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I walked through the door of my room to see no one there. Sam may have gone somewhere, I thought but didn't dwel on it much until I saw my phone biping again and again. 2 missed calls and 7 messages from paul, I was sure Sam went at Paul's hostel I thought for a moment and decided to wait.

Paul was our school friend, he was also studying in the same institute as us now but due to some problems he and Andy were staying in a different hostel. Andy was also our school friend and childhood friend of paul, infact they both were complete opposite of each other. Paul was lean with athletic body and had a brown complexion, he was calm and a cleaning freak while Andy was fat( I mean very fat) with a white complexion and impulsive but both had one thing in common, both were intelligent and creative people.

I was about to start my meditation when my door was slamed open

" Sorry! Sorry! " Came Paul's voice

" WTF do u think ur doing Paul??" Shouted Andy

" I can't help it ... Still can't control my powers yet .."

" Then stop using it!!" Berated Andy

Sam face palmed as they entered the room only to see a stupified Jin looking at them. At least that was what could be seen in his face but inside, his brain was working fast

" Did he just say powers?? ... So what I was suspecting was indeed true...Paul also awakend his ability..... Now the question would be what is it ? " thought Jin

They stare at each other for few minutes

" U have to give me money for that door " said Jin with a serious face

Paul was stunned but still replied " fine ..Sure"

" Money is not important now ... what's important i- "

" Powers right ? He also awakend one? " Said Jin intrupting Sam while pointing at Paul

" *Sigh* yea I did "

" So what is it ??"

" It seems to be telekinesis " said Paul with shining eyes

" Telekinesis huh !?... A powerful ability if developed and used properly " said Jin while wondering how the hell did three of them got these powerful abilities??

Jin already had seen some info about powers from internet and most of them are relatively simple like breathing under water, far vision or enhanced endurance though there were few powerful one's like flying and iron skin but nothing as powerful as telekinesis.( U have to understand that even among powerful abilities telekinesis stands at the top most)

As for his and Sam's powers, well they are actually overpowered. His genetic manipulation is no doubt a very op power, what makes Sam's lightning op is its ability to grow with Sam and that's very terrifying. As if that was not enough his lightning is not ordinary either, that name gives u goosebumps.

But now here they are three friends living under 1km area with three powerful abilities with the potential to grow along side them.

" Is this really coincidence?? or ....." thought Jin