The Result of The Real Estate Investment (2)

The man asked first.

"Are you, by any chance, going to Zhejiang University?"

By looking at him closely, Gun-Ho was able to recognize him right away. He was the new professor at the university, who had a Ph.D. from Yale, and his name was Jien Wang.

"Oh, you are the new professor."

"Are you living in this apartment?"

"Yes, I am. I'm living in building number 6. Are you living here too?"

"Yes, mine is building number 2."

"It's really good to see you here. It's amazing that you could recognize me since there were tons of students in the university."

"You actually stood out among the students. So I remember you."

"Is that because I am an older student?"

"That's one of the reasons. Also, you have a unique name. Your name didn't seem to be a Chinese name, so I asked around and figured out that you are an international student."

"Is it your bathing suit? Inside the bag, you are holding?"