The Result of The Real Estate Investment (3)

Gun-Ho, Professor Wang, and Director Li had ginseng chicken soups with Baiju, a Chinese liquor. Gun-Ho wanted to have a beer because he didn't have high alcohol tolerance. However, Director Li already ordered Baijiu and Gun-Ho decided to drink it with them.

Once the Japanese international students left the restaurant after their dinner, it became quiet.

"Did you go to the same high school?"

"No, I went to a high school in Hangzhou, and he went to a high school in Shanghai."

"Then how did you become friends?"

"We went to college together at Peking University. We were very close at that time and we used to have lamb skewers in the Wudaokou area all the time, didn't we?"

Director Li laughed.

"After having enough lamb skewers, I left to study more in the U.S. and this guy stayed in China and got a government job. This guy's father used to work as a Hyunjang (corresponding to a county governor in Korea) and his grandfather was in the Eighth Route Army."