WebNovelNo Limit69.23%


We ordered breakfast from outside as a celebration of our new found abilities. While eating we discussed a few things like how to hide it from gov., where to practice and so on.

I asked Sam to read lightning related novels as he might get some inspiration on how to use his lightning. I then called Bua one of our good friend who is also an expert hacker.

" Oe! Bua it's been a while since I last heard from u.. what are u up to these days??." I casually asked

" What do u want Jin?" came Bua's gloomy voice from other side of the phone

" What do u mean? Can't I ask how my friend is ?? " I said jokingly

" Like hell!! U won't call if u didn't have any work... Tell me what do u want " said Bua feeling annoyed

" Ok ok .. I just want u to hack gov. Files for me ..easy right 😊"

* Ding ~ ur call has ended~Ding*

" F**k!! This bastard.. " I almost threw my phone in anger.

" Hahaha ... U call him after 2 yrs and the first thing u ask is to hack into gov. files.. haha...what did u expect him to do " laughed Sam

" Shut up! Sam ..tch.. I will talk to him later" I groaned

I went out and walked towards the internet cafe hoping to find some useful information, it felt wierd using genetic vision while walking. Although I could turn it off, I didn't as I wanted to test it. I could see everything inside a person from organs and nerves to their very DNA needless to say I could also see girls naked at first I was really excited but calmed down a few seconds later

" Strange ?.. though I have self restraint but not to this extent that I won't get excited seeing nude girls for the first time " I pondered a bit but quickly kept the thought at the back of my head( u will know soon enough 😂)

I went inside the cafe and sat at the computer in the corner, searched for a bit but couldn't find much useful info. But I did get info. On few different types of powers. I paid the money and was on my way out when I noticed a girl sitting at one of the computers, to be exact what I noticed was a strange power inside her, it was purple in colour, I could clearly see it was in the middle of her chest and connected to all the important parts of her body.

I couldn't see her face as she was looking at the computer but I could identify her as one of the girls living in the girls hostel beside our

Boys hostel. I didn't stop and walked past her without giving a second glance. I had a feeling that I am not her match for now and it wasn't wise to talk to her now without any strength.


The girl turned her head and watched Jin as he left the store

" That guy... He is not normal.. but why did I feel a chill when he looked at me?.. did he find out about my power?.. no that shouldn't be possible .., strange" thought the girl

Unknown to Jin he was already starting to unknowingly exclud pressure. This was happening due to change in his tempartment and also due to his evolution, although he only advanced a level it still had a great effect because his genes and body were better than normal human technically he can already be called superhuman.