.

All of a sudden information started to rush in my brain and what followed was a gut wrenching pain...


" ughhhh!! Aa..aa.a. " I was pulled out of my thoughts by the low grunt. I saw Sam clutching his head trying to adapt to the pain. I understood that his situation was similar to mine but with less intensity[ 😂 lol u got like a elephant worth of info .. what did u expect ]

Somehow seeing him in less pain my mouth twitched.

After a few minutes he calmed down then again after few minutes he stared at me.

Third P.O.V

" What ?" Jin asked

" U also got it didn't u ? " Replied Sam

" Yep! But I didn't loose control like somebody" mocked Jin

" Tch.. ur just lucky that ur's wasn't as violent as mine " replied Sam clearly annoyed.

They both glared at each other for 10 minutes.


They started laughing together.

" Hahaha ..Man never thought I will get such an awesome power ..hahaha" laughed sam.

" Haha .. yea !! Me too " smiled Jin

" So what's ur powers. I know it's related to lightning but I can't understand why it's golden in colour " asked Jin

" Heh.. obviously that's because it's no ordinary lightning, the name is Heaven eradicating thunder!! Pretty cool huh.." said Sam being proud of his powers.

" Damn right ! That does sound overpowered.. Mine is little complicated, I will tell u later " Jin said surprising Sam a little because they usually don't hide anything from each other nevertheless he didn't pry any further.

" So what's the plan ??" Asked Sam while trying his new Powers

" 1) learn to control our powers 2) we need to gather info about all types of powers, government activity and if our friends have awaken any 3) need to hide it from gov." Replied Jin after thinking for a few seconds.

" Right I have no interest in becoming test subject. Hmm I understand the first but why do we need to collect info on gov. And other powers " asked Sam feeling confused.

" Having little knowledge is better than having none at all, besides the world is changing we don't know what info. Might come in handy " seriously said Jin.

Sam looked into Jin's serious eyes deeply. After staring in his eyes for a few minutes.

" Fine ... For now I have nothing better to do anyway..might as well follow ur plan " said Sam

* Sigh*

Jin sighed feeling a heavy load lifting up from his shoulders. He knows Sam very well, they both don't like to be ordered neither do they like to follow others. So Sam agreeing to follow his plans was a huge relief, it was a tactical understanding like " go ahead for now I will follow ur lead ". Jin was quite happy and satisfied with how things were going

" Now how do we collect information? .. " pondered Jin